Wednesday, January 21, 2015

How to Move Forward as a Walk-in Soul

As the Earth’s magnetic pull is changing, there continues to be an influx of walk-ins who are trying to integrate higher-vibrating energy into their bodies. Yet, we still have walk-ins from decades ago who have not cleared the negative commitments and energetic imprints of the natal soul and moved into their own mission.

The energy of the previous soul resides in the cellular memory of the body. This energy can be difficult to clear or let go because it feels like our own stuff—and some of it may actually be beneficial for survival. However, some old patterns can limit one from experiencing authenticity, intimacy, and the fulfillment of a spiritual mission as a walk-in soul. One reason a walk-in might get stuck and not move forward is because they do not realize that much of the negativity they deal with is not their own stuff. Instead, it is the thoughts, emotions, and social programming that have been implanted into the subconscious mind.

In the case of a walk-in, this “karmic imprint” belongs to the natal soul but it is the responsibility of the walk-in to resolve it.

The human body was not designed to run emotions through its cells. Yet, this is exactly what we have been doing as a species for centuries, and it is killing us. Most of the illnesses and diseases we carry are not ours. We have taken them on by not consciously managing and wisely directing our own energy. When we are submerged in this kind of disharmony, it is hard to get out because we are carrying everybody else’s energy. Thus, we become confused with brain fog, headaches, and other symptoms. It may take some time to integrate the high-vibrational energy of the walk-in soul with the body.

The intense energy that comes in with an advanced soul can damage the nervous system of the body—especially if there was a severe trauma or illness prior to the walk-in event. Panic and anxiety attacks, depression, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and other such ailments are common during the integration process. The most important thing a walk-in can do, in the aftermath of a soul exchange, is to nurture and care for the physical body. Speak gently to the inner child that may be freaking out over having a new “parent” in charge. Lots of TLC is required, especially during the first year of integration. Epsom salt baths, healing foods, proper hydration, extra rest/sleep, walks in nature, soothing music, yoga or some form of exercise that gently moves energy while connecting mind, body, and spirit are wonderful tools for helping to calm and heal the body. A holistic practitioner or naturopath may recommend supplements or other treatments to help you get through the adjustment period.

For more information about walk-ins or soul exchanges, or to receive coaching, energy work, or galactic light language readings from Yvonne Perry, please see Yvonne is the author of Walk-ins Among Us ~ Open Your Personal Portal to Cosmic Awareness and the president of Walk in Evolution (WE International).

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

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