Monday, October 20, 2014

The body is Affected by Subconscious or Hidden Beliefs

The body is affected by subconscious or hidden beliefs that keep it from being in perfect health and resonating at a higher vibration. For more than a year, I have been praying for my personal merkabah or light-body to be restructured and repaired. I knew I had to let go of whatever thoughts, beliefs, attitudes that were blocking me if I wanted to embody higher aspects of my soul. Boy, did my prayers bring up some crap to deal with! Childhood traumas, relationship issues, social disappointments, emotional pain and grief, illnesses, injuries, and everything else that needed to be released was waiting in line (not so patiently) for its turn to be resolved. During that time, my ego acted demanding, intolerant, critical, whiny, arrogant, and helpless. Shadow-side integration is what 2013 was all about for me and several people in mylife.

The work has been completed in the template, but we have yet to change the routing that keeps us from going back into our old stories. Those stories and the mind, ego, emotions are being shattered by the frequencies of purer consciousness that we are interfacing with. And, the clearing process will only get more intense if we resist it. Still, even at this point, we are all better off not carrying as much energy and repressed emotions from our past.

There are many other realms or fields in the multiverse, including the “primordial soup” that holds the potential or possibility for everything that can be created. Some call it the “nothingness” that contains limitless possibilities for everything. This is the source of infinite creative power. The realm where ascended masters, galactic councils, angelic beings, and other highly-evolved entities of light reside is where the upgrades are being made in the template that affects humanity. We can tune into the template and know what is going on there. It’s like listening to the radio. If you can’t hear what is being played, you turn up the volume. In other words, adjust the decibel settings or the force of the vibration as it is being released.

One who is allowing the upgrades, engaging them, or working with them will utilize their entire multi-sensory system and continue noticing the subtle signals more and more. Knowing what is occurring in the higher dimension helps us cooperate and can mean the difference between what I call the “whisper” or the “cosmic two-by-four.” Those who are still in their heads and not engaging with their higher guidance may get a little “nudge.” This is what happened to me last October. My ability to hear, see, sense, and smell in the spirit realm greatly increased after my head injury. That story is in my latest book, Light Language Emerging ~ Activating Codes and Integrating Body, Soul, and Spirit.

Yvonne Perry is the author of  Walk-ins Among Us ~ Open Your Personal Portal to Cosmic Awareness.

Have you been hearing, singing, or speaking an unlearned language? Your multidimensional soul is awakening in your body! Learn more in Light Language Emerging ~ Activating Codes and Integrating Body, Soul, and Spirit. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about her galactic light language activation and healing/clearing services.

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