Sunday, October 26, 2014

What is Peace?

By Deirdre Siobhán Murphy

I spent years in the deep and sacred heart schooling of love even in the face of people saying love is a cliché. Soul pain and lots of laughter and amazing human interaction and listening to inner guidance lead me through that school. The final exams included a soul death . . . a consciously accepted domino effect, a collapsing of templates triggered by a perceived shock experience with the theme of abandonment stamped all over it.

Now, more recently, I have been discovering that love is not the whole school but one course amongst many other ones. It is most definitely my major. I was learning about trust and courage, that go hand in hand and have been lead into the world of healing. The latest discovery has been something else . . . peace.

This is a difficult thing to write about. Between the church and the hippies, the new agers and the war mongers, peace is either something you rest in when you are dead, off away somewhere in Nirvana, a slogan that is cool to write all over things or a written treaty agreeing not to kill people and destroy their homes any more.

I don't know how I found peace and I wouldn't be able to tell others how to attain it. No idea. Was it the death process? All the layers of old self I have left behind me? Was it all those years of working to transform myself, trying so hard, that I stopped trying and started trusting? All I know is I know how to readjust inwardly and slip into a quietness like into a pool of water. A pool of night sky. I don't know how to describe it. It is nourishing and delicious and refreshing. And still.

It isn't always there; I can, at times, completely forget about it, but I know how to be in it when I want to, when I feel I need it. Maybe I am being shown what blissful peace feels like for a while, a kind of test drive of something I can't afford to have yet but will one day. Maybe it is something that disappears again and again, that one has to re-find periodically. I really have no idea.

But, here is the awesome part. Once I started to really enjoy peace on my own, I happened to join paths with a Dannie R. Rosenhagen, someone who has also been through a grief-triggered death process and found something he calls his ch'i. This is a man I love with all my being and with whom I can go on philosophical mind rambles. If people wanted to, I could list amazing soul experiences and beautiful stories we have had but nothing, nothing at all beats the times of being peace together . . . peacing? Is there no verb for it? Is there no way of describing it that doesn't sound corny?

You know, when you drop a pebble into water, how the rings ripple outward? That causes a disturbance in the stillness of the water. Well, there is a way of us being in an embrace, in which there is no more him and me, no more male and female, no edge between our bodies and what is around us, it all is together in a warm glow that flows gently outward and stills the disturbances around. Sometimes we hum and the sound is a texture of frequencies that raises fullness of the glow. Mostly we are doing absolutely nothing. Just being. In peace. I know if we didn't know how to be, and totally enjoyed being, in this stillness on our own, now as much as ever, we wouldn't be able to go there together. I am sure of that. So, I think there is something beyond being in love and in life and in trust with someone. It is being in peace. In bliss. Something between the two? If anyone knows of a better word for that I would love to know it.

“I can tell you that you may have found peace by being so often in your center, or I like to say your chi. As is the trunk of a tree its core or center, sometimes life's experiences take us so ‘far out on a limb’ that we get lost and cannot find the trunk, thus far from the place of peace inside you.” ~ Dan Rosenhagen

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Monday, October 20, 2014

The body is Affected by Subconscious or Hidden Beliefs

The body is affected by subconscious or hidden beliefs that keep it from being in perfect health and resonating at a higher vibration. For more than a year, I have been praying for my personal merkabah or light-body to be restructured and repaired. I knew I had to let go of whatever thoughts, beliefs, attitudes that were blocking me if I wanted to embody higher aspects of my soul. Boy, did my prayers bring up some crap to deal with! Childhood traumas, relationship issues, social disappointments, emotional pain and grief, illnesses, injuries, and everything else that needed to be released was waiting in line (not so patiently) for its turn to be resolved. During that time, my ego acted demanding, intolerant, critical, whiny, arrogant, and helpless. Shadow-side integration is what 2013 was all about for me and several people in mylife.

The work has been completed in the template, but we have yet to change the routing that keeps us from going back into our old stories. Those stories and the mind, ego, emotions are being shattered by the frequencies of purer consciousness that we are interfacing with. And, the clearing process will only get more intense if we resist it. Still, even at this point, we are all better off not carrying as much energy and repressed emotions from our past.

There are many other realms or fields in the multiverse, including the “primordial soup” that holds the potential or possibility for everything that can be created. Some call it the “nothingness” that contains limitless possibilities for everything. This is the source of infinite creative power. The realm where ascended masters, galactic councils, angelic beings, and other highly-evolved entities of light reside is where the upgrades are being made in the template that affects humanity. We can tune into the template and know what is going on there. It’s like listening to the radio. If you can’t hear what is being played, you turn up the volume. In other words, adjust the decibel settings or the force of the vibration as it is being released.

One who is allowing the upgrades, engaging them, or working with them will utilize their entire multi-sensory system and continue noticing the subtle signals more and more. Knowing what is occurring in the higher dimension helps us cooperate and can mean the difference between what I call the “whisper” or the “cosmic two-by-four.” Those who are still in their heads and not engaging with their higher guidance may get a little “nudge.” This is what happened to me last October. My ability to hear, see, sense, and smell in the spirit realm greatly increased after my head injury. That story is in my latest book, Light Language Emerging ~ Activating Codes and Integrating Body, Soul, and Spirit.

Yvonne Perry is the author of  Walk-ins Among Us ~ Open Your Personal Portal to Cosmic Awareness.

Have you been hearing, singing, or speaking an unlearned language? Your multidimensional soul is awakening in your body! Learn more in Light Language Emerging ~ Activating Codes and Integrating Body, Soul, and Spirit. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about her galactic light language activation and healing/clearing services.

How to Relate Better in All Relationships

The next Shifting into Purer Consciousness Group Coaching Call is this week! Join us on October 23, 2014 at 2 PM Central Time to discuss how to relate better in all relationships. Our topic today is "Relating Better in Relationships As We Create a New World."

Why are so many relationships failing, and what is needed to create wholesome, loving relationships during this time of planetary shift in consciousness? The old paradigm of Earth was defined by exclusivity, control, deceit, and manipulation. People engaged in monogamous relationships and vowed to be together until death parted them. But when one became dissatisfied with how things were going, he or she would go behind the other person’s back to have needs met. This type of relationship fails many times even when the most loving intentions are set because it goes against the human need to live authentically and be one with all that is. Self-love, honesty, accountability, and empowered communication are the keys to resolving problems and shifting a relationship into the new paradigm.

Learn more about intimate relationships and how to relate better in all types of relationships on the live call with Vic Singer and Yvonne Perry on Thursday, October 23rd at 2:00 p.m. Central Time.

Attend by Phone: (425) 440-5100 Guest pin code: 187842#
Attend by Web:

Send your questions ahead of time and we will be sure to respond during the call. If you cannot attend live, once the call has ended you may hear the replay at the link above or on my website:

Shifting into Purer Consciousness Group Coaching Call is hosted by Yvonne Perry, the author of Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne is a walk-in starseed, who serves humanity as an author, coach, activator, and teacher helping people make the personal shift easier.  She is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about a free 15-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

The co-host on this show is Vic Singer, a life transformer, visionary, love activist, and medicine woman who has worked with healing arts since age 19 when she began her studies that include western medicine, indigenous realities, and Eastern practices. As the founder of Global Magic Temple, Vic travels wherever the ancient ancestors lead her to facilitate group healing circles and share healing with individual clients. 

Friday, October 17, 2014

A New Way to Connect

This material about a new way to connect on a soul level is an excerpt from Yvonne Perry's book, Light Language Emerging ~ Activating Codes and Integrating Body, Soul, and Spirit, which you will find at

For centuries, we have used brain-to-brain connection with one another through our logic and intellect. Template upgrades in recent decades have allowed us to move from a database of information previously accepted as truth to a place of “knowing from the heart” in a more loving and accepting way. We have been connecting heart to heart, and we feel the warmth of that connection. However, those upgrades left us with some gaps in communication that created confusion within our soul’s interface with our guidance team. Another upgrade was necessary for a resonant field to be created that allows us to communicate using our “heart-mind” and the wisdom of our highest expression of soul, which is now being housed more fully within the body. This recent upgrade or molecular restructuring has to do with our being able to sustain “form” while moving into higher dimensions and remaining a resident upon the planet. While multifaceted upgrades have been completed and are ready to positively affect humanity, the human body has not caught up with the process that will allow more awareness and higher aspects of the soul to be housed in the body. We need more resonance among humans in order to facilitate the shift into our light-body without chaos. One way this resonance can be achieved is through light language that connects us to the advanced intelligence of our higher selves and ascension guidance team.

In addition to upgrades within the molecular structure, the encoding within the DNA and cellular matrix has been given additional codes that allowed us to recognize telepathic exchanges within our group field. This caused many people to become extremely empathic over the past decade. Many are able to sense, and even experience, the thoughts, feelings, and energy of people, animals, plants, and non-bodied beings. This upgrade also activated light language in many people. Light language is the soul’s expression of its direct divine connection with Source. It can be written, spoken, sung, drawn, danced, and conveyed in many ways.

At first glance and experience, spoken light language sounds like gibberish, but upon closer observation, you will notice that often the person who is hearing it seems to recognize it. Some people have begun hearing a mysterious dialog or language forming in their thoughts. Whenever you hear light language in your mind it is important to open your mouth and give form to it, no matter how strange it might sound. You might do this in a private environment to begin with. The more you are willing to experience light language, the more “normal” it becomes and you might soon find that you, and others, recognize something that can’t be explained. This vibrational exchange is activating the cellular and DNA encoding from the upgrade and is assisting in the expression of our higher selves in the body as well as on the planet. More positive changes are coming and light language can help bring them online.

Have you been experiencing ascension symptoms? Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about her galactic light language activation and healing/clearing services.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Temporary Blending or Place Holding

The body is a vehicle, temple, or dwelling place for a soul. You may loan your car, rent out your house, or have someone live in your home while you are away. You may hire someone to come in and clean your house while you rest. You may have had some remodeling done to your dwelling while you were still living in it. My husband and I did this when we gutted our kitchen in 2007. We were without a sink for two weeks of the seven-week project. Washing dishes in the bathtub was a trip with no luggage; however, the finished project was amazing and I still enjoy the results. Compare this remodeling example to what a short- or long-term soul braid might accomplish. A soul braid may result in a miraculous healing of the body from a terminal illness, or it may create a life shift that the embodied soul was not able to achieve.

Another reason for a temporary blending occurs when one soul wants to experience something on Earth and then agrees to walk out when that venture is complete. Later on, another soul may come and experience what it needs. A soul braid may also be another version of your own soul coming in to assist the planet with evolution.

Because the body’s main function is to serve as a vehicle for expressing the various individuations of Source energy, multiple walk-ins or soul braids may occur in one body during a lifetime. Remember: these events are always agreements made between soul aspects, even if those involved are not consciously aware of the negotiation.

There may be times when a more evolved soul or higher aspect of someone’s soul holds the body while the natal soul conducts a galactic mission or accomplishes a task in another realm. This is a temporary assignment. When the soul returns, the swap is again made, but the individual may not notice it as much because the body has become accustomed to the higher vibration of the marker soul, and is able to accommodate the natal soul’s frequency, which is higher than it was when it first left. Why is it higher? The soul is perfect and now that the second soul has cleared the body of many negative imprints, the natal soul can vibrate with less obstruction.

Yvonne Perry is the president of Walk in Evolution (WE International) and the author of Walk-ins Among Us ~ Open Your Personal Portal to Cosmic Awareness and Light Language Emerging ~ Activating Ascension Codes to Integrate Body, Soul, and Spirit. To receive spiritual coaching, energy work, or a galactic light language reading from Yvonne, please see


Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Empowering Hour with Empaths October 14

Empowering Hour with Empaths is today, Tuesday, October 14, and we know that you have a lot on your heart. Veronica O'Grady and I will give a heart-felt loving response to as many questions as we can cover in one hour. We are available for personal coaching if you need to delve in deeper on any topic we don't cover in this call.

Our questions and topics today include:
  1. Handling shifting energies: exhaustion, gastric intestinal release, muscle cramping, revved up at times, drained other times, euphoric one minute and down the next…
  2. How does one know when it is time to move on from one teacher and be open to another?
  3. When you have established a relationship in the past where the other one is dominant, how can you put boundaries and shift this situation to a more harmonious and equal relationship?
  4. Why are so people leaving the planet? Isn’t everyone ascending? Why is it so hard to ascend?
  5. Is it possible to be operating in multiple realities at once but not be fragmented?
  6. What to do when one feels the heartache and suffering emotions of a person who wants to commit suicide.
  7. Healing, release, integration … such as
  • - how to integrate our soul aspects
  • - how to know if what one is feeling is an aspect to be integrated or collective stuff being transmuted
  • - how to fully heal and release things that keep coming up over and over as opposed to just having them get triggered relentlessly
  • - successfully integrating when the situation in one's life doesn't seem "safe" enough to welcome aspects home - if one feels strong emotions and links it back to what seems to be core issue in this lifetime, while feeling the emotions with detachment...yet it doesn't get released...does that mean the issue is really linked back to past lifetime?)
  • - parallel lives, multidimensional aspects to be integrated?
Join us live. Let your highly sensitive friends know, too!

Time: Tuesday, October 14th at 2:00pm Central
To attend online:
Phone Number: (425) 440-5100 Pin Code: 187842#

To celebrate my birthday, I'm offering remote light language sessions during the month of October on a donation basis. This is the time to get the coaching help you need without worrying about how much it costs.Use this link to arrange your session.

To hear replays of our previously recorded calls, see

A starseed walk-in and cosmic birther, Yvonne Perry is a metaphysical author, healer, and coach, offering assistance to those who are going through significant spiritual changes. In her one-on-one healing and activation sessions, Yvonne incorporates light language, earth and animal medicine, and galactic codes to help people integrate multidimensional aspects of their souls. Information about Yvonne's books, coaching, galactic light language readings, and other spiritual services is available at

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Steps Toward Ascension

What is the feeling in your body when you consider a choice? Your feelings are your internal guidance. The thoughts you hear in your head may not be the best guidance. If a choice doesn't feel good in your body, it is not your truth.  Learn more in this video by Matt Kahn of, who explains the steps toward ascension.

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience.

Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

What Would You LIke to Talk About?

Our next Empowering Hour with Empaths is coming up next Tuesday and we would like to know what topic you want us to discuss. Please contact me on my website to let me know what is on your heart. Veronica O'Grady and I will give a loving response to all your questions.

Mark your calendars and plan to join us live. Let your highly sensitive friends know, too!

Time: Tuesday, October 14th at 2:00pm Central
To attend online:
Phone Number: (425) 440-5100 Pin Code: 187842#

To celebrate my birthday, I'm offering remote light language sessions this month on a donation basis. This is the time to get the help you need without worrying about how much it costs.Use this link to arrange your session.

To hear replays of our previously recorded calls, see

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

My Light Language Audio Book is Now Available!

I have completed the recording of an MP3 audio for my latest book, Light Language Emerging ~ Activating Ascension Codes & Integrating Body, Soul, & Spirit. It will take you five hours and 20 minutes to listen to the entire book. There are light language blessings and activations throughout the audio that will help boost your awareness of your multi-dimensional soul.

Purchase the audio book for only $5.55 through October 30, 2014.

Read more about the book, hear a message in light language, or see a sample of galactic code at

Light language is intended to bypass the logical reasoning mind and minister to the cells, DNA, psyche, and emotional memory of the body and soul. During a session with Yvonne Perry, you may experience any or all of these things: Downloading of galactic codes for your Earth mission, retrieval of soul fragments, calling in soul aspects from higher octaves of your multidimensional self, clearing residual trauma from many lifetimes, compassionately releasing entities that have served their purpose, changing of spirit guides, healing of the body/emotions, shifting of mental perspective about some difficult situation, deprogramming a negative pattern that has been on a loop in the limbic system. Naturally, it may take a few weeks to integrate all this after a remote or in-person session.

Learn more about arranging a session at Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about a free 15-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.