Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Overcoming the Fear of Moving toward Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire

The spiritual purpose of the world’s political and economic crisis is a signal that it is time for humans to evolve and begin to directly manifest our needs and desires through our mental power, cooperation with the Earth, and the energy of higher dimensions. We are made of elements of the Earth. When we do energy work, it is important not just to draw down energy from higher dimensions, but to deposit that pure loving energy into the Earth. This will in turn pick up Divine Mother energy from the Earth and pull it into our bodies.

When you turn your will over to God-Goddess, you may expect to be given specific instructions. But then you would not have control of your own mind. God-Goddess will not interfere with your free will or tell you what you have to do or what you must desire or create. Instead, He/She asks you, “What do you want to do? Where do you want to live?”  God-Goddess’s will for your life parallels your own true desires. He/She gives us the desires of our heart. That means that the answer is always “Yes!” It means that whatever desire is in your heart—whatever you really want to do—is your true path. What is it that limits us from taking the risk and making changes that would help us reach our higher destiny? Fear. Very simply, the fear of the unknown, the fear of loss/failure, even the fear of success stands as a roadblock whenever you think of doing something drastically new. One way I’ve learned to work around this fear is to make a plan or a road map with my goals clearly stated. I look at all the pros and cons—realizing that the pros are my desires and the cons are my fears.  Then, I ask myself a few questions:  1. What is the worst thing that could happen if the cons manifested? 2. How likely are the cons to actually occur? 3. How will I feel in ten years if I don’t make this change now? 4. What steps could I take now toward releasing my fears? 5. What is the best thing that could happen if I reap all the pros on my list? 6. How would I feel if I had my heart’s desire right now? (Feelings and emotions are powerful tools for manifesting!)  If you decide to take the risk and make a change, you can start small with a few baby steps. For example, if you want to finish your college degree, you could check out what financing options (grants, loans) are available. If you want to take art classes, see what is available in your area. If you need more time for yourself, look into finding a sitter for your children so you can better care for your physical body and emotional needs.  I am available as a coach to help you better understand how to follow the guidance of your own heart and discover what steps you can take to move forward.

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Replay for May Walk-ins Among Us Group Coaching Session

What a great discussion we had on Walk-ins Among Us Group Coaching Call this past Thursday! Ishtah, a special guest, joined me (Yvonne Perry) and my co-host, Cayce Shostak, to share about the awareness of cosmic soul release and how walk-ins are occurring as other lifetime aspects are integrating.

Ishtah assists those experiencing the flux of emotions that often accompany the rise of Kundalini energy and the opening of ancient gateways or portals within the body consciousness. Ishtah is bringing forth light language or cosmic language and the galactic codes to transport others through the space/time continuum and into the next step of the ascension project.

We talked about ways to deal with the energy or situations left behind by previous souls and how to understand what is happening as emotional energy is coming up to be cleared in order for the previous soul to move on or more fully integrate.

Ishtah and I spent three weeks together releasing souls from the grief and trauma attached to the current incarnation as well as the souls’ past lifetimes. Once souls are free, they go to Source and then quickly reincarnate—thus, the influx of walk-ins we are noticing this year.

Light language—or heart language—was explained as having the ability to speak to the mind, allowing it to embrace the new dynamics and peel away the old codes that once bound humans to Earth. Ishtah and Yvonne shared a blessing in heart language.

We also talked about the Greening-the-planet project.

To hear the replay, select May 22, 2014 at http://tinyurl.com/kuaf4h2.

There will be two light language play-shops this summer! One will be in Nashville June 20-21 and one in Golden, Colorado July 26, where you can learn about light language and experience activation of this wonderful ascension tool. For info about Nashville play-shop, see light language play-shops in Nashville.

For more information about the Colorado play-shop, see https://www.facebook.com/events/1386573991584468/


Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Walk-ins Among Us Group Coaching Session on May 22

Walk-ins are coming to earth in droves this year and we are helping birth these wise souls into form. I’ve had two significant soul shifts in six months! Many souls from previous lifetimes are being integrated into the form as well. This process can feel like a mini-death due to the clearing it triggers! Please join me and Cayce Shostak on Walk-ins Among Us this Thursday, May 22, at 2PM Central Time for more information about how to work with this energy and bring forth the divine human waiting to be born.

Here is the call-in information to join us on this free call:

By phone: (425) 440-5100 or check for local number at http://InstantTeleseminar.com/Local Pin Code: 187842#  

Attend Online: http://instantteleseminar.com/?eventID=54663933  

Connect with Skype: Add joinconference as a contact, and then initiate a session. Once connected, select show dial pad from the Call menu and enter guest pin code 187842#  During the event, if you are connected via telephone, press *2 to raise your hand and we will call on you to speak.

If you connect to the session via the Internet, type your question in the box you will see on your screen. You may go to the web page now and type in your question while it’s fresh on your mind. It will be in queue when the show starts and I’ll be able to see it and respond to it.

If you are unable to attend the call, you have the chance to listen later. The replay link is the same as the link to attend live.

Also see my website http://weare1inspirit.com/services/ to learn about the Encoding of the Divine Human.

Much love and light,  


Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Multidimensional Selves

Aspects of our soul are scattered throughout the Universe in multiple dimensions, including simultaneous Earth incarnations. Multidimensional selves or aspects are like a three-way mirror that you may see in a dressing room. As you stand in front of the triple mirror, your image is duplicated endlessly. However, rather than being identical, each aspect of your soul has its own distinct personality. They may take different forms that allow them to live in environments or dimensions/octaves that are unlike those found on Earth. The characteristics or features of each one may look different, but it is still you being reflected across the spectrum of no-time-no-space.

For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. (I Corinthians 13:12)

The more evolved aspects of our soul vibrate at a purer, more loving frequency and may actually be assisting you as guides on your current journey. Some soul aspects may have fragmented through traumatic experiences. In fact, the entire Divine Feminine aspect of the trinity was fragmented by dark forces eons ago and we are reclaiming this aspect into our bodies, the earth, and all creation now. Because they have been stripped of their light, these fragmented aspects may appear as part of our lesser-loved shadow side. To think in terms of higher and lower, good and bad, is actually duality thinking. As members of the planetary ascension team, we are not here to discard duality but to embrace it, acknowledge it, and honor it and then make the individual choice that everything in our lives is for us, not against us or happening to us. Bringing the duality together in wholeness balances masculine and feminine principles/energies.

Have you been hearing, singing, or speaking an unlearned language? Make sense of this ascension tool in Light Language Emerging ~ Activating Codes and Integrating Body, Soul, and Spirit.

Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/services for information about her galactic light language activation and healing/clearing services.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Book Review for Light Language Emerging

Yvonne Perry's latest book: Light Language Emerging

Humanity attempts to settle on an answer to the question of “reality”. Philosophy and religion attempt to encapsulate thoughts on the matter into an idea, the oldest idea known to man: That being is one, identical with God the Creator. In every age and in every corner of the world that idea is rediscovered. Humanity finds that idea fulfilling. And humankind can rest comfortably on the fact that it will never perish. Assuredly, nothing will ever finally replace it in human consciousness. There remains only the problem of communication: A language is needed to communicate in an “all being as one reality”. Thus, Yvonne Perry’s Light Language Emerging beacons and fires the imagination with sounds, movements, and images that arouse joy, exhilaration, and the anticipation of a new day on the earth.  

Perry speaks to the possible human experience with fresh, new words and images that render imaginings fitting to the present moment in evolution. Light Language Emerging is captivating and nearly impossible to put it down, hypnotically leading into an immediate second reading. While the Church limits light language to church services and prayers, without reservation, Perry blows the doors off that stifling prison of thoughts about its purpose and potential by using varied candid stories of speaking, signing, drawing, and dancing in light language. In so doing, she catapults readers into a world of galactic portals and dimensions where communication does not necessarily depend on reason, understanding, and context. Simultaneously, Perry plants readers into deep communication with the unknown world of infinite mystery while appealing to all the senses, both spiritual and physical. I conclude light language can lead to personal discovery and an entirely new human experience for many individuals.

S. L. Brannon Author of The Two Agreements: A Good News Story for Our Time

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Replay for Empowering Hour with Empaths May 13, 2014

A huge shift in consciousness is already underway, but the ability to remove or transmute old energy will intensify with the full moon on Wednesday.

Our vibration carries the passwords to the bridges that bring us into a new expression of our divinity. Join us at 2-4PM Central Time Wednesday, May 14, for drumming and making heart-felt noise and light language to release these old patterns that have shut down our divine voice for lifetimes. Grace for ascension will release old energy, shift patterns of discord, and open the gates for beautiful divine energy to join your soul’s higher expression.

If you need coaching to help you move past this big shift or to integrate the new energy you receive during this call, please contact me.

Listen to the replay of the group call recorded on May 13, 2014 with empaths at http://tinyurl.com/n8gazkd.

There will be two light language play-shops this summer! One will be in Nashville June 20-21 and one in Golden, Colorado July 26, where you can learn about light language and experience activation of this wonderful ascension tool. For info about Nashville play-shop, see light language play-shops in Nashville. For more information about the Colorado play-shop, see https://www.facebook.com/events/1386573991584468/
Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Opening Your Heart to Safe Love

At the deepest level of our soul and spirit we know that we are love. We all crave to experience this love in a tangible way. We know it’s within us and that we have the capability of flowing this love through our hearts. And, we want and need to express it with other people. But we’ve all experienced hurt, loss, and woundedness in our past that has caused us to close our hearts to the experience of love with ourselves and with others.

Those wounds create detrimental patterns that get locked in the cells of our bodies. Whenever there is a new trigger similar the original hurt, the ego mind and our emotions come to the defense to protect those damaged (mal-programmed) cells. Those memories serve as reminders to protect us from future hurt. Our heart wants to open and be loved by another and yet the feelings of loss, pain, betrayal, deception of our past won’t let us. We put up a garrison, a fortress around our heart, so that even when we want to open and know we need to and could, we don’t.

So how do we move this fortress out of the way? How do we allow ourselves to be vulnerable and feel safe enough to take down the guards? It has to be done at a cellular level. We have to reprogram the cells in our bodies with new information, with positive messages, and then step out in faith when the opportunity comes to be loved by another. The experience of loving and being loved by another person is worth the risk. The problem with trying to love another is that the other is probably just as wounded as you are and you trigger one another even with this fresh opportunity to be loved. As we heal our own hearts, we learn who can provide a safe experience and we only open to those who can nurture and receive our love.

The opportunity to love another, to blossom and grow, to step outside of our past experience, and live truly in the now moment requires us to take action in the physical realm. We can repeat affirmations, get into a support group, or spend time with non-judgmental people who can help us walk through this situation. But the change also has to come on a spiritual level. A transmission of grace and transmuting energy can lift all the impairment from the cells and allow Spirit’s healing love to rewrite the programs that we’ve been carrying in our emotions and in our mental field.  It’s not the soul that needs to be healed. The soul is pure conscious love. The soul knows how to love. It’s the brain, the body, emotions, cells, and the mind that must be healed if we are to ever experience love in an open-hearted manner. Old emotionally charged wounds are triggered and the defense mechanism is set off when we encounter a current situation that is like the original hurt. When this happens, we need to push through the pain and allow healing to come in so we can allow ourselves be loved again—not ignorantly, but with eyes wide open and fully understanding the risks. We learn to guard our hearts in a new way. Not with walls that close us off, but by filling our heart with love from the divine source our higher self. The beings of light who are part of our monadic group of spirit helpers are always sending love to us. It’s a matter of opening to receive that love.  Sometimes love is facilitated through another person who has opened their own heart so that they can help you open yours. That doesn’t mean this person doesn’t still have issues—they’re learning and growing too. It means they have taken the first step and are allowing healing love and light to come in and to begin its work of transformation. Because this work is transmuting and re-writing the old programming in the cells with new truth and new messages of oneness, this person can share from a higher perspective and help others begin to live in the truth of who they are as individuations of Source. As a spiritual coach, I can help by sharing what I have learned about managing emotional energy and clearing it from the cells of your body.

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Empowering Hour with Empaths Session for May

Hello fellow empaths! I trust you are becoming more empowered and feeling stronger in the use of your intuitive gifts more each day. My co-host, Veronica O’Grady, and I plan to have our next group coaching session with empaths on Tuesday, May 13th at 2PM Central Time. [Check the world time zone map for the correct time to tune in: http://www.worldtimezone.com/]

Veronica and I would like to know what topics you would like us to discuss in this group coaching session. Share your needs and send us your questions and we will attempt to address your concerns on May 13. Be sure to join us live on the call to share your thoughts and give input.

There are three ways you can attend our next “Empowering Hour with Empaths”:  

By phone: (425) 440-5100 or check for local number at http://InstantTeleseminar.com/Local  

Pin Code: 187842#

Attend Online: http://InstantTeleseminar.com/?eventID=54663744  

Connect with Skype: Add joinconference as a contact, and then initiate a session. Once connected, select show dial pad from the Call menu and enter guest pin code 187842#

During the event, if you are connected via telephone, press *2 to raise your hand and we will call on you to speak. If you connect to the session via the Internet, type your question in the box you will see on your screen. You may go to the web page now and type in your question while it’s fresh on your mind. It will be in queue when the show starts and I’ll be able to see it and respond to it.

If you are unable to attend the call, you have the chance to listen later. The replay link is the same as the link to attend live.


Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Walk-ins Welcome?

I chuckle whenever I see a sign that reads “Walk-ins Welcome.” It is so nice of businesses to extend an invitation to the star beings who come to Earth in a less traditional manner. They must know that some souls skip the baby, toddler, and young teen years and take up residence in a mature human body. I am sure that is what the signs indicate, right?

Everyone likes the convenience of walking into a place and getting instant service. We have walk-in medical clinics and walk-in hair salons where we can obtain services without having to wait. We walk into a restaurant and a server takes our drink order. A few minutes later we are sipping our favorite beverage, and our food comes to the table soon after. In the ideal world, our meals are free; but for now, let’s say the check comes without our having to remind the server to bring it or wait for him to return with our change or credit card. A friend of mine told me he walked past a paper that was still rolled up in the protective plastic bag and the words “Walk-In” caught his eye. It was an advertisement for walk-in tubs. Really? The water would spill out when you open the door! I am still waiting for my walk-in closet large enough to put all my clothes on hangers—but overall, Earth life as a walk-in soul is a grand experience.

Even though we do have spirit beings to assist us, souls walking into an adult body, with all its quirks, conditioning, and dysfunction, may not get a grand welcome from humans upon arrival—certainly not like a soul entering as a sweet little newborn. No baby showers, designer nurseries, or parents and grandparents oohing and cooing over us. Nope. Most of our friends and family do not even know we are here, much less that the soul they celebrated when this body was born has left the building.

Many times, the body that a starseed soul walks into has some type of disease, injury, or emotional imbalance. The natal or walk-out soul may have left behind a distressing life situation such as limiting beliefs about himself/herself, unenlightened social conditioning, or some detrimental, or even abusive, behaviors in its muscular and cellular memory. Additionally, the walk-in soul may feel disoriented, confused, and confined as it acclimates to expressing itself in a human body. By the way, a starseed is a soul who originated off-planet in another dimension and then incarnated into human form on the Earth plane. An earthseed soul navigates through life using only the lower three chakras governing survival on the planet. A starseed functions through the upper and lower chakras and is able to access and bring multidimensional reality into its Earth life experience.

Whenever a new owner takes possession of a property, there is work to be done. The walls may need to be painted, the flooring may need to be replaced, or the bath or kitchen may need to be completely remodeled. It is often the same with a soul exchange. The incoming soul inherits the décor, trash, weeds, and mess of the former soul. It is the responsibility of the walk-in soul to resolve and transmute the outstanding issues of the walk-out soul before the new soul’s mission can begin in full. It is not uncommon for the walk-in to “gut” the relationships that the first soul maintained. Within the first twelve hours of walking into this body in 1999, I left a 22-year marriage. I also left organized religion, changed jobs, moved to a new location, stopped playing piano (something I had loved all my life), and experienced a huge change in personality.

If you think you are a walk-in, chances are you can look back on your journey and see a time when you went through multiple and sudden changes that drastically shifted the direction of your life. You may have awakened from a coma and realized that you were not the same person you were when you “went to sleep.” Perhaps a suicide attempt, surgery, a serious medical condition or injury, a near-death experience, or a dark night of the soul preceded these changes. These are common situations that a natal soul may set up as an exit point.

Learn about walk-ins and soul exchanges in Walk-ins Among Us ~ Open Your Personal Portal to Cosmic Awareness.

If you need assistance with integrating a spiritually transforming experience such as a walk-in, Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/services for information about her galactic light language activation and healing/clearing services.