Monday, August 20, 2012

Tip for Ascension: Exercise

While I’m not an advocate of high-impact exercise, I know ya “gotta move it, move it” to keep the energy flowing and the physical body strong. I prefer low-impact ones like yoga, swimming, or walking in nature because these forms of movement allow us to reconnect to nature and the elements. If the weather is less than ideal, I can work up a sweat by dancing without pounding my feet into my knees or looking like a klutz who can’t get coordinated with the rest of the class. To each her own. Just get your body in motion.

When I was having problems with fibromyalgia shortly after my 1999 walk-in experience, my doctor recommended daily exercise. I was living in an apartment complex that had an indoor swimming pool. There were days when I didn’t even feel like walking to the pool, much less exerting the effort to swim laps. On the days that I did swim, I found it helped ease the pain and put me in a better frame of mind.

It wasn’t until I discovered yoga and conscious breathing that I started truly seeing the benefit that movement and breath has upon a weary body. Yoga is a non-impact form of cardio-vascular exercise that tones the muscles while increasing flexibility. Because the poses can be adapted to your current level of physical ability, almost anyone can enjoy practicing yoga. Because it uses the breath to calm the mind and body, it is a spiritual practice that has benefited devotees for centuries. There are numerous books, videos, and even iPhone apps that make it convenient to do yoga at home.

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

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