Friday, March 14, 2014

We Are One in Spirit Newsletter March 2014~ Editor's Notes

By Yvonne Perry

Welcome to this month’s issue of We Are One in Spirit Newsletter. I appreciate this opportunity to share with you the insight I am receiving from the resonant field of ALL THAT IS. Veronica O’Grady, my co-host on our monthly empath group coaching calls, and Cayce Shostak, my co-host on our monthly chats with walk-ins, will also be sharing their wisdom in this issue.

I am super excited about being so close to publishing my book about light language. Light language can create miracles and bring an answer, message, blessing, or healing as a response to a request a soul has made for its highest good. It can shift energy faster than any tool, I’ve ever used! Old thoughts, beliefs, and behavior patterns are housed in the subconscious and our DNA. Our DNA also holds light codes to the template for the perfect divine human. When activated, these codes can override and reprogram old beliefs and patterns that keep the body, mind, and emotions sick and in disrepair.  Light language allows us to communicate directly with Source without the interference of the mind while activating codes to assist with healing on all levels. Discover the sacred and artistic tool for restoration and ascension. Learn more at  Light language cannot be learned—it is the language of the soul, therefore it is remembered. Usually this happens when the soul is ready for this tool. Many times it is activated by hearing or being around others who are speaking it. Light language is not always interpretable. In fact, many times that is why it is so effective—the mind cannot get hold of it and create stories around it. It is energy—everything is energy.  If you are interested in galactic light language readings or energy activations using light language, please go to  I hope you enjoy this publication and will keep in touch on our Facebook page:; We Are One in Spirit Website, or through our free monthly group calls.  Yvonne
Holding a Bachelor of Science in Metaphysics from the American Institute for Holistic Theology, Yvonne Perry is the President of WE International and Walk-ins Among Us. As an empath, starseed walk-in, midwife, and cosmic birther she offers healing and activation to help people recognize their wholeness and integrate multidimensional aspects of their souls. See to learn about her books, coaching, and services to help you push through the ceiling of resistance that keeps you living small.

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