Sunday, September 23, 2012

Affirmation to Integrate the Christ Oversoul with the Physical Body

The purpose of this mediation is to allow the Christ oversoul to be activated and merged with the physical body and create one cohesive field of light in the auric field. This will help to anchor and fortify your light body. As you calmly and peacefully integrate and merge the accelerated energy of your Christ oversoul it will begin to manifest in your daily human experience.

I acknowledge my creator who is in me, around me, living as me in human form. I am part of the divine matrix known as God/Goddess and the universe. I honor my place, part, and power in bringing heaven to Earth through my thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions. I am one with the divine and its infinite possibilities to change my life and my world.

With this deep inhalation, I breathe love and light into my heart center. This pure, divine essence is expanding and increasing to encompass and clear my throat and solar plexus chakras. I am one with the ALL THAT IS Source flowing through, around, and within me.

With this deep inhalation, I breathe love and light into my heart center. This pure, divine essence is expanding and increasing to encompass and clear my pineal chakra located in the center of my head and my sacral chakra in my abdomen. I am one with the ALL THAT IS Source flowing through, around, and within me.

With this deep inhalation, I breathe love and light into my heart center. This pure, divine essence is expanding and increasing to encompass and clear my crown chakra at the top of my head and my root chakra at the base of my spine. I am one with the ALL THAT IS Source flowing through, around, and within me.

With this deep inhalation, I breathe love and light into my heart center. This pure, divine essence is expanding and increasing to encompass and clear my alpha chakra above my head and my omega chakra located between my thighs. I am one with the ALL THAT IS Source flowing through, around, and within me.

With this deep inhalation, I breathe love and light into my heart center. This pure, divine essence is expanding and increasing to encompass and clear my entire physical body. I am one with the ALL THAT IS Source flowing through, around, and within me.

With this deep inhalation, I allow my Christ oversoul to be activated and merged with all my chakras and my physical body to create one cohesive field of light. Anchoring and fortifying my divine light body on Earth, I calmly and peacefully integrate and merge the accelerated energy of my Christ oversoul into my daily human experience.

With this deep inhalation, I allow my Christ oversoul to be activated and merged with all the subtle auric bodies surrounding my physical body, and create one cohesive field of light. Anchoring and fortifying my divine light body on Earth, I calmly and peacefully integrate and merge the accelerated energies of my Christ oversoul into my daily human experience.

With this deep inhalation, I allow my Christ oversoul, my divine light body, and the ALL THAT IS Source to be activated and merged with all aspects of my being in one cohesive field of light, and radiate through, around, and within my chakras, bodies, aura, and human experience—in all ways and at all times.

And it is so.

This meditation is available as an MP3 audio that can be used in your iPod or other audio listening device. See

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

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