Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Do You Smell What I Smell? The Psychic Sense of Clairolfactance

Clairalience is the psychic sense of smelling, (also known as clairescence). A person with this form of extra-sensory perception is able to smell energy or gain psychic knowledge through the physical sense of smell. Most of the time, they are the only person in a group/space who is able to smell the etheric fragrance.

The gift of clairolfaction or clairolfactance can be useful for discerning spirits. One may "smell a skunk" so to speak or sense an unpleasant odor coming from a person who has detrimental energy in their field or sickness in their body. But, it is not just the foul odor of contamination that can be sensed by those who have this ability. Some people have reported smelling roses, lilacs, or other heavenly fragrances associated with angels when a loved one passes. My husband and I are both able to smell cigarette smoke when the spirit of a particular "deceased" loved one visits our home.

Sometimes this ability is referred to as claireolfactory or claireolfactant because it is believed that the olfactory nerve is involved in perceiving these astral smells. Because spasms in the temporal lobe of the brain can cause phantom smells (phantosmia) or smell disorders, a doctor may be needed to rule out any serious underlying disorders that may be causing the detected smell (especially if the smell hallucinations are interrupting your quality of life or if you have had a head injury).

I remember being able to smell my own soul essence when I was in my twenties and thirties. I missed being able to smell this beautiful aroma after I had a significant soul shift in 1999. Soon the ability to tap into my personal soul signature stopped. In 2011, the heavenly fragrance returned for twelve days, during which I was in a state of bliss. I knew that a 9th dimensional future version of my soul self or my natal soul had returned to be integrated with the soul in this incarnation. I wrote about these encounters in my book, Walk-ins Among Us ~ Open Your Personal Portal to Cosmic Awareness.

On December 4, 2013 the psychic smell returned for nine days. I could smell it simultaneously with "earthly" smells that everyone could sense. I could even put on perfume and not be able to smell that manufactured aroma after a short while; yet, the heavenly essence would rise above other smells such as food, pet/people odors, car exhaust, or lotions. The fragrance went with me everywhere I went—I smelled it in my car, while shopping in stores, and even in the shower. If I spent time in a particular room of my house, I could smell it even stronger and it lasted even after I left the room and came back.

The best way to determine what message the scent is offering is to ask a few questions:

  • With who (living or deceased including animals) or what do you associate this scent? 
  • What memory does the smell bring forth? 
  • When you ask your guides what this smell means what is the first thing that pops into your mind?

I would like to hear from others who have this ability and know what you have smelled and how you have used this spiritual gift as a guidance tool on your spiritual journey.

Many people have experienced psychic smell and the ability seems to be increasing. Please read the comments others have posted here. You may find exactly what you are looking for!

Learn more about these types of symptoms and the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. The author, Yvonne Perry, is available as a coach to those who are having unusual spiritual experiences.


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Seeing Knowing said...

I too am experiencing this and would like to learn more about it and what to do with this - please contact me at pixelmation at gmail, Thank you, Denise :)

Anonymous said...

I did not realize this was a psychic gift until I had my first child and was telling a coworker that I could smell "sick" on the baby's breath. They looked at me oddly, and I knew it wasn't a common "mother" thing. Since that day, almost 23 years ago, I have always been able to "smell" infection, and eminent illness on the breath of my family. The unique, candy sweet smell is prominent over any other smell, and when I tell someone I smell it, they immediately prepare for the symptoms, which could manifest in a day or days later. Lately, a friend of my son's is reeking of an unfamiliar smell, that is very unpleasant, and smells like something rotted. It is very repulsive, and strong. Hard to believe no one else can smell it! I did learn that this person has mental health issues with depression. Maybe I am smelling mental illness. I don't know. What I do know, is that it is good to be able to talk about what I smell.
There are also areas in my home that smell like flowers, but only in isolated spots. Very odd. But I believe now that death is a Sweet smell, as in the saying, "the sweet smell of death". The smell of decay, is something else entirely.

Unknown said...

This is a great gift to have! Like a diagnostic tool. I think we are just beginning to tap into the gifts and abilities we have as divine humans. I wonder if the horrible rotten smell you sense around the boy is a dark energy causing his depression.

Unknown said...

My mother just passed away on 2/22/14. ever since she has passed my sister and I have smelled perfume smell at odd times in her home. It will get stronger and stronger as it gets closer to us. We know its our mom visiting us in her house. the smell will sometimes follow us. At my house the way I know she is here is smelling incense (very strong) she got cremated and when we picked he up afterwards the cremation house always smelled like incense. (we don't do incense in our hose.) so when I smell those smells I say Hi to my mom and tell her I miss her. Also one way I know she is with me is a since of someone watching over my shoulder. sometimes I get cold chills when she is present. She will also play with my 3 months old every once in a while around 2am in the morning. my baby with be laughing loudly and cooing away. :)

Unknown said...

What beautiful ways for your mom to let you know she is with you!

Just Erin said...

My friend and I were sitting and talking and we suddenly started smelling something very sweet, almost like a funnel cake with powdered sugar like you would get the fair (I know that sounds silly, but it was very distinct). What would this likely mean?

Unknown said...

That smell could mean any number of things. If you loved to go to the fair with a particular person, then he or she could be sending an aroma message.

annyh46@gogglemail.com said...

My mum died a few days ago. She had been living with my sister, who was her carer. I spent the night of the day she died with my sister; next morning we were in her bedroom (mums) and I smelled an odd smell, not unpleasant or pleasant, just odd. Now this may make you laugh, but I had gone up there without my deodorant and although I had showered that morning, my first thought was that the smell was me! Anyway I pushed the thought away and the smell seemed to go, but in the living room I smelt it again much stronger. It was kind of ozone, nail polish sort of odour. I still thought it was me and was sniffing myself but it really didn't seem to be! I didn't mention it to my sister. Later that day we had an appointment at the funeral director, and I smelled the smell very strongly while we were discussing arrangements. No one else appeared to notice it. Whether it was mum visiting, or another deceased relative or both, I don't know. But my strong feeling is that it was "other worldly".

Unknown said...

From what you described, I think the smell might have been embalming fluid.

annyh46@gogglemail.com said...

She wasn't embalmed though. And why would I smell that in the house?

annyh46@gogglemail.com said...

I should have added embalming is not all that common in the uk. Mum died in hospital where she still was when I experienced the odours. The funeral director appointment was at their office not in the house. The same smell was encountered in the house and the office while mum was in the hospital mortuary. She was not embalmed.

Unknown said...

OH, you were still in the hospital when you smelled it. That changes things. You could have been smelling an illness, a spirit, the energy of a medication, etc. Spirits can follow a person from one place to another. Did you sense that it was a spirit from the hospital? If it had been your mom, she would likely have given you a fragrance you or your sister would recognize. Read some of the comments from others above and see if that sheds a light.

Anonymous said...

I know I am and have been for years Clairaudient, Clairsentient and Claircognizant - very strongly. Not much in the Clairvoyance arena. The other night I walked out onto the patio and had the most OVERWHELMING smell of wood smoke - like a tree burning, or wood in a fire - it was so strong that I walked outside of the patio to see if anything was burning and needed to make a 911 call. Nothing and the smell was so strong that there HAD to be smoke in the air - nothing. I have NO idea what this was about - if something else was opening up or even why it happened. I have not been able to intuitively able to discern what this was all about...??? I did have an interesting conversation with my best friend who lives several states away - at the exact time I was smelling wood smoke so was she - and she was frantic to find out what it was just like me. She ended up seeing her grown son and others around the neighborhood had built a bonfire and were enjoying the evening - so was I somehow "tied" to her event or was this something totally different? Anyone out there have any guidance on this?

Unknown said...

What a beautiful soul connection you and your friend must have in order to be able to smell etherically together. I have friends with whom I am connected and we can tell when one of us is thinking of the other. These are some of the gifts that are opening up as humanity progresses in our ascending into higher realms of consciousness.

Anonymous said...

I worked with a co-worker for approximately 4 years and noticed every time she was stressed I would instantly smell smoke. It took me awhile to put the connection together, but every single time she was stressed with work or any personal matter the smoke would literally blow in my face. She left on vacation for Scotland and the next day she was flying out and the smoke returned and when she arrived I asked her if she was stressed the day she left and she said extremely stressed out because of her flight and meeting up with her sister to get on the same flight. She retired and I didn't smell it again until two months later when the Director of HR was getting ready to lay me off and I smelled smoke as if he was stressed in telling me of my lay off . I always try to calm the person immediately because I can't stand the smoke in the face. I don't tell them what is going on with me, but I let them know it's okay and I listen and I wait for the smoke to dissipate.

Unknown said...

Energy has a vibration of light and an individual frequency that it transmits. You have tapped into the energy of stress, likely because many people smoke when they are stressed.

Anonymous said...

I now embrace this gift. My experience with psychic smelling started a few years ago, then halted (by my own determination), and then came back recently (I now embrace) due to special circumstances. The experience I would have years ago (this sounds crazy) would be that I could drive down the road and just look at a house and smell what it smelled like in that house (each house has its own odor) and even have images pop into my mind about what the inside of the house might look like too. This intrigued me at first but then started to weird me out so I mentally blocked it out. It went away. I used to think why and what good is it for me to be able to do that. Then about two months ago, I'm on the computer at home and I start smelling my mothers cooking (she's still alive). My mother lives alone. About five minutes later she calls me to tell me that some masked guys were trying to get into her apartment. Because of the smell, I took it seriously and reported it to the police. Another incident happened while my grandfather was ill in the nursing home. I'm at home and I smell my grandfathers cooking (he used to cook breakfast for me growing up). I get a call a short time later from a friend of mine who wants a ride to the same town that my grandfather's nursing home was in. I couldn't take my friend to that town but I was determined to visit my grandfather. I had an overwhelming sense that he might die before the following week when I was planning to see him. I blocked it out of my mind and he died the morning I was intending to see him. I didn't get a chance to see him one last time and I had a psychic warning that he would not likely make it by my previously scheduled visit. I share this for others to comment on and maybe to help you to pay more attention to this stimuli.

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing your story. The psychic sense of smell is just as much a form of divine or internal guidance as any other. I'm glad you are paying attention to it. I smelled cigarette smoke in my friend's house this morning while paying a visit. Then, she mentioned she had a house guest the night before who had some "funky" energy. We cleared the place right away and the smell left.

steve said...

My father died two weeks ago, I went through an intense spiritual experience about 5 days ago and since then I can smell things that others cant. Its a bad smell. I believe it to be my dead father hanging around the house. It comes and goes. Also have detected bad smells from people showing signs of fear and anger. I am relieved to read that others have experienced this. Can even smell my own negative energy if I have a mood shift. Its rancid, rotten, horrible. Or am I just going mad? Could some angels please send me some roses?

Unknown said...

Try clearing your aura by spraying with some sage essential oil or smudging with herbs. Do you know how to do this? http://youtu.be/5TcsTKYUzzA

Anonymous said...

Only two times in my life have I experienced this. Once was when my son was small and had gotten into some mothballs. I was at church and smelled very strongly a hospital smell and then a couple years ago again, I was at church and had the same experience' only the smell was stronger. The next day I found out my mom was in the hospital. Could you help me understand this.

Unknown said...

Just like some people have dreams or visions that forewarn them of a significant event, you have a sense of etheric smell that gives you clues. Some people hear or just "know" things like this. Feel free to contact me directly through my website http://weare1inspirit.com/contact-us/ if you need more help.

Atell Rohlandt said...

Thank you for sharing your experiences and knowledge. I've had experiences like this once or twice over the years but over the last two days, I've had continual incidences of smelling scents that were not present in the room. One of the most prominent experiences was that of smelling a floral fragrance, ylang ylang, the night before a distance healing session and then smelling it again during the session. I've also started to notice the presence of a spiritual entity who shows herself to me in female form when I work with distance healing.

Anonymous said...

Hi :)
When I was 6 years old I escaped the clutches of a Paedophile, he was a family friend & I remember him having a very distinctive horrid smell - not just a 'BO' type smell!
About a month ago I went on a date with a guy I had met at a bar whilst out with friends. He seemed like the perfect gentleman, very polite, well mannered etc...
The date was going really well, we were sat in the cinema & and all of a sudden I could smell that horrid smell. I immediately associated it with the Paedophile.
I declined a further date which he responded politely to & there was no further contact. I felt guilty as the date was good, we got on really well, I was disturbed by the smell but quite annoyed with myself as I thought my feelings were absurd!
Whilst shopping on saturday out of the blue I received a text from this guy asking how I was - I replied politely. I then recieved a really sexually explicit text which was out of context & completely inappropriate I felt sick.
I know what the smell is now & will trust my own feelings/spirit/judgement next time.
I have never had any spritual experiences prior to this, was wondering if you have heard of anything like this before?
Feeling thankful x

Anonymous said...

What does smelling of cigarette smoke means in your own life? No one smokes in or around me. Its every where I go I smell it. Please help.

Unknown said...

Smelling the same fragrance everywhere you go can be an indication that you have a spirit or entity attached to you. Cigarette smoke is usually an earthbound spirit. You could have picked it up at a store (or anywhere) and not even known about it. If it is a pleasant fragrance accompanied by blissful or loving feelings, it could be a spirit guide that has come to walk with you for a season (or permanently), or it could be a soul aspect from another life or dimension that is merging with you as part of the wholeness of your soul’s expression.

Blk Kat said...

Hi, about 4yrs ago I walked away from my bio family, king story,I don't have contact with them ever and tonight I smelled my sister's awful vanilla perfume,I assume that everything I smell is of someone w/o died, is dying or sick...I can't find much detail on this ability and I want to. But back to my question, does it mean she's thinking of me? Hating on me or other?

Unknown said...

These smells do not necessarily indicate that someone has died. A soul in body can astral travel while asleep.It could mean that she is trying to contact you.

Blk Kat said...

Thank you,I never thought of it that way, could it not be on purpose?I mean she doesn't have that ability.could it be a deep desire to talk to me again, that Maby she dissent know she's projecting?

Unknown said...

It could be that she is sending you energy by thinking about you, but she may not even be aware that she is doing it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Yvonne,
i just came upon your page after looking for an explanation to what has been frequently happening to me during the last 2 days. Last night at 1am just before going to sleep I felt a sudden strong smell of perfume. It was a very nice perfume, an aroma I have never smelt before and I can describe it as something along the lines of sandalwood or musk...that was the sort of perfume. It wasn't a flower perfume. It was persistent and I was the only one who could smell it because my husband was with me and told me that there was nothing.
just now, the same time, 1am a sudden sweet smell of cake came around. I don't have anything sweet near me And I am by my self.
I have, for a very long time had other moments with a distinctive smell of cigars which I know who that smell belongs to and associate it with an earthbound "visitor". My other very frequent encounters are with the aroma of palo santo in the house and other times of incense.
I would really appreciate it if you could shed some light on what these smells mean or who or what entity they might belong to (angels, masters, guardian angel?).
thank you very much for you time and useful information

Unknown said...

This can simply be your senses opening to new dimensions or it can mean that angels or beloved guides are around you. I think it's wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I have been experiencing certain smells around me more and more lately which no one else is experiencing. Just the other day, while at work. There was a strong smell of onions. No one else smelled it, i started smelling myself as if it was me.
I can' t think of why and who it could be . The next day, while walking to my office, I smelled a strong cigarette smell. I ask my coworkers if they smelled it...They said, no...
Now I'm starting to realize that its a spirits that's trying to get my attention. I get different odor smells in my home as well. Certain areas of my home, is while i normally smell different body odors, some ok and smoke are bad . I also feel, the presence of spirits in my home. They time to time, let me know they are around me. My main concern is why the smells all of sudden. What does that mean?

Unknown said...

The ability to smell in the spirit realm is an indication that your spiritual gifts are being activated. This is just one of many ways we can sense energy.

Yvettr said...

I recently started working out on a regular basis and eating better. I've eliminated most processed carbs and my body feels lighter, not pulled down. However I have been smelling cigarette smoke for the past 2-3 weeks. At first I thought it was coming from outside but no one was out. Then I thought maybe thru the air vents but this happens when the heat isn't running. No one else smells it. I wonder if a loved one that has passed is visiting or the former owner of the home who also passed is visiting. I have no clue. I thought I was going a little nutty but then thought that maybe it could be energy around me. My husband said he's been stressed past couple of weeks too. Now that I'm cleaning my eating and getting healthy maybe that's opening up my psychic abilities. My psychic abilities are not consistent and have only appeared a few times in my life but when they come they hit me hard which frightens me.

Unknown said...

Yvettr, thank you for commenting. It has been my experience that the more attuned we are to our higher guidance the more we are able to use our senses as a tool for discernment. The veil is thinner now than it was even a year ago. We are able to access aspects of our mulitdimensional soul more easily, and to sense when those from other dimensions are around us in spirit.

Try to relax when your abilities kick in and simply understand that this is how we are wired when we are not encumbered with false beliefs about how powerful we are. Humans are afraid of their power because we've not had a chance to use these gifts--we've been told they are evil and have shut them down. Our divinity is coming through as the layers of darkness are being lifted from our human experience.

Amy Ballad said...

My father passed in 1997, and we had always been close.
At my office where I work, there is a room I pass through each day when going from the lunchroom to my office space.
On at least 3 or 4 occasions, while walking through this space, I have smelled the aroma of pipe tobacco.
Now this is odd to say the least, given that I work with all women, and I KNOW we don't have any pipe smokers there! lol
I even asked one of the girls "Do you smell that?" and she looked at me like I was a bit nuts...she said she didn't smell anything.
It took me awhile to put this together, but then I thought about my father, and how he used to smoke a pipe.
Whenever I would visit him in his office as a kid, I remember that sweet pipe tobacco smell, fresh from the pouch. A warm "fatherly" aroma.
I then realized this was my fathers spirit making his contact with me,
now he had come to MY place of business and it was as if he had come to watch over and say,
"I'm here....good work, I'm proud of you"
I could come up with no other logical reason for smelling this smell in an office filled with women.
I am quite amazed by how our senses pick up on the otherwordly, and allow us a peek to all that is truly around us.
I'm working more on my psychic abilities now, as this is something I think is an amazing skill to have. A true gift to cherish.

paulaj said...

My first experience with strange smells was just after I married in 1986. My mother was repainting my childhood room and she would smell a very dirty smell, she described it as urine. She also would smell it the day after anyone would visit and stay in that room. I never smelled it until a few years later. I walked down the hallway and when I crossed the doorway of my room, the smell was like a slap in the nostrils. It was the smell of a very dirty litter box. My husband and mother walked in and did not smell it. I described it to my mother and she said that was the same smell, but she didn't smell it then. When I walked into the hallway, the smell was not there, just only in that room and did not linger out. I have experienced the same smell in that room a few times afterwards, but not as strong. I've had several other experiences: Waking to the smell of bacon cooking at in-law's house to find no one awake and no one in the kitchen. They live in the country and have no close neighbors, so I ruled out the smell coming from another house. I smell cigarette smoke in our family room as if someone is sitting there smoking, my husband doesn't smell it and I cannot smell it in the other rooms or outside. This may last for hours of for just a few minutes. I woke to the smell of flowers when we do not have flowery scents in our home. My mother-in-law passed away a few weeks ago, I woke the next morning after she passed, laid in bed awake for a few minutes and suddenly smell a strong odor of dirty hair. My husband did not smell it and the smell was not coming from either of us. This lasted about 5 minutes. I would really like to know what these smells mean and who they come from. Thank in advance for your response.

Unknown said...

The ability to smell in other dimensions is an indication that your spiritual gifts are being activated. This is just one of many ways we can sense energy. Like any sensory gift, it can be used as a tool for discernment.

Anonymous said...

For some time I have smelled scents that do not physically exist in front of me. The first was after my daughter was born I had the sudden smell of Vicks vapor rub as though the jar of it was stuck right under my nose. My grandfather who had passed many years before used to use Vicks for eveything - his sore legs, insect bites and it instantly made me think of him. The second is I often smell fresh flowers as though standing in a florist shop or smelling a whole bouquet - no particular flower. But I have found it precedes bad news of someone passing either in the family or the family of a close friend. So I dread when I smell it and usually news comes in the next day or so. I have difficulty knowing what to make of this and how to either embrace it or tune into things i may be missing.

Unknown said...

Flowers are usually associated with angels, roses with the Divine Mother. Sulfur with low-vibrating entities, etc. But, like any intuitive information, you get to interpret it however it best fits your life. You were able to discern that your grandfather was visiting your newborn daughter. This is a beautiful gift to embrace and use as a tool for guidance.

Unknown said...

I believed Matthew was my Twin soul. When he started his "running Phase" I started to smell exhaust fumes. I smelled it for days then it disappeared. Today when I deleted all of his contact info ...the fumes came twice as strong and my eyes are burning..I was approached by another intuitive that said I was smelling exhaust fumes because I was trying to wake up. He said I had to release Matthew with unconditional love and get out of my own way so I could become the healer I was supposed to be. This is the second time I have been approached by an intuitive telling me I was a healer. How? Nothings happening. How do I get this horrible retched smell to leave me? Below is what I wrote after Matthew released me. Today I started seeing our numbers right after I went through my crying frenzie. for 5 minutes straight I saw 7755 75 75 0ver and over on vehicles, tags etc..His number is 7 mine is 5
Lying on the hammock that night, I felt as though my whole body was on fire...But not a burning fire...Flames of desire...A flame that could not be put out danced and flickered across my senses. I could feel you like waves of magical smoke caressing my core...In a dream like state where nothing could touch me. No fear, no pain, only an unquenchable thirst for more. Then you released me, but only my body.
Lying there feeling such pain when only moments before I was experiencing euphoria. Crying deep tears of sorrow, longing to be with you, I cry out "Release me!" You have to release me...I cannot endure this pain. A deep breath, a sigh of relief as I drift off to sleep.
I awoke the next morning feeling Alive and wonderful thinking all is well. It was an exquisite day. I gave thanks, soaked in the sun, watching the waves flow aimlessly to the shore like they had nowhere to go like me. ..You drift into my thoughts, beautiful memories prance across my mind. A familiar elation comes rushing through me, my body quivers and I wonder… is he thinking of me.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful story! I'm glad you did this. If the smell was associated with him and he is now released, you should not have the smell any more.

Anonymous said...

I have always been able to smell things that other people could not such as cigarette smoke, Violets etc but just lately I have been smelling something that is not nice. It seems to come from me and can only describe it as a sweet smell but not a nice sweet smell. I shower twice a day but after about an hour or so the smell returns and if I put on Perfume I smell it for a short time but then the other smell overtakes it and I can no longer smell the perfume. My Husband says he cannot smell anything but my perfume and cannot smell anything else. I am getting quite paranoid about it. If I spend any time in a room I can smell it quite strong but my Husband smells nothing. I have asked friends who also say they cannot smell anything. I read on here someone said they could smell a fragrance which came from them and it was heavenly. This is certainly NOT heavenly.

Unknown said...

This could be an attachment of an earthbound spirit to your body or auric field. Please contact me on my website for a free 15-minute consultation. http://weare1inspirit.com

Anonymous said...

About three days ago, my husband and I both smelled a strong scent of gardenias. He actually opened the front door of the house because he thought the smell might be coming from the outside. It was so pronounced, but we could not figure out where it was coming from and then if faded away.

Unknown said...

That's awesome! My husband and I are also smelling things in other dimensions more often these days.

Anonymous said...

I often smell cigarette smoke. When I'm at work, when I'm in my car and at home. It's very strong at times. Is this a good thing?

Anonymous said...

I smelled bird's feces twice this morning. The first time I was in the office, all windows closed no birds at sight. The second time at home, but then I heard a bird singing at the same time, my window was opened so I immediately closed it but then remembered smelling that earlier.
Can you please assist me?

Unknown said...

What do you think the message is in this smelling? What comes to your mind when you think of the bird?

Anonymous said...

I've actually LOST my sense of smell and having been asking The Universe for clues as to why I have been granted this gift. I haven't been able to hear the answer, I've been to a doctor, had x-rays, no answers. Have you any metaphysical advice?

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear of your loss of smell. I do not have a clue as to why this might have happened to you.

Anonymous said...

Ever since my husband died, I've been able to smell odors no one else around me can smell from time to time. When I go to a particular church I smell a foul "no.2" stench which my son says he doesn't smell. The 1st time I figured a parent had a child in their arms with a dirty diaper. But two visits in a row? I also smell cigarettes in my house but no one else can. I wonder if it's because I experienced being around someone who died.

Unknown said...

The common foul odor is an indication that a spirit is about you. This is nothing to be alarmed about since these earthbounds are around us regardless of whether we see, hear, sense, or even smell them. Having this ability to discern them also gives us the ability to help them if we so choose.

Read over the comments from others who have had this experience and I believe you will see you are among many who have this ability.

Unknown said...

My nephew passed away a week and 1 day ago. It was a Sunday afternoon. Another driver took his life on a head on collision. the 3 days after that we were all wondering if we were going to be able to have an open casket and I knew I had to see it for myself before his wife or mother got the funeral home. For 3 days I smelled this foul odor. I thought it was garbage that hadn't been taken out. From the moment I woke up and started walking around the house trying to find the source of the smell. It was odd that went I walked out to the patio and could smell it too. Walked the house over twice but couldn't find the source of the smell. I had my friend over on Tuesday as she was helping with a celebration of his life. Wednesday morning I woke up the same smell and I called her. She told me that I must be having some sort of experience with my nephew because she was in my house the night before and it smelled fine. It made sense to me when she said that. Specially since Wednesday I also saw my nephew briefly and my husband heard him call his name out loud. He was definitely in my house and I believe that. But what bothers me is why the foul smell? Why not a pleasant one? The smell went away after I was able to see him in the coffin and I saw with my own eyes that they were able to make him up good and he did look like he used to. I'm happy I found this website to share my story.

Unknown said...

Gabriel, was the other person in the accident killed? Was he or she drunk or on drugs at the time?

I'm just guessing that the smell might have had something to do with the low-vibration condition of the scenario surrounding your nephew's death and not particularly with him.

Sarah said...

I have had a spiritual dance with the head of my organization. I have been able to honor him, give profound gifts, write for him, just show his human worth, but it remains a dance. I have grown immensely in the past 8 months to keep dancing, to be able to give more, dance harder! I was able to break down a very important legal document for him in an index of sorts and follow his through patterns in the way I organized the information. It took a lot of work! When asked how it was received by someone at the meeting (i am a low level peon, classic corporate cinderella story), as the person was explaining it to me, I started to smell immense sweetness, candy, natural sweetness, like honey but sweeter. I was being told how he went through the notebook, was following along with my breakdowns (my name was on it) and the smell would get stronger. I feel I must have been smelling love, smelling gratitude. We've had many amazing interactions, albeit brief, that are similar to the intensity of the smell, but it makes sense. When I was driving home after work, I just started sobbing -- all this information, the smell, what he thought and felt. So beautiful. Interactions like this, even when I am not there as I was not at the meeting, fundamentally change me.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful story, Sarah. Thank you for sharing with us here.

As we are ascending into our true vibration of the I AM presence, we are able to witness our oneness with Creator and other beings (humans, animals, nature spirits, etc.) through all our senses.

Anonymous said...

I lived in Baltimore,Maryland as a child from when I was 2-6 and I would frequently smell something very dirty or stinky. This was always the same smell and I never thought much about it because I thought that's just the way the house smelt. After I moved from Maryland I didn't really smell this often but I have smelled it a few times in other locations. The thing is I cannot tell you where else or when else I've smelled it. The last place I remember is Baltimore. What I wanna know is if its normal to forget where you have smelled this odor? I also found out after reading into this a little more that I could have the potential to smell illness or death. When I explain this to my mom she tells me that we used to live with a man with a very bad illness and he eventually passed away. That must have been what I smelled when I lived in Baltimore. Now I don't smell it often but the smell is so distinct to me and it always reminds me of Baltimore when I smell it. This is incredible. I got chills while reading the definition.

Unknown said...

You were likely smelling the man who passed. Our senses are waking up and our abilities to interact in other dimensions are increasing.

Anonymous said...

I just wrote out a long paragraph on my experience which i was hoping to get advice on, and while going thru the process of trying to get my google account verified it has now vanished, i'm so not happy as i cannot remember all what i wrote, and i do not want to sit for another hour trying to re write it.
I actually clicked on 'preview' anyway, not on publish, however it didn't show me a preview it just went straight to verification.
I just hope you have it for moderation and that's why it isn't showing up.
If this was linked to Facebook it would've been done in seconds, but my google account is never used. :( :(

Unknown said...

Sorry for your trouble. I wish I could retrieve the writing for you. Thanks for trying.

Anonymous said...

Help please, I'v never encountered anything like this before, I am 36 and was driving home from work and decided to drive past my uncles house to see if I could catch him on his was back from hospital after visiting my Aunt who is very poorly being treated for cancer that is terminal. As I drove past his house I got a very strong smell of sweet air freshner as his lights were off I carried on slowly up the road to do a u turn, the smell vanished as I approached his house the smell came back, again vanished as I drove around the corner I got the smell again. Did I imagine this last night???? To be sure I did it again this evening and got the same smell in exactly the same places, outside my uncles and again as I turn right down the road. I do have some strange senses normally I call people up when they most need me to etc many thing but I don't look into anything. But this is a new one for me. Any comments???? Many thanks

Unknown said...

Try to determine whether the smell was one in the physical realm or an etheric smell. Was there something blooming near your uncle's house? Was someone doing laundry? Those flower-fragrance dryer sheets could have been in use nearby. If no physical smell is being produced, ask your guides to reveal to you what the smell means. Even if it is in the physical realm, there could still be a message.

Anonymous said...

Hi there,
I recently discovered my ability to read auras and ever since then I smell this nice fragrance everywhere I go. I smell it over other smells. Everyday all the time. I remember distinctly that I smelled this same smell when I was younger and I thought nothing of it that maybe it was my lotion. But now its back. You mentioned soul changes and being able to smell the essence of your soul... Maybe it has something to do with that?

dave said...

I was lying in the bed today when a strong fragrance of lilacs came to me. I smelled the flower and it got really quiet. I saw no angel and talked to a man that said the Angel was probably sitting on my bed. I wish that I can see the Arch Angel and find out if he can help with the clinical depression I feel due to my 19 year old sons death. It is very hard for me. I asked the Angel to take over my issues. I also asked the Angel to tell me if my son is OK in heaven. Anyone share any help for me about the smell of fresh flowers?

Unknown said...

Today's my birthday - driving along in the car I said to my partner - can you smell that cigarette smoke? (Neither of us smoke) - she said 'no' - then it dawned on me - my Dad had popped by to wish me happy birthday. I often smell him - he used to smoke a lot so that's how I know it's him. Just after a close friend died - I was in his house and smelled from nowhere - the very strong smell of orange essence - I do belief this is a unique way to sense spirits. My mum passed away just a month ago - the day after she died (and I was packing to go to her funeral in Australia) - I heard tapping on my bathroom window - when I went to investigate it was the tiniest yellow bird - tapping away on my window ... this has never happened to me before. I think this must be the beginning of my spiritual awakening. God bless everyone xxx

Unknown said...

Happy birthday and congratulations on your spiritual awakening and gaining keener awareness of other dimensions through the sense of smell.

Our guidance (including "deceased' loved ones) use anything and everything to get our attention. When my husband's brother-in-law Dan died, Dan took the form of a small rabbit and would come to the garden bench where he and his wife used to sit together and have their coffee.

Phouk said...

I'm curious about this and have never really put much thought into it. I sometimes smell my mother's very unique perfume, and will always end up speaking with her the same day and she'll mention talking about or thinking of me. I've started (as in, a few times today) catching a scent associated with my recent ex whom I hope to mend things with. What does it mean if the scents are linked to a living person?

Unknown said...

Yes, the smell can accompany someone's energy who is still in a body. I had this happen with my grandmother.

Anonymous said...

Please Help! I am really not able to understand the kind of smell I come across every now and them from like 3-4 days. Its weird to understand. Its kinda sprouty smell.
First I thought its just in my mind. I even tried to put vicks on to get rid of it. But I am not able to :( Its comes unusally,at any time.

Unknown said...

Do you smell this around you when you are in various places or just in the same place/area?

XYZ said...

Hello Yvonne,
I have recently become more spiritual, and meditate/pray regularly. On three separate occasions, I have sensed a very unique smell I associate with a recent ex who still seems to be interested (I am also still interested). I sense the smell both in my nose and even taste it in my mouth. One time, this happened while I was drinking coffee and a granola bar, but the taste and smell of this person still overwhelmed me.
Does this mean that he is thinking about me and I am picking up on his energy?? (He also is a spiritual person.)

Unknown said...

You are definitely picking up on his energy. We are all so connected as part of the Divine Creator. A soul can send and receive messages/energy at any time. This is how so many empaths are carrying energy that doesn't really belong to them.

XYZ said...

Thanks so much for responding. To be clear, does it mean he is thinking about me at the same time as I smell his scent? Or does it just mean I am tuned into him (but he may not be thinking of me)?

Unknown said...

You are tuned in to him.

XYZ said...

Hi Yvonne - I've had another psychic smell experience. This time, it's the smell of rotten eggs and no one else around me can smell it. It's so strong that it doesn't go away despite chewing gum, drinking tea , etc.
a few minutes after the smell started, someone walked into my office and talked about a subject that displeases me to some extent. Could there be a connection between these two events? Can this be a reflection of malicious intent on the part of the person who talked about the subject that upsets me? What does smell of rotten eggs mean?? Remember, I am very much tuned into a certain person these days, could it be a sign that they are sick or sad?

Unknown said...

I chuckled when I read about your rotten egg smell. Shoo wee! Your psychic sense of smell is developing. This is a tool for discernment. I think it has to do with the person who came to you with a displeasing subject--like a foretelling to be on guard. Like smelling smoke before there is evidence of a fire.

Thank yourself and your guidance team for this wonderful gift that can alert you to what is transpiring energetically. Ask your guides what it means and trust what you hear. Then, if it is something sad going on with your friend, send him/her love and light without attaching your desires to an outcome.

Amy said...

This morning I woke up around 6A & turned on Netflix to a movie called "the neverlake". I fell asleep for maybe 20 minutes, woke up to the sound of a man yelling to his daughter on the movie, I then got up & walked to my bathroom off of my room and I kept smelling the smell of a type of candy... something real sweet. The smell was very nice & kind of calming to me. I then went back and got under my covers and fell asleep maybe for 5 minutes, my boyfriend text me saying his sister who I have heard about, but never met, passed away. I started feeling sad BC I lost my brother a few years ago to an accidental drug overdose & I miss him so very much & live with a lot of guilt & regret. I can smell my brother sometimes. He wore a distinct cologne, but I'm real confused because this morning the smell, and the movie that woke me up. My boyfriends sisters name was Jenny, in the movie that was playing on Netflix I chose to watch that woke me, the father was yelling his daughters name... Jenny. What does this mean? I've never met her, I didn't know her, & the sweet smell that was comforting to me is merely confusing me. I'm a intuitive person most of the time & I am really strong with my inner spirituality, but this morning baffled me & still is. I cried because I miss my brother, but I don't think this had occurred because I needed to cry. I'm real confused & the sweet smell was soothing of course. I tried finding the source of the smell all morning & I cannot find it again or where it could have came from.

Amy said...

This morning I woke up around 6A & turned on Netflix to a movie called "the neverlake". I fell asleep for maybe 20 minutes, woke up to the sound of a man yelling to his daughter on the movie, I then got up & walked to my bathroom off of my room and I kept smelling the smell of a type of candy... something real sweet. The smell was very nice & kind of calming to me. I then went back and got under my covers and fell asleep maybe for 5 minutes, my boyfriend text me saying his sister who I have heard about, but never met, passed away. I started feeling sad BC I lost my brother a few years ago to an accidental drug overdose & I miss him so very much & live with a lot of guilt & regret. I can smell my brother sometimes. He wore a distinct cologne, but I'm real confused because this morning the smell, and the movie that woke me up. My boyfriends sisters name was Jenny, in the movie that was playing on Netflix I chose to watch that woke me, the father was yelling his daughters name... Jenny. What does this mean? I've never met her, I didn't know her, & the sweet smell that was comforting to me is merely confusing me. I'm a intuitive person most of the time & I am really strong with my inner spirituality, but this morning baffled me & still is. I cried because I miss my brother, but I don't think this had occurred because I needed to cry. I'm real confused & the sweet smell was soothing of course. I tried finding the source of the smell all morning & I cannot find it again or where it could have came from.

Unknown said...

Thank you for commenting, Amy. We are all connected because we are all creation from the same Source. We are able to telepathically sense one another in a multitude of ways, including through our olfactory nerve. The more we ascend in consciousness as a human race, the thinner the veil becomes and the more we will be able to experience ourselves as one with all that is.

Synchronicity such as the one you experienced with the movie, the names, the smells, etc. are some of the ways our guidance communicates with us. I'm glad you are paying attention to these "leads". Enjoy your gift and try to relax on your ascension journey.

Unknown said...

Hello Yvonne,
I had a very interesting experience a few years ago. I went vegetarian for a year. In that time I had some of the most vivd amazing dreams I have ever had in my life. They were so vivid they stayed in my memory for a long time and I normally have a terrible memory. In one I meant the archangels on an island but all of them took the form of great giant trees, except 1, Michael. He revealed himself to me in the form of a yogi who looked like Baron Baptiste except with blue eyes. He was doing "tree pose" and when I mimicked him he smiled and gave me a big hug. He was the first angel I really got interested in and he is still my number one go-to angel. I also had a serious of dreams where I would drown and come back to life. They weren't scary though. Very peaceful and I accepted it each time. I also had a dream where I went to a spring and met Gandhi and saw statues of many masters like Jesus, and so on. I saw Yogananda before I even knew he was an actual guy here on earth. And although I have occassionaly done yoga I was never really serious about it. Anyway....long story short, in that time I began smelling smells that no one else could and hear music that no one else could. The music was always pleasant like a flute and the smell was always flowers. Usually Rose but most often many exotic flower fragrances I couldn't put my finger on...like jasmine. I eventually went off the vegetarian diet due to stress, lack of funds, lack of time, etc. although it changed me permanently. The smells went away. Now recently I have been thinking of going back to that and determined to make it work. I already eat very little meat. It just turns me off completely. Well smells started coming back and even though I have never been a lover of really floral perfumes I find recently that I can't get enough. I wish I could recreate those wonderful smells I smelled years back. Just wanted to share with someone and wonder if anyone else noticed these things happen more frequently with change of diet. Thanks.

Unknown said...

That's amazing how the sense of smell is connected to your vegetarian diet. I've been vegetarian since March 2012. There are times when it does get frustrating trying to find something on the menu at a restaurant with meat eaters.

I would also love to be able to recreate the lovely floral smell that I have experienced at times. I'm not sure what it is linked to, but like you, I can't get enough of it when it does come around.

Anonymous said...

I keep smelling wet dog in different areas of at random times and when my sister walks by I am not sure if she is being followed by something attached or if it's her energy field I am at a loss for what it means I usually smell things like perfume,food ,beer, smoke , and things of that nature when no one is around or it isn't possible and I know what those are and even who.. But this "wet dog" is something that's stumped me since we do not have a dog and it moves even when my sister isn't around. So anyways any ideas ? I heard wet smells are bad ..

Anonymous said...

After my grandmother passed away 3 years ago I lost tides with my grandfather, so we were not as close. Today is 12/28/2015, my grandfather passed away on 11/19/2015 and was cremated. It's been over a month I come and I keep smelling his embalming fluid mixed with his Cologne, the Exact smell from his body at the viewing. The smell is random, morning, nights, (2am, 3am etc.) And in different areas of my home. It's strong and distinct and no-one else smells it. It's 330am in the morning and I'm researching and came along this blog. Am I going crazy? If not, how do I stop this?
It happens almost every day since his passing.

Unknown said...

If it is there when your sister is not, then it must not be attached to her. Could it be an animal that was killed in the area? Like hit by a car in the rain? I would like a candle and ask the angels to help the being cross into the light.

Unknown said...

It is common for the astral body of a deceased beloved to stay with the family for a few days or weeks after passing. Ideally, we want them to cross completely over into the light.

ShelbyAnn said...

Since connecting with a man, who is Indian, spiritual, I have been smelling incense, in my home, where none is burning. Not sure what this means. Our relationship is currently in limbo, not sure if the smell of incense is a message?

ShelbyAnn said...

I have recently connected with a lovely man, Indian, who, I believe is spiritual. Since making this connection, I have been smelling incense, in my home, where none has ever been burned. Our relationship is currently in limbo, and I am not sure if this smell of incense is a message, connected to him or something else. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Thank you!

Unknown said...

I believe you have already figured it out, ShelbyAnn.

Anonymous said...

I am not a religious person but follow biblical teachings of Jesus, and yes i do believe in spiritual smell and recently identified that I've had the gift although not sure how long because before i had hints but an event helped me identify through my own discernment when able to ask those with me if they smelled what i did to rule out a physical freshner that smelled of a sweet rose floral smell before researching the smell and such. I didn't know as a kid it all existed growing up in a traditional church, probably because about 10 percent or less of the bible was even touched at Sunday school. But since learning, i do embrace it along with a couple other gifts i identified when it was meant for me and learned. Biblically the smell sense falls in discernment, and given for reason as the other supernatural/psychic/spiritual/whatever oke calls them and that they are NOT evil despite what traditional churches in my area i have been in told one when asked. with labels claim. Not only do i embrace it but will use as i learn more and am guided to without judging but helping me know who to follow, who to avoid, where ti return and where not to return after visiting, etc personally.

Unknown said...

Yes, the sense of smelling in the spirit or smelling energy is part of the gift of discernment.

Unknown said...

My name is Rachel. On the day my mom died of stomach cancer i noticed the air in the room felt so heavy. This concerned me. I wondered why such a wonderful, sweet woman would have trouble passing. I worried her spirit may be stuck. For three days i ran each morning to her room to see if the air had changed. On the third day i hurried to the door, opened it and it was like a bag of powdered sugar was thrown in my face. I got everyone in the house to confirm smelling sugar. I read sometimes cancer patients smell of sugar when they die but her body was gone for three days. Just was hoping for your expert opinion. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Hi, Rachel. Thanks for commenting here. I sense that the significance of the sugar smell was not an indication of cancer, but rather of the sweetness your mother showed to everyone.

Contact me on my website if you would like to chat more about this. http://www.weare1inspirit.com/contact

Nadine said...

Back in March I found out more about myself. On oct 3rd, i posted a bunch of pictures of my dad on facebook to wish him a happy bday. He past Easter 2000. For years it took me a long time to move past him. That night i woke at 1am and smelled cigar. My dad smoked for years and i loved the smell. So i put on a huge grin and said dont leave daddy i want to talk. So i talked and told him about what was going on in my life, about 5 minutes went by and i asked if he was still there listening to me, and i smelled the cigar again, so i knew.. so i kept talking. Then 8 minutes later i said daddy, i really have to pee so please come back another night cause i know u have alot of work to do in heaven.. and i got up and walked thru his spirit at the end of the bed. I knew i did, my whole body walked thru coldness and got chills throughout. I told him i was sorry that i walked thru him, but it felt good to feel and smell him. The next night i woke again at 1am to roses.. the next night citrus.. then a lady at my work past away and i smelled her purfume. Its really cool to have this ability and i really want to strengthen my abilities and learn more in a class or retreat. So any words of advice or recommendations would be great..

Unknown said...

Nadine, thank you for sharing your experiences with us. It certainly is cool to have this ability! As far as I know, this ability can't be taught. It seems to come randomly for folks who have experience pyschic smells.

Unknown said...

Hi, I am a very spiritual person, since I was a child i have this ability to see spirits, talk to them, I feel their presence like you and me, sometimes I speak their own languages, without any knowledge of it. I had been smelling the same essence for 3 to 5 yrs, i associated to the smell of the river or the ocean, that kind of seaport as well, sometimes while in the car i smelled too, and asked people arund me ifbthey can smell it, always the answer is No. I don't know why, I know I have abilities to see beyond that, but the smell i can not understand it. Can you explain to me or guie me what I should do? Thank you in advanfed.

Unknown said...

Yamile, you are like many others who can smell energy frequencies. There is nothing you need to do about it. I'm guessing that this is an aspect of your soul in another lifetime or dimension hanging out with you. More info about that at http://www.weare1inspirit.com/light-language/bridge-between-two-worlds

Unknown said...

Thank you for your info, I appreciate. ��

Unknown said...

I also experience this and have since the age of 9, i will randomly smell a person's scent. It's not their perfume but their skin scent, and it will happen at a random time. But now i am older (17) i am experiencing this more often (2-3 times a day with different smells) and also an increase of deja vu (also several times a day). I use to only receive them once a month...

Unknown said...

You are welcome.

Unknown said...

I would love to be able to use this gift of discernment in a more "controlled" fashion--to be able to smell energy by my own volition.

Unknown said...

I began smelling smoke in late 2012 for several days to a week at a time. Went to DDS, ent, neuro, had all the tests. Everything seemed fine, no explanation except possible rapid brain movements. Still am smelling this smoke every few months for as long as a week then its gone. Not cigarette smoke, a burnt smell. Have thought of some type of "contact" but can't imagine who it could be. Thoughts of ex who stalked me for 10 yrs after divorce comes to mind, bad marriage. So don't want to think of that. Not sure what to think.

Anonymous said...

I smelled lilacs several times very strongly just a few months before my mom died. Once it was violets. The smell was very strong, as if it were concentrated, but this was outside in the dead of winter, and there was no one around. After my mom's friend died, both me and my mother smelled cigarette smoke, very intense, in the house, though we didn't smoke and the people living nearby didn't either. I just accept this as a normal manifestation of the spiritual world. I am wondering though why so many people smell this smell of lilacs in situations like these.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I smell things like that all the time. I think my mother also had this gift. I could not get away with anything as a teenager. She said she could "Smell" what I was up to. Makes sense now, but it didn't then. :-)

Anonymous said...

My daughter just miscarried last night at a little over 17 wks. This morning I woke up and have been smelling all day a bitter sweet smell like flowers I've smelled before but can't remember if they were pink lilies or something else. I've had this smell before during my awakening and healing. Am I smelling angels around our family during this grieving process?

Peggy said...

Last week, while driving in my car, I had a strong smell of lilac just hit me. I have no scents in my car, I was not wearing perfume, no use soap with lilac smell. Later when I drove past the same spot, the same day. The strong smell of lilacs hit me. I live in Michigan and this is the dead of winter. I have driven past the same spot, but the smell is gone. Lilacs are one of my favorite floral scents. But I'm picky, I only like the smell of fresh lilacs, no candles, sprays, soap (they make me nausea and give me a headache). This was the smell of fresh lilacs. About three months ago, my friends invited me to see a medium. She told me exactly about my cat dying a week ago. Down to his name. Then she added, that I am clairvoyant, but I do not realize it yet. That I times when I think I see a shadow out of the corner of my eye, that it's not a fleck. I was the only one she said that to, out of a roomful of people.

Unknown said...

Peggy, I'm sorry for your loss. Our fur babies are part of our families. Smelling fresh lilacs in winter in your car and only in a certain part of your drive must mean you have the gift of clairolfactance. This may be your cat giving you a sign that he is doing well and still with you in spirit.

Unknown said...

It could be angels or you could be smelling the energy of the baby's soul essence.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Off and on for the last couple of weeks I get a weak smell of flowers/roses. Always at home and mainly after I get settled for the night. My mom has ALS and has reached the point that she is giving up. I said a prayer asking God to make sure her parents where at the gates welcoming her home.The next day my mom asked me if I have been praying to God. What is the smell of flowers/roses telling me in the dead of winter with snow on the ground and no flowers in the house?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

My mom died in 1998. I remember the very strong distinct smell of all the flowers in the funeral home around the casket. To this day every now and then that strong distinct smell overwhelms me and that's all I think about. It lasts anywhere from a minute or so to about 15 minutes. And it follows wherever I go. Sometimes others say they don't smell it but I'm smelling it. I'm not quite surebwhat to make of this but I feel like its my mom checking up on me. I'm not 100% sure so any feedback would he greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.

Unknown said...

This is a great indication that you are working with plant essences, spirit beings, and cosmic helpers in your client sessions. It seems that I begin energetically working with a client as soon as they contact me for an appointment. We are all so connected.

Unknown said...

This shows me how valuable this gift of smelling energy really is. You avoided heartbreak and possible harm simply be being able to smell his energy rather than being fooled by his outward appearance. I am thankful for this gift manifesting in so many people.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful experience, Amy. I am thankful that you were able to recognize his presence and not doubt yourself or your clairolfactance ability.

Unknown said...

I sense this is a guide--possibly Native American. Try muscle testing to confirm/disprove this.

Unknown said...

Many people have posted about smelling flowers, roses and lilacs especially. This frequency is very soothing and comforting and seems to represent angelic presence.

Unknown said...

From what I have learned, a "deceased" loved one can easily work with a bird or small animal to share a message with a loved on in body.

Unknown said...

You may want to sit and meditate with the smell when it manifests. How does it feel to engage with it? What images, words, thoughts come to you?

Unknown said...

You may want to sit and meditate with the smell when it manifests. How does it feel to engage with it? What images, words, thoughts come to you? If you would like to speak with me personally about this, please contact me on my website, http://weare1inspirit.com/contact

Unknown said...

See Peggy's post and my response right above yours.

Unknown said...

No, I'm not suggesting that your time is limited. The smell of lilacs is associated with the angelic kingdom. Perhaps they are helping your body to heal.

You may want to sit and meditate with the smell when it manifests. How does it feel to engage with it? What images, words, thoughts come to you?

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

You are welcome. You may contact me directly on my website if you wish to chat more. http://weare1inspirit.com/contact

Kate said...

I'm very excited to hear I'm not the only one to smell cigarette smoke, this has happened a few times to me, once when I lived in an old home converted to apartments, and several times while driving alone.

But there was another event that has puzzled me for years, an unusual odor when my dog died, at the very moment of his death. He had a tumor that ruptured and went quickly while I held him and stroked his head. It was nothing like any odor I've ever encountered, not a good smell, the best I remember it was like swampy water. It was. There and then gone. Any thoughts?

Unknown said...

Kate, I'm not sure what that smell might have been. Perhaps the odor was coming from the dog's body--like the smell of his sickness?

Anonymous said...

Yvonne Perry, and all who have left comments, I am sincerely appreciative of your words & replies- very encouraging & supportative group!!!

Like many of you have previously commented, I too, smell things ... lilacs, jasmine, baking (cookies or burning food), bacon, wood burning, perfume, I could really go on about it. Most times it occurs between 1am-3am, although there have been occasions during the day.

I also experience what I can best describe as listening to a radio in the middle of the night, only no radio is on anywhere in my home or outside (we live on small acreage). Its like music playing, then someone changes the station to different one with different genre of music, and on & on. In addition, sometimes I hear the sound of windchimes when there are none- like when driving! Then there are a few occasions when I am awoken in the middle of the night by someone calling my name in my ear, but no one is there.

I am sometimes gently patted on my head, regardless of where I am, and sometimes I feel touch or as if someone is sitting next to me on my bed while I am asleep and actually feel the covers shift to accommodate whatever is there. I see shadows from time-to-time and on really rare occasions I can see people, but no one else can. I also pick up on people's emotions and perhaps their energies as well.

I have become very frustrated with myself b/c I hear, smell & sometimes see things no one else around me can. I try to be scientific in my rationale (I love Science) and ask myself is it "audio matrixing" or "olefactory matrixing" & when its visual, I just think "I am tired".

For years I have tried blocking, but it always manifests itself in a different form. I am not sure what to do ... do I encourage it (but how?) or do I continue to tolerate it, as I have been since a child, by taking over-the-counter sleeping pills to help me sleep on those chaotic nights. I have learned that sometimes these experiences are foretelling of events to come, but its not really specific.

My mother recently told me that she knew I had experiences since I was very young, but it wasn't something she felt comfortable talking about years ago when I was a small child. I am at a cross-roads right now with myself and not really sure what to do? Obviously, I can't make it go away- it won't. Is there a way to make it all "make sense"?

Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing your story. I have had and still have the experiences you mentioned here. The ability to sense other dimensions is a natural state of an awakened soul. Try to stop fighting your gift and embrace this as part of your mission.

Contact me on my website if you want to talk on the phone: http://weare1inspirit.com/contact

Unknown said...

This isn't new to me but, ever so often this smell is around me sometimes my husband can smell it and sometimes not. My father in law passed away in April 09 and this peculiar smell filled the room. Sometimes I can walk through a place and smell it and tonight I was coming down the highway and the smell filled my vehicle and it lasted about 30 minutes but I had a weird felling almost like I was scared as if something sinister was on the back seat. I've never been afaid before and the smell doesn't smell bad but different and it literally made me feel nausea or real sick to my stomach. I've smelt this same smell in funeral homes as well. Can anyone explain or have anyone experienced this!

Unknown said...

It could have been the essence of someone who died on that stretch of highway. Earthbound entities can have a "death" smell that others on this forum have mentioned.

evinkam said...

the same happened to me with my cat...the smell was very strong and at the very moment of her death

evinkam said...

the same happened to me with my cat...the smell was very strong and also at the very moment of her death

Unknown said...

Wow! I just woke up go the most rancid skunk smell @ 1:20am. So putrid! I got up out of bed & walked through my whole house smelling it. But the weirdest thing happened. The smell completely disappeared after 5 minutes.

Anonymous said...

Well I do smell fragrances very occasionally.Its weird because it comes out of the blue.

Anonymous said...

Hi my name is Xavier Trent Parker I would like to speak with you about this same smell I have been having over and over but there's more so if you would please call me at 352-240-5794

Anonymous said...

What does smelling baby powder mean?

Unknown said...

Each smell is open for interpretation by the one who smells it. These messages are meant to help us seek guidance within ourselves. What do you sense it means?

Unknown said...

I just woke up bc of strong smell of pop, my 4 yo grandson dleeps with me, so I Checked him,and I checked the bathroom in my bedroom, the snell was so real and string to the point of waking me up from deep sleep, what does it mean and why?

Unknown said...

when I get whiffs of yucky smells, I assume something is clearing--either for me or because of me. :-)

Unknown said...

I have a quite lengthy question. I do not quite know what I have but it's something! I have always sensed energies or spirits around me...I am open to this not afraid. Since I was a child as I lay in bed trying to fall asleep black and white cloud would pass in front of my eyes though closed this still occurs. I have gone to 1 psychic who was quite amazing she knew a lot about me and most of what she told me has come true she said, you are quite psychic you know...you have dreams that come true....you need to harness this gift....I do not know how to make it stronger or understand it. I have had several dreams that come true although not exactly as I dream them and it is usually the person I tell the dream to that it happens within a day or so to...but I do not know how this can help if I am not really sure who the dream pertains to....I am a nurse and have seen many a patient roaming the halls that was not there....I lost a friend at 15 and he would grab my shoulder to warn me for many years or turn a broken light on in my old car. Speaking of my pop pop who had passed made a light bulb melt in front of my best friend's mother. Strange happenings around me but they don't scare me don't really know what I can do. However recently I have a click click click in my one ear and at night the passing of the clouds is different I can only explain it like it feels like my eyes are open....I can see my room as if awake but I am sleeping. Also I have been seeing people I do not know their faces....and recently one scared me awake because she looked like she was in horrible pain like she was being hurt..,.who is she how can I help! However, the weirdest is I have been being jolted awake by smells.....burning....something is on fire.......gas.....is gas leaking?....and last night a rancid rotten food permeated my nostrils and woke me from a dead sleep? What is that? If I can't help people with these "gifts" are they gifts? I also believe I am a empath I definitely feel others emotions!

Unknown said...

Cara, it seems to me that you are doing some clearing work in the astral planes. Souls tend to come to those who can help them cross over. As an empath (energy sensitive person) it is important that you learn to work consciously with the gift. Would you like to do a free 15-minute phone chat to discuss this more? If so, contact me on my website: http://www.weare1inspirit.com/contact and we will set up a time.

fox said...

I wonder if dogs smell these spirits? I feel like they do. My aunt passed away last year of cancer. I spent a lot of time with her before she died. She had a Catholic funeral with lots of incense and chanting. That Monday at work after her funeral I smelled VERY strong incense. No one else at work smelled it. For about a month, almost everywhere I went I smelled this strong smell almost like frankincense. I was the only one that smelled it. Than one day, it just stopped. At my old job I would smell cinnamon rolls baking in a large storage room in the back...once again...no one else smelled this but me. My whole entire house smelled like skunk one night last year when I was home alone. It was in every room and it was overpowering. I called my husband panicking thinking it was a gas leak or something. I searched outside and everywhere for a skunk....nothing. the next morning, the smell was gone, no sign of a skunk or any type of leak......and last but not least... this is weird... I smell Marijuana all the time. Lol. I don't smoke it, my husband doesn't smoke it, but I will smell it in my car, I will smell it walking out of my nail salon with no one around, I will smell it in my home.... and I am the only one that smells it! The other day I was running errands and I smelled it the whole day! Outside hiking I even smelled it. That night laying on the couch watching a movie with my husband I smelled it strongly . He did not. He thinks I'm crazy smelling all these things he does not smell. I also look at photos and STRONG smells come to me. I thought I was losing it! Lol. Glad I'm not the only one. Now I will have to tune into this rather than getting weirded out by it.

Anonymous said...

I lost my husband about 8 weeks ago. And sometimes when I'm in my bedroom I smell peanuts. I know I love peanuts but my husband basically ate them with me. Can you tell me what does this mean? I mainly smell it in our bedroom!

Unknown said...

Lilacs carry a high vibration and are often thought of, like roses, as being angelic or of heaven.

Unknown said...

I too have been having this experience since maybe 5 years old. I am now 29 and for some years I could not smell the heavenly scent that I still cannot explain but when I smell it I always close my eyes and smile and stand still until it passes....it's a blessing to smell it because I can sense positive energy and vibration from it..I smell it in my car and outside and inside ..it reassures me that everything is OK and I try to get a prayer in while I'm experiencing this moment since practically and little girl ...I also can smell sickness when someone enters the room but that started 2 years ago.other than that I accept the gift, god is good and I accept positive energy and vibration towards me and others who are readily to be and receive it..2016 is also a tear for good things happening and will happen to a lot of people that will receive great satisfactory rewards

Unknown said...

I think it is a wonderful intuitive gift!

Anonymous said...

It is so nice to find this site. I've always known I've been super-sensitive, possibly an empath. The preview on your book " Whose stuff is this" describes me completely. Over the last 10 or so years I have been experiencing increasing spiritual signals, manifesting in many ways. Today I smelt cigarette smoke in my kitchen, I was alone and no-one smokes in my house. I knew immediately it was from a deceased relative. After a long period of questioning many things in my life I woke up this morning feeling very positive, empowered, optimistic, etc. I have also been smelling lilac, vanilla, roses. A lot of my senses have become heightened lately. I often also hear high pitched ringing at significant moments. I experience normal sounds a lot louder than most people. I smell foul smells on people no-one else notices. I notice smells around the house other people don't smell. I know I have a gift and I am looking for ways to use this to help other people. I often can read people's energy and intentions, sense their emotions, know what they are going to say or do. There is also a lot of synchronicity going on in my life lately. Shortly after smelling the cigarette smoke I heard someone talking on a TV program that he was smelling smoke from his deceased father.
I am very sensitive to other people's negative energy which can affect me adversely.
Thank you for amazing insights and wisdom.

Unknown said...

I was at work two days ago talking to a friend in her cubicle.. as I turned and walked away I smelled Honey.. I turned back I know I looked funny.. but I started smelling her jacket that was hanging on the wall.. the the top of the cubicle.. nothing.. she got up to to smell nothing.. I know it was honey.. just odd..

Unknown said...

Does she raise bees?

Unknown said...

It seems this gift of psychic smell is inherent to many empathic people. It is a great tool for discernment. I encourage you to intuitively determine what message your guidance is giving you when you have one of these experiences.

Anonymous said...

I too have this sense of smell. I just recently found out I'm an empath and a strong one. Through out my life, at random times I smell something. It is nothing of this world I can describe. Often I smell it slightly when I sneeze. I don't understand it and I've been searching for answers. Can anyone help? Does anyone else experience a smell they can't describe?? Thank you!

Unknown said...

I've had this gift and a few others my whole life. One thing that comes with it is the knowing. I not only can smell stuff most cannot but I know what it is.
At 18 yrs old,I smelled death as cold dull metal and tasted it.,was like pennies in my mouth. I knew it was death and sure enough, same time that happened, a friend of mine blew his head off.
These days, I can smell sickness and also love. My soulmate and I, when we make love, we both smell the scent of the best floral arrangement ever. We love this smell, but we never knew what it was.
We also have the smell of smoke around is,more like campfire smell,it is a spirit whose followed me for years.
It's amazing.

Anonymous said...

Since I was a toddler,in my crib, I've experienced "stuff".
A terrifyingly sense that something was in my space. I've experienced energetic paralysis. Most of the smells I've received have been awful odors. As I became older,I was able to associate the odors with negative entities within people or places. Only once that I recall has this "gift" has been positive...a friendly visitation. My oldest son and possibly my grandchildren sense things also. Idk. This can be a heck of a gift to receive.

Anonymous said...

Watching a movie at home with my son and all of a sudden I can smell the sea ? Almost as if I am on the beach...but I was just sitting at home late in the evening? Kept smellino it for about 10 - 15 minutes the strong smell of the sea. What does it mean?

Unknown said...

All of us would prefer to be visited by angels and nice loved ones. However, these souls or entities come to us to be crossed over or helped in some way. Ask your guides to help you transmute the energy when you smell something bad.

Unknown said...

Do you know someone who loves the sea or lives/lived near it?

Piper said...

I had a Psychic medium in to do a cleanse of my house and she helped me rid my home of an evil spirit that has been attached to me for some time. This "vanquishing" started two weeks ago Thursday. I feel the house is now clear, but I tasted and smelled the other day the faint odor of human decomposition. Does this have to do with the vanquish?

Unknown said...

I sense that it is a lingering odor from an earthbound spirit. The main thing is that you are at peace and the space feels lighter.

Anonymous said...

I am glad to come across this article. I have this "gift" but it happens randomly. I can smell and/ or taste what people around me are eating/ drinking. I tasted my grandmother-in-law's red wine (I do not drink wine) and I tasted the eggnog my children were drinking in another room. I can smell minute infections on my body, for example if a sore gets inflamed or infected, I get an olfactory sensation that is unmistakable and I know to look for it. I can smell certain illnesses in my children, particularly strep, which is a very intense and unique odor from their mouth. (Maybe everyone can smell this?) My sense of smell is generally sensitive and strong odors affect me greatly.

Unknown said...

This is indeed a gift to be able to smell energy like this!

Anonymous said...

I have been smelling different things over the last few weeks. First cigarette smoke, perfume,creasote, chemical smells and lastley Germolene. I have also been finding feathers out side my back door and my sons. Wondered if you could give any indication of the meaning of this.

Unknown said...

I smell death I believe. I'm not sure if I am smelling the spirits or souls of beings that have already passed or if it is imminent. I recently lost my sister who was placed in hospice. ..the smell was overwhelming to me but no one else that was with me could smell it. ..

Unknown said...

I have a friend whose brother recently died. She smelled death on him days before and it lingered in the house afterward.

Unknown said...

Ahhhhhh I thought my friends and I were going nuts as we have all been smelling smoke, wether it be wood or burning plastic it comes on very strong and then goes away yet no one else around us can smell it, it's never when we are together and we have been trying to find answers for a few weeks now. We have all been on an intense path of self discovery and some of us are starting to have visions so it's just nice to know that we really are not nuts or alone. thanks :)

Unknown said...

I don't think anyone is nuts because they have experiences that others don't have. These "gifted" people like you are advancing on their spiritual journey and opening to the full potential to see beyond the veil of separation.

Elinna said...

I'm so glad I found this wonderful and informative blog. Thank You!

Anonymous said...

Omg..im going nuts. I can smell this sickly sweet smell eminating from my mother in law, over the past few weeks its gotten stronger to the point where i cant be in the same room as her for too long. It blows thru the heater vents as well because the main vent is in her area of our house. I often smell cigars burning wires and weird smells on other people. How can i turn this off ��

sarah*Jane said...

i never thought of my extra sensitive nose as being a psychic gift. Ive always smelled diabetics as they always hace the same sweet smell. Other than that i ha e tried to block my sensitive smeller by putting vucks under my nose to kill ither smells around me. Now i will be moreaware of what i smell and where i smell it. I know i have always smelled things others can not but i ha e never really taljed about it with any one and i very much want to find someone who can help me fine tune this gift i have. Please!

Anonymous said...

I have recently smelled lilac at a funeral. What can this mean? No one could smell it but me. It was near the coffin. Between the family visitation and the friends visitation.

Unknown said...

Last night I smelled my mom scent everywhere the way her clothes smelt and her skin even her hair everything and I thought is just because I missed her a lot so I wanted to phone her but it was 23.00 so it was to late to call maybe she is sleeping so thought I phone her in the morning the next morning a woke up and my sister phoned me and told me my mother was in a accident and she is not doing good. I don't know way I smelt her and am freaking out help me to understand please

Unknown said...

Over the past three months or so, I have been experiencing smells that are not there. I am in the process of some serious spiritual experiences and openness to growth and change. About three months ago, I began to smell nag champa incense burning constantly, like it was directly under my nose, and I could taste it too This lasted for several weeks but I either got use to it or it faded away. Every once in a while, I will catch it here and there for various amount of time but not constant. Last month at the full moon, I performed a release ritual outside of my house where released the things that no longer served me by writing them on bay leaves and then burning them, outside. About an hour later, I was overwhelmed with the smell of either scent burning herbs. I thought maybe I had bay leaf smoke in my hair or in my clothes but even after showering and sleeping through the night, the scent was strong, overwhelmingly and I could taste it as well throughout the entire next day. It began to make me nauseous. I was able to smell other things individually, not mixing with the burning scent but when just breathing normally my nose and mouth were filled with the, now becoming, pungent almost like fumes. I was grateful when I awoke the following morning that the smell was gone. About two weeks later, I attended a Sacred Healing Circle were we did guided meditation and ancestral lineage healing. Several hours later, at home and 100 miles away from the location of the circle, I was eating my dinner alone and at home and I began to catch the scent of the burning herbs again. It made me panic and I started to tell "It" that I couldn't have that happen again, that I didn't know what it meant, and that I would try to find help to figure out what it all meant but that I couldn't go through another few days overwhelmed with it. I ran upstairs and into my bedroom where I had the distinct feeling that "It", the smell, had followed me. I could not smell it when I got to my room but was shortly completely overwhelmed with it, smell and taste, again. This lasted throughout the night. By the morning, it was hardly noticeable and faded from the time I woke up to being gone by the time I got to work. Last night, a package arrived from my best friend containing two beautiful sage smudge sticks she had made. I used one of them to perform a clearing ritual in my home. The smell was wonderful and lingered in the house through the night but as the night went on, I wasn't sure but I thought I might be experiencing the burning herb scent again but I wasn't sure that it just wasn't from the sage smudging, well this morning, I woke up with "It" again. I am 6 hours into my day and 5 of those in my office at work. I am completely overwhelmed with the smell and taste, as if it is burning directly below my nose. I am so at a loss. I have been told to pay attention to the details and the only common tread it that it occurs after ritual. I am new to these spiritual practices. I have been performed other rituals but it is only these three i describe that I have experience "It". I would love some guidance.

Unknown said...

Over the past three months or so, I have been experiencing smells that are not there. I am in the process of some serious spiritual experiences and openness to growth and change. About three months ago, I began to smell nag champa incense burning constantly, like it was directly under my nose, and I could taste it too This lasted for several weeks but I either got use to it or it faded away. Every once in a while, I will catch it here and there for various amount of time but not constant. Last month at the full moon, I performed a release ritual outside of my house where released the things that no longer served me by writing them on bay leaves and then burning them, outside. About an hour later, I was overwhelmed with the smell of either scent burning herbs. I thought maybe I had bay leaf smoke in my hair or in my clothes but even after showering and sleeping through the night, the scent was strong, overwhelmingly and I could taste it as well throughout the entire next day. It began to make me nauseous. I was able to smell other things individually, not mixing with the burning scent but when just breathing normally my nose and mouth were filled with the, now becoming, pungent almost like fumes. I was grateful when I awoke the following morning that the smell was gone. About two weeks later, I attended a Sacred Healing Circle were we did guided meditation and ancestral lineage healing. Several hours later, at home and 100 miles away from the location of the circle, I was eating my dinner alone and at home and I began to catch the scent of the burning herbs again. It made me panic and I started to tell "It" that I couldn't have that happen again, that I didn't know what it meant, and that I would try to find help to figure out what it all meant but that I couldn't go through another few days overwhelmed with it. I ran upstairs and into my bedroom where I had the distinct feeling that "It", the smell, had followed me. I could not smell it when I got to my room but was shortly completely overwhelmed with it, smell and taste, again. This lasted throughout the night. By the morning, it was hardly noticeable and faded from the time I woke up to being gone by the time I got to work. Last night, a package arrived from my best friend containing two beautiful sage smudge sticks she had made. I used one of them to perform a clearing ritual in my home. The smell was wonderful and lingered in the house through the night but as the night went on, I wasn't sure but I thought I might be experiencing the burning herb scent again but I wasn't sure that it just wasn't from the sage smudging, well this morning, I woke up with "It" again. I am 6 hours into my day and 5 of those in my office at work. I am completely overwhelmed with the smell and taste, as if it is burning directly below my nose. I am so at a loss. I have been told to pay attention to the details and the only common tread it that it occurs after ritual. I am new to these spiritual practices. I have been performed other rituals but it is only these three i describe that I have experience "It". I would love some guidance.

Unknown said...

I don't know how to turn off your spiritual gift of being able to smell energy. Any information we are given is to be intuitively discerned to see what response we need to take.

Unknown said...

Like any intuitive information we get, we are able to choose our response to it. Instead of turning off the gift, why not ask your guidance what they would like for you to do about what you are smelling? Perhaps you might say a prayer for the person or place that is emanating the smell.

Unknown said...

Smells seems to accompany spirit visitations. Your mother was likely traveling out of body when she came to you. It is nothing to be afraid of. I hope your mother is recovering well now.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Hi, Katie. Sacred herbs have been used for many years as offerings to the gods and goddesses that we work with in sacred ceremony. I’ve had nag champa and rose incense stay with me for days at a time. If the smell is unpleasant, stop using the herbs that are attracting them to you. Find a different offering for them such as beautiful gem stones. Then, if they are amplifying and returning your offerings as an act of gratitude to you, you will get more gems instead of herbs. Try it and let me know how it works out.

Unknown said...

Wow described me to a tee, I constantly smell this horrible smell lately and I know its me but, I'm not passing gas I can't smell it on my skin its just around me, its making me extremely depressed I don't want to go anywhere, no one has said anything to me about it and I'm too afraid to ask because the power of suggestion if they hadn't smelt it me asking them will make them notice it maybe, I'm extremely sensitive to smells,light, sound peoples negative energies, empathetic so much so it makes me depressed as well, constantly questioning the whole purpose of it all, how people can be so cruel and hurtful, its really helpful and reassuring to know there are other people out there just like me

Unknown said...

Have you done an auric clearing for this? It feels like you have picked up a "hitch-hiker" type of energy.

Unknown said...

No I've only just come across all of this, the smell is like an aura it lingers in rooms its on my clothes but I can't smell it on my skin or on me as such, I thought it may have been leaky bowel syndrome because I have trouble going to the toilet, but now I'm not so sure because I'm not certain if anyone else can smell this Smell. Even under the blankets I can't smell it but take covers off my head and its there wafting around, I've been getting more frequent migraines and more severe I thought possibly might be my body rotting from the inside from drug consumption and depression, its making me suicidal. What makes you think there's a hitchhiker?

sia said...

Dear Melissa,

I've had similar smell experiences for several years, though mine shifted from a general bad smell to very specific ones seemingly connected to people, situations or certain environments. The smells would overcome me cover me and cause almost seizure like resistance in my body. It was like I could smell every discordant thing.

I was able to heal myself of these depressing/destabilizing smells when I realized that they were coming from my own consciousness. It was if my awakening pineal gland had been incompletely downloading information to me via olfactory messages. I could smell low vibrations, sickness, greed, worry, anger and fear.

Try not to descend into depression, although I know it's hard to carry around this smell. Know that it is a message to you and go deep within to decode it. I suspect that there is some unresolved negativity, frustration or fear in you or your immediate environment that needs to be healed. First step is to calm yourself when you smell it, talk to your third eye like a baby and say you're safe, you're in love's embrace, nothing can harm you, nothing external has power over you. You are God's perfection. Do this without ceasing.

Once, after moving for the nth time to get away from the smells, I began smelling it yet again after settling down into my new place, I spent the entire night transforming the smell through constantly saying, you are God moving through me, the fragrance of God, God's aroma, God's love. Suddenly, after hours of lying there in bed at my new place consumed by this smell, the most pleasant, otherworldly, beneficent scent came over me. It was incredibly beautiful like nothing earthly I'd known, but similar to roses and babies breath and mothers love and perfect peace. Since then the bad smelling ended and I have a heightened awareness and ability to emanate love.

Lots of love to you fellow light worker~

Unknown said...

Such terrific sharing, Sia. Thank you so much!

Schona said...

Yesterday everywhere I went I could smell Palo Santo. I thought maybe people around me were burning it but no one was. I was out and about in the downtown area that normally holds an array of unpleasant aromas but I just smelt Palo Santo. Today I was talking yo my friend about it on the phone and he said "shut up! Me too! for the past couple of days." He's been asking people around him if they were wearing the oil or if they smell it and similarly to me no one had been or even knew what Palo Santo was. Does anyone know what smelling Palo Santo specifically represents?

Anonymous said...

I am a widow of just over 4months this morning I woke up at 4 am with the sweet smell and taste of oranges it was very prominent then after a few minutes it went away . I can not really associate that with my husband any way, it was very strange even felt a sticky feeling as if I had just ate an orange ......bizarre

Unknown said...

Palo Santo is holy wood. I use it to set sacred space. It always feels good to be in the energy of it. Just throwing this out there, but it seems to be related to "saints" or ascended masters.

Unknown said...

As a human race we are opening out DNA to expand our psychic abilities, intuitions, and physical five senses. This may be an indication that you are smelling and tasting in other realms.

Anonymous said...

I need help I smell this horrible smell of death coming from my boss no one else smell it but me I smell it at work and at his house but that smell wasn't there before what does this bad smell mean I believe he has cancer

Unknown said...

Only time will tell if the smell = death, but you are definitely smelling energy.

Unknown said...

This is something I experience on a daily basis. A walk around the supermarket can be quite unpleasant.
I'll be hit by a dreadful musty/ decay scent. Always strong and clear. Every time, without fail there will be a source. It is always a person, standing reasonably near. It also happens often on the street.
I feel heartbroken for them and obviously can't say anything, they would think I was mad.
I've had countless psychic experiences in my life and never been scared by them.
This though, I don't like.
In the old world, in the North this was just accepted as part of life and there would be some people in the villages like this. It is apparently common in those of Pict descent, which I am through my mother's line.
Elizabeth Sutherland's book Ravens & Black Rain is a good resource to find some of the old accounts of such things.
Personally, I live in fear of the day the smell comes from someone I love.
I'm certain it is associated will illness and death. The only time I smelled it remotely, I.E. not from a person was when my sister worked in a particular ward in the local hospital. She is a physio and worked with many dying people.
We would meet in the playground to pick up our kids and she would reek of he smell.
When she moved to the baby unit, the smell left completely. She smelled lovely.
It is comforting to know there are other people out there like this.
It is though a shame this is not an accepted thing in society, as we might be able to be of some help or use.

Unknown said...

A fascinating story, Devlin. Thank you for sharing this. I believe all our senses are tools for discernment.

Sanjay said...

I have experienced a fragrance which i can not not relate with any thing. It is very pleasant smell and i experience once in while. I experienced it first time when i was 18 years old. And then someday sitting alone i would feel it. It is awesome, more like rose and leaves me very refreshed. I can not say if it is associated with some object or not but i feel it. I would like it to stay forever but it would come and go. I have felt it even in car with closed windows where there cant be any source of it.

Anonymous said...

I just started meditating about a month ago. During a Reiki 1 attunement I smelled sage and felt like I was breathing in smoke and felt a heaviness on my chest. Since then I continue to smell sage and smoke. Very interested in what this means. Thanks in advance

Unknown said...

Rose is associated with angels or the divine feminine, in particular the Divine Mother or Magdalenes.

Unknown said...

Sage is the herb most often used for clearing detrimental energy.

Anonymous said...

@Anonynous I've also recently been experiencing a similar thing, just recently at home I've been smelling a burnt sage and the smell is very strong in my room but even though it comes and goes in some parts of the house but the smell in my room is constant... I am fully aware that Sage is a herb for clearing detrimental energy but I would like to know what is the meaning behind this all, why do I keep smelling sage in my home more especially in my bedroom. Your feedback would be highly appreciated @Yvonne Perry.

Thank you in advance...

Unknown said...

Wow so awesome to read a lot of these comments learning a lot from him but at this point I am totally confused I was at a Wawa convenience store 3 days ago and so a beautiful girl that work there and was sitting talking to an older lady first thing to my mind was she's pregnant the following day I returned and I ordered a sandwich she made it While She Was preparing it she told me she had a boyfriend and she was pregnant I bought a scratch-off and came home as I will eating sandwich I said to God whatever the winnings are I will give to her and her for her baby and when I won 500 I return to the store of the same night gave her the ticket she didn't know how it played so I cashed it gave her cash I return tonight and I asked her her age she said 18 almost blew my mind but since then I have this lovely feminine fragrance roaming around me at times really really strong I can be in the car in the room and the kitchen don't matter I can even be smoking cigarette and the lovely fragrance overpowers cigarette smoke I've asked my angels but assume anything racing through my mind I guess I'm confusing myself

Unknown said...

Wow so awesome to read a lot of these comments learning a lot from him but at this point I am totally confused I was at a Wawa convenience store 3 days ago and so a beautiful girl that work there and was sitting talking to an older lady first thing to my mind was she's pregnant the following day I returned and I ordered a sandwich she made it While She Was preparing it she told me she had a boyfriend and she was pregnant I bought a scratch-off and came home as I will eating sandwich I said to God whatever the winnings are I will give to her and her for her baby and when I won 500 I return to the store of the same night gave her the ticket she didn't know how it played so I cashed it gave her cash I return tonight and I asked her her age she said 18 almost blew my mind but since then I have this lovely feminine fragrance roaming around me at times really really strong I can be in the car in the room and the kitchen don't matter I can even be smoking cigarette and the lovely fragrance overpowers cigarette smoke I've asked my angels but assume anything racing through my mind I guess I'm confusing myself

Unknown said...

What an amazing story of compassion and following your guidance. I sense that you have an angel around you.

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