Monday, February 2, 2015

Have You Read These Books?

Light Language Emerging ~ Activating Ascension Codes & Integrating Body, Soul, & Spirit
Light language can create miracles, bring a message,offer a blessing, or heal the body, mind, and emotions as a response to a request a soul has made. When activated, the codes contained in light language can reprogram old beliefs and patterns that keep the body, mind, and emotions sick and in disrepair.

Walk-ins Among Us ~ Open Your Personal Portal to Cosmic Awareness
If you have had a strange spiritual experience that left you feeling like a different person, you will find comfort and information to help make sense of it in this eye-opening book. Written by a walk-in to help others understand the soul exchange process and how to integrate higher vibrations.

Shifting into Purer Consciousness
As the Earth is coming into alignment with the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, we are being affected by cosmic energy that is compelling us to change our way of thinking and living. Learn how to stay centered and actively involved in your personal ascension process as you discover your mission, purpose, and role on Earth.

Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts,Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You
Are you super sensitive to the negativity around you? Are your coworkers like psychic vampires who leech off your energy? Do you have mysterious illnesses, aches, and pains? Are you depressed or angry for no good reason? Do some friends and family members make you feel drained? A guidebook for empathic people who have been carrying energetic burdens for others.

More Than Meets the Eye: True Stories about Death, Dying and Afterlife
A book that address topics that many people are not comfortable talking about such as suicide, the near-death experience, end of life decisions, and euthanasia. The book is designed to help people release their fear of death, learn to communicate with those on the other side, and to comfort someone who is grieving the loss of a loved one.

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

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