Monday, December 17, 2012

The Main Reason People Are So Empathic

We are in a time of expansion both as a planetary shift and as a race of evolving human beings. The reason we see so much violence, social upheaval, and physical planetary changes right now is because Earth is expanding through the fourth dimension of “hell.” Since we are along for the ride, this expansion is affecting all living things on the planet.

Earth is surrounded by a dimension where negative human thought forms are collected and earth-bound souls reside. Earth-bound souls are human spirits who have died without enough consciousness to get themselves through the 4-D barrier and “go through the tunnel light” and enter the fifth dimension. Christians would describe the beautiful, peaceful, light-filled fifth dimension as “heaven.”

Because being immersed in a sea of negative thoughts is emotionally torturous and the soul cannot die, the fourth dimension could be considered the “hell” mentioned in the Bible. A person who is able to see into the fourth dimension would see the energy of the first three chakras, which are red, orange, and yellow. This dimension would look like fire.

Most souls stuck in the fourth dimension have an addiction to substances such as drugs, alcohol, food, sex, power, money, or control of others. They desire to relieve their addiction by obtaining their substance of choice. Thus, they live vicariously through humans by attaching themselves to the body of a one who is practicing a similar addictive behavior or using substances in a harmful manner. These entities feed off of the energy or rage, anger, greed, fear, and inappropriately expressed sexual energy.

People who are most susceptible to being drained by earth-bound souls are those who are not in control of their emotions, and are operating empathically without any energetic boundaries or protection in place. When untrained, these highly-sensitive people (empaths) are like psychic sponges soaking up all the negativity within the fourth dimension. This is why so many people who are depressed and suffering from anxiety attacks can sense something bad about to happen even before it’s noticed in the physical dimension.

So what do we do about this? First of all, get help in overcoming any addictions you may have! In order to find peace, empaths must learn to clear and protect their auric fields and begin to connect with the Divine within themselves and in Mother Nature. I teach how to do this in two of my books. Whose Stuff Is This? ~ Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You teaches how to set boundaries with entities (see chapter 10). It’s the training manual for highly-sensitive who truly want to understand and begin to use their empathic gift for the good of all.

Once you understand and begin practicing the concepts in that book, you will find the next step toward spiritual evolution in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. That book teaches how to shift your negative thoughts and raise your vibration so you are no longer bothered by souls in the fourth dimension. Then, you can begin to work with more evolved spirit beings who can help you discover your authentic self and develop your mission and purpose for being on Earth during such a time of transition.

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

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