Friday, May 31, 2013

Enjoy Every Minute of Your Life

Is time passing you by and you don't know where it's gone? Have you fallen into unconscious life patterns and let yourself be driven by automatic pilot? Then it's time to take stock. It's time to wake up. Make every second count for that's all you have. It's time to enjoy every minute of your life.

The main character in my series of hilarious satires would maintain that the present moment is all you'll ever have. That's where the joy begins if you only allow it. Don't put off until tomorrow or even the next minute. Make the most of the precious time that's been given you.

Call up a good friend. Get up and watch the sun rise. Meditate. Take the day off from work and go on a spontaneous trip. Treat yourself and go out for a special meal. Take your dog for an extra walk. Turn a rainy day into a wonderful escape and read a good book.

Don't allow any negativity to interfere with your joy. Sure, life is full of challenges. No one ever said it was going to be easy. The trick is to take some time out, count your blessings, and never allow anything to diminish your joy. That's what life is supposed to be all about!

Let me introduce you to my character, Sister Mary Olga Fortitude. Sister Mary Olga steers to the left of center and doesn't let anyone rain on her parade. While her drinking and her smoking get her into trouble with her Reverend Mother – a former prostitute – she always follows her bliss. She does this by staying positive and maintaining a good sense of humor.

Her fellow characters help her with this. They are wacky and they provide her with many funny tales and misadventures that she will share with you. Priscilla Bunhead is the town prude and busybody who recruits the Reverend Billy-Bob Blunthead to stamp our perversion in the Snortlands of Wisconsin. He, along with his wife Pinky Poo, are founders of the Born Again or Burn Forever Disciples for Jesus. It is an upward climb for them as the gay people of Bucksnort emerge from their closets.
Along with the convent's gay chef and the transgendered Sister Samantha, they align themselves with people who recognize prejudice when they see it. The results are hilarious. Reverend Billy-Bob finally meets his match.

Along the way, you'll meet many other zany characters who will help you lighten up and laugh. There's the chef's baker, Amanda Ann Adult. She knows how to tip the bottle like Sister Mary Olga. Such is also the case for the convent's priest, Father Cowberries. Sister Mary Olga and he spend plenty of time in the confessional where they trade confessions over plenty of snorts of bourbon.

Take a trip to Bucksnort in my two books: The Misadventures of Sister Mary Olga Fortitude and Babes in Bucksnort. They'll provide you with laughter from the first page to the last. They will help you appreciate the moment and will even provide you with some nuggets of spiritual wisdom along the way.

Written by Davis Aujourd'hui

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Ego Versus Spirit

You are all spiritual beings having a human experience. Only spirit is real. It will never lead you astray. On the other hand, being human means to discern when your ego is getting in the way. In order to do so, you must practice awareness.

The ego is a trap of defensiveness that leads you to do some of the following things: It convinces you that you're right and someone else is wrong. It can lead to comparisons and judgment. It can lead to conflict and discord. What would you prefer? Would you rather enter into conflict or remain in a place of peace and joy?

It has been said by the great spiritual author, Anthony DeMello, that there are only two states. One is love. That is the spirit. The other is fear. That is the ego talking.

Jesus, himself, preached the message of love. He also said, judge not lest you be judged. Whether or not you can see it, when you judge another, you are simply judging a part of yourself that you have not been able to accept.

Before his time, there was an emphasis upon judgment which led to conflict. That's the ego talking again. When that happens, it's time to wake up. When you recognize someone else is in a place of ego, that is when it's time to turn the other cheek and walk away.

The Course in Miracles also maintains that there are only these two states. When someone is in a place of fear (ego), that is an opportunity for you to offer love. Sometimes that will simply mean to detach. Not everyone believes they are worthy of love. This is the sad truth. When someone practices love (spirit), it will attract more of the same.

To find your way to your spirit, you must follow the pathway of joy. Esther Hicks maintains that you should let nothing take you from that place. That is of the utmost importance.

When you can remain in a place of joy, all blessings will begin to flow toward you. When you are stuck in a place of ego, negative consequences will be attracted.

She maintains that we live in a vibrational universe. This all starts at a feeling state. In order to attract the abundance that Spirit wants for you, you must appreciate what is. That is simply a matter of accepting that it is all good.

To dwell upon the negative only draws more of the same to you. Conversely, maintaining a positive attitude will attract those things that you desire.

The spirit is the source of all positive energy. The ego is connected to that which is negative. Just remain aware and follow your joy. It's a challenge to be sure, but it's worth the effort. Whatever you put out will return to you in kind. The choice is yours.

Written by Davis Aujourd'hui

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Dalai Lama Discloses: Visitors from Other Galaxies are the Same as Us

At our core that we are all One. We each share a spark of the divine within us, and how feeling “different from” each other creates fear/distance. Visitors from beyond Earth might be perceived as “different” from us. If we are to accept the fact that we are not alone in this universe, we must begin by living with our fellow humans as though we realize that are one in spirit.

His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, spoke on Universal Responsibility and the Inner Environment at the University of Portland in Portland, Oregon, USA on May 9, 2013. You can find the Dalai Lama talking about “visitors from other galaxies” at the 36-37 minute mark:

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Don't Let the Judgement Be on You

How human it is to judge! It seems to be a fact of life. Unfortunately, it can lead to warped perceptions of others and of what is. The road to being free of judgment is to come to a place of acceptance. That always begins within.

As humans, we often find ourselves comparing ourselves with others. If we hold someone in high esteem, we may end up feeling diminished ourselves. If we are full of ourselves, we tend to judge others as inferior. Don't let the judgment be on you!

It's a tricky business. In comparing ourselves to others, we may not realize what we are doing. Our egos are leading the way to conflict – within or without. What we tend to judge in others is something we need to take a look at within ourselves. It may not be that we have that same issue, but we may have something else that we need to look at.

As an example, we may look at someone who has an addiction to alcohol with disdain. We may think that they should be able to exercise willpower. Unfortunately, that doesn't tend to work when it comes to addiction. Addiction is a disease. The thing we need to look at for ourselves is how we may be addicted to something else that may or may not be as destructive.

For example, we may be addicted to toxic relationships. We may be addicted to work, sex, compulsive gambling or compulsive buying. When we judge the alcoholic, we think we are better than him or her in order to avoid looking at our own issue. This is denial!

I have developed a series of satires that contain ornery characters who like to judge others. Priscilla Bunhead is a case in point. She judges anyone who is different from herself as being “less than.” She looks at my main character, Sister Mary Olga, with disdain. That's because Sister Mary Olga likes to tip her bottle of bourbon with fervor and to smoke her Marlboros with a passion. Because Priscilla doesn't do these things, she thinks she is better than Sister Mary Olga.

When Priscilla Bunhead looks at people who are gay, she judges them as perverts. She doesn't have any comprehension that they were made that way. It's not a matter of choice. They just happen to have a different sexuality than her.

Unfortunately for Priscilla, she has no outlet for her sexuality. She is an old maid who has never had sex. Perhaps her judgments are fueled by envy of those who have healthy outlets with which to express themselves.

She also doesn't like African-Americans. She basically doesn't like anyone who is different than herself. She has no ability to appreciate the diversity of people. She probably doesn't even like the different colors of the rainbow. Poor Priscilla! She happens to be a very unhappy person.

You may or may not see it, but you may have some aspects of Priscilla Bunhead within yourself. Your vision may be clouded because we all have blind spots. This is where careful self-examination is important. Just don't take this or yourself too seriously. Life is meant to be about joy.

A better road would be to find the ability to laugh at yourself. A good vehicle to do this would be to read my books and take a look at yourself as you laugh at my zany characters. Just don't be surprised if the laugh is on you.

Written by Davis Aujourd'hui

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

We Are One in Spirit Newsletter ~ May 2013

Book Launch and Training Conference

It’s finally here! My book for walk-ins, starseeds, indigos, and other embodied beings of light is now available on It will be launched with a book signing and galactic fellowship on May 17, 2013 in the lobby of the Hyatt Airport Hotel on Royal Drive in Nashville, Tennessee. This free get-together will be followed by a training day on May 18. See for details.

 Do you feel like a misfit on Earth? Are you here to help shift humanity and the planet into higher
consciousness? Have you experienced an awakening that totally revolutionized your life and made you feel that you are a different person in the same body? You may have had a soul shift. Our future, past, and fragmented selves are coming together in wholeness to create a unified expression of the soul. Shadow and light are being integrated. We are becoming one.  If you have had a strange spiritual experience, you will find comfort and information to help make sense of it in this eye-opening book, written by a walk-in to help others understand the soul exchange process and how to integrate higher vibrations that clear energy imprints that are not aligned with love, light, and joy.

Learn how to stay centered and actively involved in your personal ascension process as you discover your mission, purpose, and role on Earth. Get the book!  Join us at Walk-ins Among Us Nashville Conference to take your next quantum leap and open your personal portal to cosmic awareness. You will have a chance to discuss your exciting spiritual experiences with your own kind! I hope to see you at the book launch and training!

Walk-ins Among Us
May 18, 2013
Hyatt Place Hotel, Nashville, TN 37214

Reserve your space at the conference now!  

In Lieu of Webster’s Definition

As we explore ways to define “walk-in,” I recall how I understood the original term from Ruth Montgomery’s early work, Strangers Among Us. It reflected my personal experience and later fit what I learned through H.P. Blavatzky’s writings and the stunning stories of Lopsang Rampsa.
In my memory track of “young Carol,” my predecessor, I recall standing with her in the loving light, watching as she left. As the data I would soon need began to pour down upon me, I realized the significance of remembering. When I lost consciousness, the import seemed to resonate over and over before I awakened in the body to begin the mission of transformation that lay ahead.  
Ruth’s term “walk-in” is given to the exchange of soul that can occur behind a break in consciousness. This exchange is assisted by the karmic lords and guided by other than the human level. A personality finding human experience miserable declares it wishes escape and agrees (usually in prayer or behind sleep) to withdraw. Then, if there is a qualified soul who seeks to take over the remnants of the unhappy personality and reshape it into an opportunity for human service, it may happen. This experience labeled “walk-in” I have chosen to call “messenger” for bringing a message and doing service is indeed the reason the exchange occurs.  
Upon first hearing of other experiences that were being designated “walk-in,” I was uncomfortable that the term had no adequate definition. Now I respond to that need, and I certainly believe we should clarify the specifics of the phenomenon we are attempting to define.  
The sharing of consciousness that has been considered a visitation by and E.T. who comes and stays for a time, then departs, I perceive as an attachment that enters the personality, affixes itself(for a reason perhaps) to assist—even strengthen—the recipient, and to make a contribution to the progress of humanity at this time. A question I would like to ask and I think our readers would like answered is: How does one know when one’s own expanded and wise level is at work and when is it the “walk-in”? Because this is a doubly inhabited body, clarification would be helpful.  
The concept of a “higher aspect of myself” is almost always suggested by people who cannot deal with the walk-in explanation. Yes, I believe the true and natural path of spiritual growth is to connect us to the higher aspect of our nature. However, walk-ins are a different breed, and, speaking as one, I must say I indeed still have a higher self from whom I call forth guidance, expanded awareness, and energy. It has provided many insights as well as support and comfort through the years. The higher self is certainly still present in walk-ins, and most walk-ins draw upon it and are grateful for it. They also know the difference between their usual everyday consciousness and this wiser level.  
I personally do not see the overshadowing of a Master related in any way to the walk-in phenomenon. Masters guide their disciples and use them as outposts in their work, whether the disciple has had a profound experience such as an exchange or not. Disciples align to Masters to assist and to grow and to serve. Masters likewise aspire to have a means to touch the masses through those in their care. I see no correlation in this relationship to the walk-in experience, but many walk-ins may be disciples of the Masters. I know I attempt to serve as such, and I believe from my guidance that many others evolving by the path of initiation do so as well.
 Another story offered by Ruth Montgomery in Threshold to Tomorrow was a conversion experience behind which an exchange occurred. This was a profound kundalini episode which sometimes produces this kind of explosive change that we may interpret as conversion. Chuck Colson’s experience after Watergate seems to fit this description. Basically what happens in this example, I believe, is that behind the veil of consciousness the old individual leaves and a new one enters. This, however, does not automatically mean that the walk-in exchange occurred any more than that all near-death experiences include exchanges.  
Walk-ins are truly exchanges, not initiations. Initiations are wonderful times of expansion of consciousness for one who has gained spiritual merit. In that moment of new and expanded awareness, more energy is anchored within the personality as a result of soul growth. Often a period of integration is required for the newly blessed to reorient the physical life. The incoming fire tends to rush the dedicated one forward on a path already begun, but it does not shatter the life—nor does it involve the long period of confusion and adjustment as does the walk-in experience.  
Possession or fear-based events reflect the opposite of the positive manifestations to messengers or helpers of the Light. Living as we do in a dualistic reality, what is possible at one extremity reflects in the opposite as well. Therefore, I do think negative ones often stay close to the life of humanity and attach themselves for various reasons to those filled with similar energies. Hence, attachments can seemingly be either positive or negative. In certain situations, I believe a full possession can occur—a study in itself for those who wish to pursue it. Herein we are interested in emphasizing the positive help being given humanity as humanity invokes it. A principal point to remember is that the fruits of our work reveal the consciousness we carry. Wishful thinking and imagination belong to us all, and we are wise to exercise the gifts of discernment. When glamorized, the walk-in occurrence seems to be charming; however, as the work of the exchange is fulfilled, it is anything but. The life itself is given over to the work for which one has come. Yet, it is only natural for people struggling with personal challenges to wonder about these issues. Time is the great clarifier, and with observation, each one having had such an experience will come to know the reason behind it. However, of greater import to all of us is: Are we doing what we came to do? Not: How did we get here? We are all challenged to live by the rules of high consciousness, to love, and to serve.
We Are One in Spirit Podcast  
May 30: Rabbi Wayne Dosick is a revered educator, writer, spiritual guide, and healer, who teaches and counsels about faith, ethical values, life transformations, and evolving human consciousness, and is well-known for his quality scholarship and sacred spirit. He has been described as a “rational intellect with the soul of a mystic,” and in connection with his new book The Real Name of God: Embracing the Full Essence of the Divine, he has been called “a spiritual master of our time.”


Turning a Negative Experience into a Positive Life Lesson

Our attitude and how we think about something determines our experience of it. One person can have an experience and be devastated by it. Another person can have a similar experience and choose to see it as an opportunity from which they can learn. Scientists and physicists are now proving that everything is energy and that energy reacts in relationship to Human thought and expectation. Therefore, how we think about a situation determines our reality.

What does this mean in our daily lives? We choose how we want people to treat us by the behaviors we accept in others and by how we expect to be treated.

In our childhood, we set the stage and form our beliefs about how much abundance, intimacy, joy and pleasure we can expect in our lives. I grew up believing that if people knew who I really was, I wouldn’t be accepted. As a result, I spent many years trying to please people by attempting to be what I thought they expected. I had no idea who I really was.

Let’s chat. Think of an experience that you have seen as negative. Perhaps you did (or did not do) something because you allowed someone to influence or limit you. How can you now see that situation in a positive light? What life lesson did you learn? What experience did you gain that helped you stand stronger in your own power? Feel free to share that here now.

Yvonne Perry is the author of More Than Meets the Eye ~ True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife; Whose Stuff Is This? ~ Finding Freedom from the Thoughts Feelings and Energy of Those around You; and Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience.

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Self-Forgiveness Prayer

Like everyone else, I have made many mistakes in the past. But, the greatest mistake of all would be to continue to have remorse and guilt over my past mistakes because this only continues to reinforce the illusion of separation from God. In truth, I have never been separated from God for a single instant. Here is a prayer to help you release the shame and guilt you may be dealing with regarding mistakes you have made:
I now forgive myself for every past mistake. All condemnation is released. I give up every destructive feeling about the past, every feeling of separateness. I let go of all resentment, hate, and fear. God-Goddess knows nothing about sin for He/She did not create it. The Divine Spirit within me has never been contaminated with shame, guilt, or blame. Divine Love frees me from any sense of condemnation toward myself and others. There is no condemnation in the Christ consciousness. Therefore, as I forgive, I AM freely forgiven and released from my own illusions and miscreations. I let go of the past. I have no guilt regarding the past and no apprehension for the future. I AM free and I AM a new creation. And so it is.

Yvonne Perry is the author of More Than Meets the Eye ~ True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife; Whose Stuff Is This? ~ Finding Freedom from the Thoughts Feelings and Energy of Those around You; and Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience.

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Riding the Waves of Change

Have you ever noticed how the energy of a wave goes down before it goes up into the cresting wave? The same is true with our spiritual development.
A person’s level of consciousness or vibrational frequency will dictate how energy affects their lives. Those who have awakened spiritually to the truth of their own divinity, and are following their true heart’s desires will be as surfers moved forward in a positive direction by the accelerated energies now penetrating the Earth’s atmosphere. Those who have ignored or only intellectualized their spirituality and have not lived their lives under the direction of their higher guidance will be at the bottom of the wave or at the bottom of the ocean, so to speak as the accelerated frequencies raise the tide in human consciousness.

Many of us remember the events that forced us into waking up. I do. I was in the pits of depression and going through divorce. At that place, the lowest I had ever been, I found that the only answer was to give up, to surrender to something bigger, higher; to God-Goddess. Many people have to reach the bottom before they can agree to allow their ego mind (small self), not stop trying to run (ruin) their lives. All twelve-step programs are based on this principle of surrender and this is the most important part of spiritual growth. Not only do we need to surrender to our higher selves, but we need to agree to allow our bodies, personalities, and intellect to be used by the higher self, which is the divine within us. We then become conscious co-creators with the Creator of the universe.

Surrendering doesn’t mean giving up control of our lives to someone else. It does mean surrendering our resistance to remembering the truth of who we are. It does mean surrendering our need to always be “right.” It does mean surrendering our fear, limitations, and excuses.

We have so many layers of illusion on top of the truth of who we are. Those imprints and patterns are given to us by our family, culture, or religion we are born into. They are drilled in further when we go to school, choose a career, get married, go to college, enter military service, or have children. We can even have overlays of being survivors or victims of the holocaust, a war, a disease, a bombing, a storm, a failed marriage.

Identity with any organization—whether it is spiritual, political, athletic, or economic—causes mental patterns to form over the truth of who we are. All these roles and identities must be recognized, surrendered, and transmuted. When we agree to surrender the body, mind, and emotions to be controlled by the oversoul (higher self, God, Goddess, etc.), we still have free will. We still have a right to negotiate each deal and decision. I might remind you that surrender never happens all at one time. It is a daily process! But, the more we surrender, the happier we are and the smoother life flows. Then, we are able to rise above the water’s surface and simply surf the waves!

Yvonne Perry is the author of More Than Meets the Eye ~ True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife; Whose Stuff Is This? ~ Finding Freedom from the Thoughts Feelings and Energy of Those around You; and Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience.

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Overcoming the Fear of Moving toward Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire

The spiritual purpose of the world’s political and economic crisis is a signal that it is time for humans to evolve and begin to directly manifest our needs and desires through our mental power, cooperation with the Earth, and the energy of higher dimensions.

When you turn your will over to God-Goddess, you may expect to be given specific instructions. That would be easy for then you would never have to wonder or make up your own mind. Guess what? God-Goddess will not interfere with your free will or tell you what you need to do or what you must desire or create. Instead, He/She asks you, “What do you want to do? Where do you want to live?”

God-Goddess’s will for your life parallels your own true desires. He/She gives us the desires of our heart. That means that the answer is always “Yes!” It means that whatever desire is in your heart—whatever you really want to do—is your true path. What is it that limits us from taking the risk and making changes that would help us reach our higher destiny? Fear. Very simply, the fear of the unknown, the fear of loss/failure, even the fear of success stands as a roadblock whenever you think of doing something drastically new. One way I’ve learned to work around this fear is to make a plan or a road map with my goals clearly stated. I look at all the pros and cons—realizing that the pros are my desires and the cons are my fears.

Then, I ask myself a few questions:

1. What is the worst thing that could happen if the cons manifested?
2. How likely are the cons to actually occur?
3. How will I feel in ten years if I don’t make this change now?
4. What steps could I take now toward releasing my fears?
5. What is the best thing that could happen if I reap all the pros on my list?
6. How would I feel if I had my heart’s desire right now? (Feelings and emotions are powerful tools for manifesting!)

If you decide to take the risk and make a change, you can start small with a few baby steps. For example, if you want to finish your college degree, you could check out what financing options (grants, loans) are available. If you want to take art classes, see what is available in your area. If you need more time for yourself, look into finding a sitter for your children so you can better care for your physical body and emotional needs.

We find out who we really are by following what we really desire. We are not who we think we are. We are much more!

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.