Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Ascension Symptoms: Desire for Freedom

During the ascension process, some people have an intense desire to break free of restrictive habits that no longer serve them. We are seeing this worldwide trend of awakening sweeping the planet via demonstrations to bring freedom from repressive governments. Occupy Wall Street began in New York and has spread to numerous cities, demanding change in the political and economic systems to provide equal sharing of all the world’s resources. This and other movements indicate the desire to end the suffering of separatism and bring oneness and unity to all people.

Additionally, you may know that you are supposed to move to another area, state, or country regardless of whether you understand where you need to be. Do you have a strong desire or impulse to wander or travel and explore the world? I have a friend who has moved about once a year for the past five years. She’s still restless. Sound familiar?

One way to find freedom from worry is to stop judging yourself and others. “Do not take the name of God in vain” is not a statement promoting the egotistical characteristics of a man-made deity ready to punish those who do not obey. Rather, it is a reminder that the almighty “I AM” presence of the God-force lives within each of us. Our words and feelings are powerful, yet most people don’t realize that both blessing and cursing abide in the tongue (speech). When we harshly judge or punish ourselves, feel guilt or shame, or say things like “I’m not good enough,” or “I’m so stupid,” it activates the creative power of God (which always responds with “yes”) and curses the very life force, vitality, health, and positive emotions within your body and auric field.

The same thing happens when you speak ill will toward others. Honoring the free will of another person is important if you want inner peace. When you cannot allow and honor the choices that other people make, you put yourself under the law of sin and death (karma) rather than living in the law of grace (freedom).

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Clarity in Prayer Requests

When praying, state clearly and visualize what you want to manifest. Feel free to use the “Statement of Clear Intent” given later in this chapter. Describe your request in the present tense as if your prayer has already been answered. Call those things that are not yet manifested, as though they were already here. For example: I am healthy and whole. I am wealthy and prosperous. I am toned and fit at my ideal weight of ____ pounds. Adding details without giving criteria for fulfillment (must be done this way, at this time, by this person, etc.) is good!

Shift your focus onto what you want to create—not just on the things you want to draw to yourself, but to also recognize yourself as a magnificent empowered being and live from that confident perspective. Remember, if you are focused on what is wrong, that's what you will get more of. The more you focus on your desired intention, the faster a positive change will manifest for you. When you start to worry or feel depressed, use this statement of clear intent to get your mind and feelings back on track.

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Enjoy the Magic of Ascension

Here’s a new endorsement for Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience:
 In Shifting into Purer Consciousness Yvonne has crafted a book that is clear, accessible, and empowering. If text had a colour it would be gleaming gold. Reading it is like sitting on the edge of a calm sea and allowing the waves to gradually wash all over you, the words like the water envelope you, so the critical messages don't just sit on the surface but sink deeply and easily into the mind. Enjoy the magic of ascension. Helena Mahatey - Author of Velocity Ascension - A Guide to Creating the New Golden Age in the 21st Century

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Time for the Inner Teacher to Arise

By Dr. Susan Allison

What I’ve been realizing lately is that it’s not necessary to find who we are, but rather who God/Goddess is within us. We don’t have to try to find our higher selves out there somewhere (wherever that is!). We have our highest, best, brightest, and our most spiritually aware being within us. It’s time for us to find our inner teacher—not a guru or a priest. In fact the time of the external guru is over. Here in 2012, it’s time for us to turn to the inner teacher.

All we have to do is to tap into this infinite source within us all the time. Some of you may be going, yes, but life. I know life keeps happening. Things keep occurring. We’re paying our mortgages, going to a job we don’t like, or our child becomes ill. I don’t have a magic wand that I can wave and say that life isn’t going to keep happening externally to us, all these things, because it will until we learn to create our outer world from within our own minds.  However, we can handle these events and circumstances and external challenges by learning how to deal with them. It’s how we see them and how we handle them and interact with them that either makes us happy or miserable. So what I hope for you, for me, for all of us, that we continue to ascend to become more spiritually aware and that no matter what happens, at our center we remain happy, even joyful, grateful, blessed, and feel love in our hearts, for ourselves, for others, for our earth.  How do we do this? How do we handle all this happening around us and still be enlightened, ascending beings? I talk about many of the ways we can develop up our souls in my book, Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. And, Dr. Susan Allison speaks about them in her book, Empowered Healer. I’m sure you’re already choosing some of them such as prayer, meditation, yoga, or conscious breathing. If you are doing even one of these, it can help you be more aware, more in tune with your divine self and your soul’s purpose. Bless you for choosing just one of these in your busy life.  By listening to your higher self voice of your inner teacher, you’ll be acting with the highest integrity rather than listening to the ego voice that causes you to be afraid, or to create separation with others, to judge people, feel alone and unhappy, at odds with your own true nature and with the world around you.
This article was excerpted from Dr. Susan Allison’s presentation on Shifting into Purer Consciousness Ascension Training Telesummit. Get the 1-hour audio with all of Susan’s chat, including a guided meditation, and a presentation about ascension symptoms by Yvonne Perry at http://weare1inspirit.com.

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Ascension Symptom: Heart Palpitations

The ascension process can cause physical, emotional, and mental overload. Some people report heart palpitations with difficulty breathing and have thought they were having a heart attack. Two close family members who are on a path to ascension have been having irregular heartbeats and/or a racing pulse. Both had EKGs that showed their hearts are fine. When nothing abnormal can be found in medical testing for heart health, these symptoms may be attributed to the opening of the heart chakra.

As with headaches and other discomforts mentioned, never take for granted that what you are experiencing is just an ascension symptom. Listen to your body’s wisdom and get the help you need.

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

How to Go Within

You’ve probably heard it mentioned many times that we need to look within ourselves for the answers to life’s questions. But how do you go within? That puzzled me for a long time and now I have discovered a method that works for me. I’d like to share it today.
The heart center, the heart chakra is a very strong and powerful. It’s probably the most powerful chakra is our entire body and one of the most important organs in our physical body. Just focusing our energy on our heart center allows us to go within. When I do a heart-centered meditation, I see a ball of beautiful light, all different colors of light within my chest. I place my hand on my chest and focus on that light and see it and expanding into my aura. Immediately I begin to relax and get into the now moment, into that place of quietness. Next, I begin to notice my breath and consciously control the rhythm so I take five breaths per minute. That means six slow counts on the inhale, and six counts on the exhale. In less than three minutes I begin to feel grounded and centered and my mind slows down so I can receive a message from Spirit about what I need to do next.

There is a site, http://doasone.org that has thirteen rooms that you can visit to breathe in synchronicity with other people. You can change the color, change the sounds, and watch sacred geometry unfold before your eyes. There’s even a room where you can chant om. It’s a beautiful place to meditate, practice your breathing with people who want world peace. We want people to stop suffering. We want to see the new heaven and the new Earth ushered in. This new kingdom within us and what it can manifest externally.

Eckhart Tolle’s book, The Power of Now, comes to mind because he talks about how in the now moment, there is nothing troubling me. There are no problems of any kind. It’s when I think of the future or allow my mind to go backwards in time that I have problems. When I see outside of myself, I have problems; but when I’m in this now moment centered in sacred heart knowledge of the divine and bathing in unconditional love there are no problems. When you operate from this place within as Jesus did, you don’t take on the other stuff. Oh, you’re aware of it and you know when somebody is trying to tap into your energy field, but you don’t allow it.

The past doesn’t exist nor does the future. If we stay connected to our experience right now, then we’re not giving ourselves away to the past nor dragged into the stress that’s caused by looking at possible future events that may or may not ever come to pass. You are using your energy in a wrong way. The correct use of energy is live in the present moment. Energy follows thought so if we are thinking future tense or if we are thinking past tense we are sending our energy out and away from us rather than using it to be present in this moment. When we are in that “now moment” we are collecting energy and bringing it into ourselves. There’s so much power in group thought. That’s why I think it’s so important for us to pray for one another or come together in sacred circles to meditate. Meditation brings us into purer thoughts of the divine mind and heart; it brings us to the now moment where we can find the strength. When we channel group thought from this place, we can affect positive change in the world.

Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience is a follow up of Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You written by Yvonne Perry. See http://whosestuffisthis.com/ for more information. Personal coaching available at http://weare1inspirit.com.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Ascension Symptom: Fatigue

Your body is responding to accelerated frequencies by changing its DNA and physical functions/processes to include light as a fuel source. Therefore, if you are not getting enough sunlight, you may feel more aches and pains, especially in the mornings. I have found that more sunlight and a supplement of vitamin D3 helps—particularly in winter.

As the body moves into faster vibration, it requires more energy, which means your normal six to eight hours of sleep may not be enough—especially if you are dealing with health issues. I find that yoga stretches and other forms of body movement help me feel more energized because these actions collect chi and direct it throughout the body. If you tire easily or experience fatigue throughout the day, your body may be urging you to rest, sleep, exercise, stretch, and eat/drink more healthily. Give your body what it needs, which may include nine to twelve hours of sleep in each 24-hour period.

You’ve no doubt heard of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. While this can come as a result of taking on the energy of someone else in order to transmute it, some of the aches, pains, and lethargy we feel as we age are from years of toxins building up in the body. Antibiotics and an acidic diet (high in sugar, alcohol, animal products, and processed foods) can create an internal environment for yeast to grow to a toxic level. Left untreated or given improper treatment, this condition can invite cancer cells to grow or put one at risk of diabetes and heart problems. I’m stating this because many people have yeast overpopulation in their bodies and don’t realize what is causing them to feel so bad—they may even think they are just having ascension symptoms.

In one way, all this is ascension related because this shift we are making is pushing every detrimental thing to the light and giving us a chance to cleanse it, modify our lifestyle, and transfer into our light body. Never brush off your body’s signals or your intuitive clues as unimportant. If you sense that there is an underlying medical problem, please see your holistic medical doctor for treatment.

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Awakening to Your Power - Ascending into the Quantum

The great galactic shift is on and we all are on the quantum fast track to New Earth consciousness. Buckle up and buy your quantum space boots.

Would you like to experience . . .
• Deep peace and serenity
• Release from worry and anxiety
• Enhanced self-esteem and relationships
• Clarity and focus in perception
• Deeper meditation and creativity
• Greater harmony in life
• Enhanced manifesting power
• More bliss, more joy, more laughter, more love?

On We Are One in Spirit Podcast, October 18, Kenji Kumara will present a 30-minute guided meditation and activation for going deep into the Universal Quantum Field of Creativity and Power.  He will also present a brief overview of planetary changes and what perspectives are needed for one's awakening and realization of one's power.

Register to get the call-in info so you can listen and ask questions.  All quantum effects are on-going and cumulative and this presentation is the ignition and catalyst that will propel you into the great unknown of miracles and self-transformation. Be prepared for a unique and different experience of the Quantum.

Kenji will also discuss:
• Creation in the Quantum
• Moving out of the illusion
• Pivotal point in the ascension process
• Allowing Life to move through you

There will be a short sharing period after the meditation. 

Get the call-in code now!

Questions to ask Kenji:

• Your most outrageous question, or
·  What is the "essence" of your work?
• How is this work practical? How do we integrate the teachings?
• What is the biggest challenge for humanity at this time?
• What is the biggest pitfall in spiritual work?
• Is meditation important in these times?
• What is divine right timing?

Kenji Kumara, a Japanese-American, born in Berkeley, CA, serves as a messenger, initiator and quantum bridger between worlds. His goal is to service all those ready for their awakening and empowerment. He is a simple man with a simple message: Be the state you want the world to embrace. Love the world as you love yourself and live by the Golden Rule. Be yourself and all shall be given unto thee. Suffering is caused by attachment to judgment. Experiencing the Divine is an effortless process. The best medicine: hugs, smiles, and laughter.

Kenji has been in the transformational healing arts for over 4 decades. He holds Masters Degrees in Education (Early Childhood specialty) and Para Psychology, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Humanistic Psychology. He is a former Preschool-Grade 8 credentialed teacher and has tons of certifications in energy work, body work, healing approaches, medical hypnotherapy, trans-personal counseling, spiritual pyscho-therapeutics, and seminars training.

His specialty is spiritual emergence and awakening for the gifted quantum generation and serves as an awakener, catalyst and facilitator for New Earth energetics. He is in private practice in Seattle and travels to teach his work through Intensives and large group Audience Work healing events. He is a frequent radio show presenter and public presenter.

 Kenji’s 39-year-old Earth dream is to build an off-the-grid community and retreat training center for world leaders and leading edge quantum thinkers of the new generation and to publish his direct transmissions through audio and video in many languages. The scope of his work is global and galactic in application. His mission is Sharing the Joy of Awakening and his vision is New Earth embodiment in daily living. Kenji is gathering his staff for the planetary road show and calling forth his soul group to connect and build together the Quantum Light-weaving matrix of transformation. He is working on his first teaching book about the Quantum.

In 2007, Kenji established Quantum Lightweaving (R)—his synthesis of over four decades in the field—and his Fellowship of Lightweavers in 2005 (to ordain certified spiritual healers). His website is www.QuantumLightweaving.com where you can purchase his live and evergreen audios, videos, and pendants.

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Empaths Becoming More Aware

One empath I spoke with said he is becoming more aware of the energy around him and the spiritual gifts he has. Yet at the same time he has been somewhat afraid of it. For him, this stems from religious philosophies, which told him that these are not gifts of God—that they are really from the devil. You may have been brought up to believe that these types of sensitivities are evil but at the same time (even as a child) you’ve had awareness, sensations, feelings, or inner knowings. If so, you may be a little conflicted about how to approach their use. Perhaps you haven’t tried to develop these gifts because you are afraid you’ll go too far or don’t know what kind of boundaries you should set.

First let’s take a look at a beloved teacher, Jesus. Once he was in a crowd of people when a woman touched the hem of his garment. Instantly he knew virtue (healing energy) had gone out of him and he asked, “Who touched me?” He was that sensitive! He felt it when someone was tapping into his electromagnetic field even though she only touched his clothing! I remind you of the verse that tells us that every good and perfect gift, spiritual gifts, comes from God. There are many spiritual gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 13: the gift of prophecy, the gift of tongues, the gift of the interpretation of tongues, discerning of spirit, healing, working of miracles, etc. These are listed for our benefit so we understand that we have been gifted in some way. And there’s a responsibility to use those gifts with love. We weren’t given these gifts to hide them from the world or be afraid of them. They are tools to help us and others. When we have these intuitive gifts, it is very important to nurture our own spirit and set boundaries to keep from being bombarded by energy from everybody out there. We must love ourselves before we can love others or else there’s nothing to give. Spending time with God-Goddess is like refueling a car. You can’t run very long without more juice!

When Jesus was walking the Earth some people wanted to stone him some wanted to throne him. There was a vast difference in perspective and what people thought of him. We empaths have that same dilemma. Other people may not understand you. Maybe they are afraid of the gifts you have. Through our religious teachings we have been taught that the discerning of spirits or being able to communicate with those in the afterlife is of the devil. I’ve been called a necromancer by a close member of my family. Obviously, my gifts are not appreciated there. Does that stop me from using them? No, I use them because I have been given these gifts and I have a responsibility to use them wisely; and that’s what I intend to do. Do I flaunt them in front of my disapproving family members? No, that’s what the Bible refers to as casting your pearls before swine. There’s no need in putting something so valuable out there and allowing your gifts and sensitivities to be trampled. You can decide who you reveal your gifts to and who you use them with. In fact I’ve made it a practice that unless I have permission to pray for someone I just don’t do it. You can easily get your energy tangled up in someone else’s by meddling energetically in another person’s stuff.

Some people have a great sensitivity to energy and they see things or get impressions. They may intuitively know what is going on in another person’s life. You are not obligated to help every person you encounter, but there is something you can do. Before you decide to get involved pray about it. Breathe deeply for a few minutes and ask yourself if you should do/say anything about what you have discovered. How do you feel when you think of saying something or offering to help? Does it feel right? Do you have pain anywhere in your body or emotions? If so, avoid getting involved on a human level. If a person has not asked you to help them, they may not want your help. Do you feel lighter, joyful, or happy when you think of helping this person or mentioning what you have discerned? If so, ask for wisdom about what to do and how to approach the person.

If you keep thinking of someone and sense they need help, you may or may not need to approach them on a human level. You can always send love and light to guide their way. Simply call upon the angels to help. Imagine a beautiful beam of light coming from the cosmos, maybe pink or green. Pink represents the heart or love; green represents healing. See this beam of light going toward and surrounding the person in need. This powerful energy is like a stem cell that has divine intelligence and knows where it is needed and what to do when it gets there. This not only gives them energy to work with, it gives them clarity so they can make good decisions. They may be able to feel that strength undergirding and supporting them. If something needs changing, they can apply that energy however they want to. If it’s healing, if it’s a relationship, if it’s emotional/mental issue, it doesn’t matter, the love and light is universal. Just send that energy and let them do with it what they want as spirit directs them. By sending love and light, you are not trying to manipulate any outcome or change anything in another person’s circumstances or life. You’re not violating their free will or “fixing” a situation their soul has created from which to learn its lesson. Sending positive energy to someone is like leaving a gift on their doorstep. It provides what they need but they never know who sent the gift and you won’t have to take on other people’s stuff. You will know who and when you need to help as well as how. If you follow your inner guidance, you’ll intuitively know how far you need to go with your help and what you need to do to strengthen your own boundaries. 
If someone asks you to pray for them, then you have a responsibility to use your gifts. But, rather than using your body or emotional center (third chakra) to feel and sense, use your sixth chakra, which is also called the third eye, to see or know where you need to direct energy. It’s when we try to operate out of our own emotions and our own physical strength that we are going to be drained. But when we operate from divine power, the place of the sacred heart, it’s not us doing the work; we’re simply being a conduit. We are able to be the light, and by being the light, we’re being God. And we don’t have to worry about backlash or be concerned about what other people think.
So if you are worried about what you have been taught regarding your intuitive gifts or concerned about what other people are saying, remember where the laws of God are written. The laws that the psalmist David was talking about are not written on tablets of stone or in a book, nor are they found in religion. They are written in your heart. If something doesn’t feel right, and you have conflict about it, always go with the truth your heart reveals to you.


Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience is a follow up of Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You written by Yvonne Perry. See http://whosestuffisthis.com/ for more information. Personal coaching available at http://weare1inspirit.com.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Ascension Symptoms: Change in Dietary Preferences

As you take more control of your life and become more responsible for your thoughts, it is natural that you will also make changes to the choices you make regarding your food.

You may find you are eating lesser quantity than usual; or you may eat more frequently or less often—even fasting or going on a detox/cleanse for the body. You may have cravings for foods that you normally do not desire. If you are craving salty foods and feel bloated with water retention, drink lots of water to flush the system and take nightly baths with Epsom salts to draw out excess sodium or potassium through the skin. If you are craving sugar and other comfort goods, you may be resisting the process of clearing the temple of the Holy Spirit.

A return to our connection with Mother Earth is leading many people to grow their own food and abstain from eating the flesh, eggs, and fluids of animals.

Americans have been brainwashed to think that they need animal protein in order to be healthy. Nothing could be farther from the truth. If only you knew of the unsanitary conditions in which animals are raised and packaged for consumption you might change your mind. Research done by Dr. Will Tuttle shows that animals pick up bacterial, fecal contamination, cancerous tumors, and other health problems on their way to the market. They are treated with antibiotics, which are given with unsterilized needles used on multiple animals. And the hormones they are given in factory farms get stored in the cells of the animal’s bodies. When humans eat these animals, toxins, diseases, and uric acid are transferred and trapped in the fat cells in the human. The terror and fright these animals feel as they are raised and slaughtered becomes part of their energy field and is in the cellular memory of their bodies when they die. How can this not have an effect upon the cells of our bodies? These natural herbivores are fed high-calorie animal products (meat) to fatten them up for slaughter. How have we failed to see this as having a connection with the obesity, diabetes, cardo-vascular, and other health problems in our country?

Plants, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains provide much better nutrition (including protein) than processed foods and animal flesh. And, in addition to not having the capacity to feel or form communities as mammals do, most plants actually are stimulated to reproduce by the “pruning” required to harvest them. For more information, I recommend Dr. Will Tuttle’s book, The World Peace Diet (http://www.worldpeacediet.org). Since becoming vegetarian, I feel lighter, clearer, and healthier. I also have more energy and am able to sense the presence of my higher self more keenly.

You may have to rearrange your life in order to place your spiritual journey as a priority above other endeavors. For example, drinking alcohol, eating junk food, or depriving your body of sleep in order to maintain an active nightlife may not serve you during the ascension process. During the writing of this book, I became so sensitive to alcohol that I had to cut it completely out of my diet. I encourage you to follow your intuition and do whatever is necessary to maintain physical health while your body ascends.

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Tip for Ascension: Chanting, Intoning, and Singing

Om. . . om. . . om. Through chanting, singing, humming, or intoning, the human voice can be used to raise the vibration of the body, mind, emotions, and soul. Om or aum is the universal sound, the song of the heart, that brings us back to oneness. Anyone can resonate this word/tone alone or in a group—even if you think you don’t have a singing voice—because it doesn’t matter if you match pitch with others.

Do As One (http://doasone.org) has an Om Room and I’ve found it a great way to add my energy to the collective consciousness as I meditate, chant om, or breathe in sync with like-minded others.

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Tip for Ascension: Cleansing the Body

You don’t have to look very far to see how bad we have polluted the water, soil, and air of our environment. We have buried toxic waste in the ground and dumped rubbish in the oceans. Of course, this detrimentally affects all species. You might be surprised, however, that the most damage we do to our bodies is through what we eat and drink.

In ascension, the physical body is constantly detoxifying and constructing the light body. Adding contaminants to what needs to be detoxified, slows down the entire process of ascension. Gradually over many years in the ascension process, new frequencies will dissolve and transmute these toxins along with the thought form of separation. Once this occurs, disease and decay will cease to be experienced.

Until then, we can do ourselves a big favor and begin our reconnection to the Earth by refusing to eat processed foods and begin eating a plant-based diet—one that is primarily vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, and fruits that contain chi or life-force energy. The fresher the food, the more chi it provides. Like Hippocrates said, “Let your food be your medicine, your medicine be your food.” If you take care of yourself, you'll be better prepared for the shift.

You can also support the body in the ascension process by doing a cleanse that flushes impurities from the system. There are numerous dietary programs that help clean the colon, gallbladder, liver, kidneys, and digestive system. If your body is feeling lethargic, you might research your options and intuitively discern which type of cleanse is best for you.

Fasting from food—even if only for one meal—is one way to cleanse the body and let the digestive tract rest. Fasting can also serve a spiritual purpose if your intention is set to do so. When changing your diet or beginning the practice of fasting, it’s best to change things gradually and see how your body responds. During the writing of this book, I felt motivated and gained the wisdom to become a vegetarian. It has made a tremendous difference not only in the way I feel physically, but in the peace and clarity of mind that I enjoy to a greater degree than ever.

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Great Invocation

“The Great Invocation” written by Alice Bailey is a world prayer, translated into almost seventy languages and dialects. It is an instrument of power to aid the plan of God in finding full expression on Earth. To use it is an act of service to humanity and the Christ. It expresses certain central truths, which all people innately and normally accept. See http://www.lucistrust.org/invocation for details.
From the point of Light within the Mind of God, let Light stream forth into the minds of men. Let Light descend on Earth.
From the point of Love within the Heart of God, let love stream forth into the hearts of men. May Christ return to Earth.
From the center where the Will of God is known, let purpose guide all little wills of men—the purpose which the Masters know and serve.
From the center which we call the race of men, let the plan of Love and Light work out. And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tips for Ascension: Baths and Salt Scrubs

The skin is the largest organ of the body. It not only protects everything inside our body, it brings in energy from our environment. Removing dead skin cells once or twice a week helps rejuvenate the skin, making it more efficient in detoxifying. It also brings new life to your complexion. Since there are different types of skin on your body, you wouldn’t use the same exfoliant all over. The larger granules of salt (or sugar) are great for the feet, while the tiny, mildly-abrasive particles in baking soda are great for the face. A bath in Epsom salt, baking soda, and sea salt can help draw out impurities in the skin, reduce soreness in muscles, and clear the field around the body. There are many essential oils that can be added to your bath. My favorites are lavender and bergamot. You can create your own mixture by adding essential oils to a cup of salt and half-cup of almond or olive oil. Mix well and then use it as a scrub or pour it into the bath water. Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.