Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Shaking, Trembling, Nervous Energy?

I am seeing a new trend of people pulling away from social engagements to settle into their own skin and environment these days. Even powerful healers are feeling the need to withdraw. Some are having empathic responses (shaking, anxiety, unexplained weeping) to the energy of an ascending world that seems to be going crazy. Others have had significant soul shifts and need to integrate this energy before they go out into the world again.

If this describes you and you would like to talk so I can further help you privately, please contact me on my website http://weare1inspirit.com. You may want to join our mailing list to get notices about the free monthly group coaching sessions I am doing with empaths and walk-ins.

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

What is a Walk-in?

A walk-in is a soul that has walked into an adult body rather than the body of an infant. When this occurs, the natal soul—the one that entered the body at the infant stage—walks out at the same time that a new soul walks in. Unlike the possession that occurs when an earthbound entity forces its way in uninvited, this exchange of souls is done with permission, and there are no hostile takeovers. It is a pre-incarnation agreement and the timing of the soul exchange is negotiated between the souls and both their guidance teams.

Fortunately, today’s swapping and merging of soul essences is not the “trial-and-error” cosmic experiment that it seemed to be for many of us “forerunners” in the 1980s and ’90s, when an increase in soul exchanges started being noticed. Thanks to upgrades that have been made in the etheric template, there is now a collaborative effort and better communication between those in body and those galactic beings who are helping to facilitate the integration process, which is joining our multidimensional selves into a cohesive expression of oneness. Soul exchanges today are more gradual, occurring over the span of many years rather than the “in one day and out the next” scenario some people had a few decades ago.

 If you are desirous of the spiritual bliss that accompanies a successful walk-in integration, you will be happy to know that it is not just a select few who are experiencing soul upgrades. Humans are being transformed by receiving into their physical body the energy of some multidimensional aspect of consciousness or a future (vibrating at a higher octave) version of themselves. The pieces of ourselves that fragmented as a result of the trauma of our belief in separation are also being reassembled as we move away from separation (polarity) and move toward oneness with All That Is. This is what some call the “ascension.” Our galactic alignment exposes us and the Earth to the influences of other planets. These cosmic rays introduce multidimensional energy that begins to shift the body to hold universal frequencies of higher octaves. This is having a genetic effect upon humans. It is restoring the blueprint of the 12-strand DNA model that was modified eons ago. This modification cut us off from our multi-dimensional awareness and created duality (right/wrong, good/bad, male/female), causing us to live in the illusion of separation.

 We are constantly receiving information through our skin—the largest organ of our body—but we are conditioned to believe that if we cannot see, hear, taste, smell, or touch something, then it does not exist. Yet, we know that discerning abilities exist even beyond our intuition. We are constantly receiving information through the sensory receptors of our skin, which in our divine form was originally part of our autonomic system. These sensors went offline because we stopped using them. Animals know when a tsunami is coming, and they get to the highest hill while humans, who ignore their higher guidance, stay in the danger zone until it is too late and they get washed away.

 Humans have never been comfortable with things they cannot explain. Many are not able to accept supernatural occurrences and ideas because their filters of what is possible prevent them from believing in something outside of the socially-accepted norm. They fear rejection from those who lack understanding regarding the multifaceted soul; they do not know that we are spirit having a human experience. That is why many people do not talk about such things as near-death experiences, seeing ghosts, or being taken aboard a spacecraft. Fortunately, people have begun to open up and report what has personally happened to them; and thanks to mainstream media (although distorted), the belief in an afterlife, communication with the deceased, and interaction with our galactic family is gaining acceptance in American culture.

For more information, see http://weare1inspirit.com

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/services/

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Catch the Replay of the Walk-ins Among Us Conference Call

Welcome to the replay of Walk-ins Among Us Group Conference Call.

This call was hosted by WE International President Yvonne Perry, who is the author of Walk-ins Among Us ~ Open Your Personal Portal to Cosmic Awareness, and by Cayce Shostak, the creator, co-developer, and site administrator for CyberCOM, a communications and broadcasting system providing private and group audio/video/text chat services online to C.S.ONE, and conscious Internet communities.  We discussed these topics on this call:  What’s in a name? Many people receive a new soul name when they walk in. Did you? How did the name come to you?  Some walk-ins felt a need to cut or change their hairstyle after a soul-exchange. Why this might actually have spiritual significance.  What gifts started manifesting when you had a soul exchange or soul braid?  Can the soul of a departed loved one walk along with a soul already in a body?  What is a twin flame?  Catch the replay here: http://InstantTeleseminar.com/?eventID=50753712  Be sure to sign up for our newsletter to get future notices of these events. You can also Like us on Facebook.
Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Friday, February 21, 2014

What is Mother Nature Revealing to You Today?

It is easy to listen to nature and receive messages from Her spirit. Even during the cold winter when you do not want to go outside, you can sit by a window and watch for signs that give messages and show you what to call in as part of your mission to help ascend this planet.

Today, I was sitting on my back porch. We live in a neighborhood near the airport and the interstate. Naturally, there is a lot of noise to filter out during an outdoor meditation. I felt impressed to make a tone (this is light language) as I wrote in galactic code in my journal. I imagined the Divine Mother’s pure heart tone singing her love throughout the earth and all Her creation.

As I sat in my rocking chair and attuned my senses to the sounds of nature, I saw a pair of cardinals land on a branch of our peach tree (the fairy tree, as well call her). Cardinals remind me of the church, so I reminded our Divine Mother that she was no longer fragmented or repressed by male-dominant religions—that she is beautiful and worthy of our praise. The Earth belongs to Divine Mother, and Her time of restoring is here. Sophia is returning to her rightful place beside her husband, Christos. Celebrate sacred marriage! I sang a song to Her, one that I wrote in 1996:

The time of restoring is here
The time of restoring is here
Lift up the Bride, pure and white
For all the nations to see

The time of restoring is here
The time of restoring is here
A call to the prophets who stand in our midst
A word from heaven receive
The time of restoring is here

Next, I heard doves singing. I began cooing and imitating their beautiful song to Creatrix Mother. With my spirit ears, I heard, “All, birds, be infused with peaceful Divine Mother energy. As you fly through the element of air, flap your wings and herald the return of the Mother, our Sophia. As your feet touch the earth, you assure that it is safe for Mother’s life force to return to the soil.” I spoke that out and gave it form. (The word became flesh.)

Because birds mate with their bodies joined, they also represent the fire element. This sacred life force energy of sex has been repressed by religions because those who wish to control the sacred feminine aspect do not want us to understand or wisely use this powerful energy to manifest our freedom from oppression.

Next, I heard ducks. Not surprising since there is a large body of water about half a mile from my house. Waterfowl carry the same peaceful message as doves, but they have the advantage of being able to land upon and swim in the water. Thus, the praise of Mother is deposited into the element of water.

Tell me about the message you received from Mother Nature today.

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Chat with Walk-ins on Thursday!

Your nerves are shot. You have dreams that you died and came back to life. Your name doesn’t “feel” right to you. Your wardrobe and hair style just won’t do. There are noticeable changes to your body. You have more intuition, inspiration, and sensitivity to the thoughts and emotions of others. Your friends and family seem less familiar and may have said things like “You sure have changed!” or “You are so different!” or “I don’t even know who you are anymore.” 

These are signs that you’ve had a soul exchange. I bet you need to talk about this strange experience, but who do you tell? Who would believe you and not think you are crazy?

Our next group call for Walk-ins Among Us is Thursday, February 20th at 2 p.m. Central Time. Here are some of the topics we will attempt to cover. You are free to ask questions and contribute to the conversation.

What gifts started manifesting when you had a soul exchange or soul braid? Some walk-ins report that they started to have more intuition, inspiration, visions and dreams that many times come true.

What’s in a name? Many people receive a new soul name when they walk in. Did you? How did the name come to you?

Some walk-ins felt a need to cut or change their hairstyle after a soul-exchange. Why this might actually have spiritual significance.

What is a twin flame?

There are three ways you can participate in this session from the comfort of your own home:

1. By phone: (425) 440-5100 or check for local number at http://InstantTeleseminar.com/Local Pin Code: 187842#
2. Online: http://InstantTeleseminar.com/?eventID=50753712
3. Connect with Skype: Add joinconference as a contact and initiate a session. Once connected, select show dial pad from the Call menu and enter guest pin code 187842#

Check the world time zone map for the correct time to tune in: http://www.worldtimezone.com/

This call is hosted by WE International/Walk-ins Among Us President Yvonne Perry, who is the author of Walk-ins Among Us ~ Open Your Personal Portal to Cosmic Awareness, and by Cayce Shostak, the creator, co-developer, and site administrator for CyberCOM, a communications and broadcasting system providing private and group audio/video/text chat services online to C.S.ONE, and conscious Internet communities.


Not all of our spirit will fit into a human body. In fact, only a very small portion actually resides in the body. Rather, it encompasses our aura and extends indefinitely above our heads. Some aspects of our soul interface or live in other planetary systems and other dimensions. So, when a new aspect of soul comes to dwell in the body, a feeling of expansion may occur. This newly arrived soul aspect may feel confined and try to stretch the body to accommodate its enormous vibration. Many bodies gain weight soon after a walk-in occurs because of this.

The incoming soul can no longer see from the same vantage point that it did from outside the body and it may try to open the body’s third eye or alter its physical vision. It may be thinking, Turn on the windshield wipers. I cannot see through this foggy window! or Turn up the volume. I cannot hear the voice of my guidance! Thus, the eyes may begin to see shadowy figures or flashes of color, be sensitive to light, or the vision may go in and out of focus like a camera. The ears may ring or buzz, and hearing may be heightened. If the noise is too much, the ears may try to close down the interference and cause the body not to hear as keenly as before.

You may feel a sense of expansion, as if you are in an altered state at times—even when you are not meditating. This is certainly not a bad thing, but staying in the body is important if you want to function in the 3-D world. So, remember to connect with your body’s senses and physical feelings whenever you feel spacey. For more information, see weare1inspirit.com

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Get Empowered with Other Empaths Today!

Empowering Hour with Empaths is today! Join Veronica O'Grady and Yvonne Perry to talk about your experience as a highly sensitive person. 

Time: Thursday, February 13th at 2:00pm Central Time. Check the world time zone map for the correct time to tune in: http://www.worldtimezone.com/
Attend online: http://InstantTeleseminar.com/?eventID=50753586 
Dial in to chat: (425) 440-5100 Pin Code: 187842# Or, check for a local dial-in number at http://InstantTeleseminar.com/Local/
Connect with Skype: Add joinconference as a contact and initiate a session. Once connected, select show dial pad from the Call menu and enter guest pin code 187842#

Things have been moving quickly for the past few months since my shopping “activation” at IKEA last October. Who would ever have thought that an “injury” could be such a blessing? I’ll be writing about that in my next book, Light Language Emerging.

Now that I have completely healed the physical body, I am finding that many gifts of the Spirit that I flowed so easily with in the mid-1990s have been reactivated after almost two decades of being practically dormant. One of these gifts is the gift of encouragement, prophecy, light language (and interpretation when Spirit grants such), and healing. Please check out the services I am offering on my newly updated website: http://weare1inspirit.com/services

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

New Services Offered by Yvonne Perry

Things have been moving quickly for the past few months since my shopping “activation” at IKEA last October. Who would ever have thought that an “injury” could be such a blessing? I’ll be writing about that in my next book, Light Language Emerging.

Now that I have healed the physical body, I am finding that many gifts of the Spirit that I flowed so easily with in the mid-1990s have been reactivated after almost two decades of being practically dormant. One of these gifts is the gift of prophecy, healing, and light language. As a result, I am now offering the following spiritual services:
Please check out the services I am offering on my newly updated website: http://weare1inspirit.com/services

Yvonne Perry

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience

Clearing Energy Imprints

One of the biggest hurdles to overcome is the process of clearing the old energy imprints from the cellular memory of the body. This is a process everyone on the planet must undergo, but walk-ins have a unique desire to “get it done” faster because we are here to cut a path and demonstrate a model that others can follow.
 Some resist this process, which only serves to make it more difficult than it needs to be. We live in the age of grace, which makes it much quicker and easier to move forward in our spiritual evolution. It is like pushing the “easy button” compared to the old ways that advocated “re-living” the emotional trauma of our past.

One way we resist the clearing stage is by over analyzing and processing past energy over and over again. Many people are still trying to create the future with the energy of the past. The brain does not know the difference between what is happening now and what happened twenty years ago. So, if you want to experience the pain and victimhood of something that happened way back when you were a teenager, you can do that. Not that I recommend it!

It is great to recognize what is being released, and then consciously choose to let it go, but it is another thing entirely when we allow ourselves to re-run emotional energy through the cells of our body. The idea is to get the stuck emotional energy out of the body—not recirculate it—and clear the limbic system of the brain. Do not allow yourself to get stuck when dissolving imprints and releasing patterns that no longer serve you.  For more information, see weare1inspirit.com  
Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Galactic Light Language Art Work by Salo Stanley

Salo Stanley (www.salosounds.com) painted a beautiful galactic light language art piece two days ago. I believe it is related to the starseeds that have arrived on our planet January 30-31. Learn more about walk-ins and starseeds in Walk-ins Among Us ~ Open Your Personal Portal to Cosmic Awareness.

You may see more of Salo’s art prints at http://www.salosounds.com/light-language-buy.html or connect with her on her  Facebook page to read her blogs and posts https://www.facebook.com/salo.stanley.

Here is a video Salo did with one artwork explaining the energy for 2014. She asked light beings to assist with the artwork and at 2:14 into the video a light orb appears out of the center of the mandala http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45gHcyWvXSA. Check it out!

Learn more about the ascension process in Yvonne Perry's book, Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne offers galactic readings, light language activation, one-on-one coaching, and group conference calls. See http://weare1inspirit.com/services/ for more information.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Welcome Starseeds to Planet Earth

From what many of us are sensing, about a month ago a group of starseeds from Andromeda arrived on the planet. A group from Pleiades arrived at the end of January and have begun integration, and more are coming from Orion in about another month. This influx will continue this year as more resources are called in to help us ascend.

You may be experiencing another walk-in due to this influx or you may be feeling the reverberations from this. Some of these starseeds are 12th dimension and higher but they are unfamiliar with 3-D Earth life and how things function here. They come in with a lot of knowledge but we are asking them to use wisdom in not pushing forward too fast with their mission. In order to avoid repercussions later, the body and personality need time to be integrated with this higher vibration these souls are bringing in. The ascension is about bringing the higher self to live in the human form and bringing the body into perfect health as it shifts into purer dimensions. As above, so below.

I would like to ask you, my fellow walk-ins, to hold resonance and peace in your personal fields to help these bodies acclimate to the cosmic energy of a higher vibration these souls are bringing in. Suggestions for holding resonance include the following:
  1. Get into or near water. Take warm showers, use hot tubs and steam rooms, swimming pools (depending upon weather—indoors), and sit/walk/stand by lakes, streams, etc. Drink a lot of water.
  2. Stand near fireplaces, burn candles, have bon fires, etc. to connect with fire energy
  3. Deep breathing to take in fresh air to all the cells of the body. Get outside and breathe as much as you can even it if is only for a minute with a heavy coat on. We know it is cold in the Americas.
  4. Get into nature every day, put your bare hands or feet on the ground—concrete will do since it is made of materials from the earth. Sand trays, stones, crystals, plants etc. in the house.
  5. Avoid eating meat. Animals raised in torturous conditions and are violently slaughtered carry a vibration that is wildly chaotic! Putting that vibration into the body that is already adjusting to rapid change is counterproductive to holding a resonant field. It is true that plants have just as much consciousness as animals, but plants (other than GMOs) are more likely to be attended to by hands that love the earth and support her as she supports us. Use your discretion and see if this resonates with you.
  6. Use light language: speak it, write it, dance it, sing it, draw it—bring in the codes! I am writing a book about this (http://weare1inspirit.com/light-language) if you need more info.
  7. Move the body gently—aerobic exercise is not necessary (nor harmful). Yoga, tai chi, stretching, dancing, and other forms of gentle movement.
  8. Speak kindly and lovingly to the inner child (it may seem like the ego is acting out). These aspects are afraid of what is happening or they are ready to heal from past experiences. Speak to these aspects and help them know they are loved. Lift them into the light with the gentleness of a mother tending to a baby or child.
  9. Meditate and listen carefully to your inner guidance before making any changes to the daily constitution of the life you inherited. Some are in religions, relationships, locations, etc. and will help these situations shift by staying there. If the body is in danger, of course you will want to make changes, but we are asking everyone to listen, listen, listen and let your off-planet support know what you need! Your mission will be much smoother if you will lovingly tend to the personality and care for the body.
Thank you to the souls who were complete with their mission and chose to leave the body without harming it. We bless and honor them for gifts and service. Thank you to the starseeds who have walked into or will walk in this year. We honor you for doing your part to take these incarnations and humanity to the next level. And, thank you veteran walk-ins for holding space for these newbie walk-ins.

Yvonne Perry is an author, teacher, circle facilitator, and coach, who offers compassionate healing, intercession, and light language activation through her books, workshops, and speaking engagements. She is the president of WE International and Walk-ins Among Us. http://weare1inspirit.com

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Soul Exchanges and Walk-ins

By Yvonne Perry, author of Walk-ins Among Us ~ Open Your Personal Portal to Cosmic Awareness
 We are in a time of human ascension and are being aided in this process by some benevolent off-planet beings. Many times these starseeds walk into an adult body rather than being born into an infant body. These beings are ready to begin a mission or complete a mission for a soul that has completed its mission and is ready to leave the body. When a new soul comes into physical embodiment through the walk-in process, the natal soul (or placeholder soul if this is not the first walk-in) normally leaves and moves on to other experiences in non-physical worlds. The incoming soul either walks along with the former soul or assumes single occupancy and full responsibility for the human body, and for completing the life in progress. Some people might believe that a body is overtaken by a disincarnate spirit in this process. There are no hostile takeovers in a true walk-in! A divinely orchestrated soul swap can only take place with the full agreement of both the outgoing and incoming souls. The timing of the soul exchange is negotiated with the guidance team of both souls. Many times the souls are members of the same soul group and have a joint mission and swap places somewhat like a tag team. Carrying out a pre-arranged contract with a harmonized counterpart, soul exchanges are done with mutual consent to move both the walk-in and walk-out souls forward in spiritual evolution and bring a higher vibration to the earth, helping the planet ascend into purer planes of consciousness.  Many soul exchanges occur during exit points such as near-death experiences, surgeries, out-of-body experiences, dissociative episodes, dark nights of the soul, periods of unconsciousness, or other traumatic events. In the past, most walk-ins were not consciously aware of what was happening. That is because the incoming soul inherits the natal soul’s memory stored in the cells of the physical body, and souls on Earth are behind a veil of forgetfulness and illusion. Thankfully, that veil is thinning more and more.  Today, more and more walk-ins are coming in aware of what is happening, and they may have conscious awareness that a soul exchange is about to or has taken place. Some remember details of the transitional process from both perspectives—that of the Earth plane and the higher dimension. In such cases, the exchange is made in a cooperative manner, and there is less upset as they acclimate and integrate. In some cases there is a need to heal the body, overcome addictions, or resolve past issues. Walk-ins usually have a good idea of the spiritual assignment they have come to complete and are ready to get on with life.  So what is a walk-in anyway? There is both a simple and a complex answer. Simple, if you understand the multi-dimensional aspect of a soul (persona or expression of the Divine) existing simultaneously on parallel planes; simple, if you consider that Divine Source is everywhere and that we are individuations of that creative essence. Some refer to this omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent energy as “God,” so I’ll use that term a few times in this article. The answer is simple if you can accept that being born into a body is not the only way a soul can enter the Earth, and that death is not the only way a soul can leave this world. Similar to how we might rearrange our furniture, change clothes, trade cars, or move to a new house, the essence of a soul from one dimension is able to come and go from the third dimension known as Earth. Walk-ins arrive at each evolutionary step in advance of the masses, adding clarity and stability while leaving a clearly marked pathway as they move forward in service to humanity. These “way-showers” embark upon rugged terrain, determine what needs to be done to safely navigate and create the necessary changes, and then assist others in integrating the vibrational shift. As they refine their own personal journey, they become the model for others to follow.
For more information about the different types of walk-ins and soul exchanges, see http://walkinsamongus.org

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.