Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Phenomenal Resources and Explanations for Managing Spiritual Integration

Award-winning author Yvonne Perry provides a thorough, well-researched resource for those spiritually-awakening people who are also questioning or are confused about the events in their lives. Perry likens the spiritual awakening to an ascension through which people integrate refined or “purer” energies. Each person experiencing this process will find phenomenal resources and explanations for managing their spiritual integration in this book. Do you need to refine your personal judgments? Are you experiencing the ups and downs of an emotional roller coaster? Do you need support for physical problems? Do you need to know why the events are happening right now? Perry explains with uncanny thoroughness the answers to why and how each one of us might experience our personal version of the planetary and cosmic shifts. I’ve always admired Perry’s ability to explain spiritual events on a personal level and bring it home for the reader. Shifting into Purer Consciousness is one of her best yet.

~ Dr. Caron Goode, author of From Fizzle to Sizzle: 4 Crucial Tools for Relationship Repair, and founder of the Academy for Coaching Parents International

To purchase Shifting Into Purer Consciousness visit http://ow.ly/bhPlc
Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

First Call of the Ascension Training Telesummit for Week 5

There will be two calls on Shifting into Purer Consciousness Ascension Training Telesummit this week. I think you'll love these topics: Money and Sex! Yes, you read it right. What is Earth life without those two things? Learn how they fit into the ascension process.

Tuesday, JULY 31

2:00 PM - "Money, Business, and the Ascension"

Amethyst Wyldfyre will speak about why it's important that you prosper financially during this shift, and how to incorporate Spirit's presence into your business ventures and career.

Known as the “Torch of Transformation,” Amethyst Wyldfyre is a multi-dimensional visionary healer, artist, author, and performer. Her mission and purpose is to serve as a catalyst for personal, professional and planetary change, healing, evolution and growth. A healer of healers, mentors and messengers, she is an energetic initiator and catalyst creating sacred space and assisting highly visible and influential visionary entrepreneurs, performers, coaches, artists and healing practitioners to permanently dissolve hidden energetic blocks, patterns and barriers that are preventing them from living out their fullest potential and highest path of destiny.

An initiated Inka tradition shamaness, crystal singing bowl and voice sound therapist, psychic midwife & spiritual counselor, she is a member of the Sound Healers Association, a certified healing the light body practitioner, crystalline ascension master healer and teacher and a master celestial channel and diviner of destiny. She provides energetic healing services both distant and local, performs healing angelic readings and channelings and teaches a wide array of classes and workshops live and virtually.

2:30 PM - "Connecting to Self, God, and Earth through Sexuality"

Julie McIntyre, author of Sex and the Intelligence of the Heart, will speak about reconnecting with true ourselves through nature and our sexuality.

Julie McIntyre is an Earth ceremonialist and metis of Norwegian and Mohawk/Blackfeet decent. She is the director for the Center for Earth Relations and for the past decade has worked with the Sacred Pipe, Medicine Wheel, and Vision Quests in facilitating closer human bonding with the Earth. An ordained practitioner of the Church of Gaia, Julie recently directed a state ceremonial program for Native men in prison and also works with young women with ceremonial rites of transition into womanhood. A double-degree graduate in Political Science and Public Communications Julie has completed postgraduate training in sacred plant medicine, Ayurveda, Reiki, medical herbalism, Huichol shamanism, and wilderness survival. http://www.gaianstudies.org/index.html

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Fear Keeps Us in Bondage to Many False Ideas and Beliefs

Fear kept one religion from recognizing the evolution of man until 1996. And, even though the Pythagorean philosopher Philolaus (d. 390 BC) first speculated that the Earth was round and that the planets revolved around the sun rather than the Earth, the Catholic Church refused to believe it until 1992.

I’m stating this to remind you to not let your fear of psychic or spiritual gifts keep you from accepting and trusting your intuition and using telepathy and empathy as a valuable tools for navigating life on Earth. Sometimes our experiences have to take precedence over what is taught in any text—sacred or otherwise. To keep believing something you’ve been taught when it is not validated by your personal experience is to live inauthentic to your own truth. This type of programming is what shuts down the voice of inner guidance and causes us to distrust our intuition.

Things are changing in our world as the Earth is near the equator of the Milky Way Galaxy and we approach the Age of Aquarius. Learn more in my new book, Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience.

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/services/coaching/ for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Ascension Symptoms: Increased Influence from Shadow Side

Because repressed issues from our shadow side are emerging to be healed and integrated, you may process some terribly negative thoughts (judgment, criticism) or see horrific mental scenes. You may think these internal visions are premonitions of something bad about to happen to you or someone you love. While you may get forewarnings that require you to take precaution, more than likely these thoughts and images are deeply-hidden fears buried in your psyche that are coming up to be integrated. I compare these “prods and pokes” to the proverbial “devil on your shoulder,” urging you to engage in egotistical behavior. You always have the choice as to whether you will entertain them or integrate them.

Recently, I had a battle raging in my mind. The thoughts were so hateful that I felt embarrassed about what I was hearing. I knew that any resistance I put up would only cause me to attract more thoughts like these as well as draw to myself things, people, energy, and situations I didn’t want. Thus, I spent time in nature, did some deep breathing, and got some physical exercise to help move energy through more quickly. I focused on the “now” moment to remind myself that there are no problems that the love within me can’t handle.

I repeated mantras such as these: “In this now moment, I have peace of mind. In this place of heart-centered love, I am calm and at ease. There is nothing to fear or stew over in this now moment.” I’ve included this mantra as an exercise in Chapter 5. I also created an MP3 of the mantras I used and am happy to share it with you. See the Audios tab on my Website, WeAre1nSpirit.com. The soothing background music will help to bring you into a state of heart-centered awareness and assist your efforts in moving past the ceiling that the ego has erected.

I continued to focus my awareness within my heart center and ask for light and love to expand from within me. Each time I had a thought that was out of alignment with the Love that I am, rather than having an absurd dialog with my ego, I drew my awareness back to a place of peace within and sought strength in the Sacred Heart (Christ Consciousness). Breakthrough came suddenly and powerfully. The negative thoughts vanished immediately and the peace that I had connected with in my heart center manifested in my daily experience.

I don’t always have the time to do a formal meditation, so my guides and I agreed upon a simple phrase that I can think or speak whenever thoughts come up that are not aligned with love. Thoughts are energy and can be converted, but not destroyed. “Transmute and integrate” or “purer thoughts now!” represent my willingness to have these thoughts transmuted into kind, peaceful thoughts that are then integrated with the purer frequencies in my mental field. I encourage you to try this or your own phrase the next time you are disturbed by negative energy fragments.

I love what Susann Taylor Shier teaches in her book, Soul Reunion, about integrating this fragmented part of ourselves. She refers to these incongruent aspects of self as “inner land mines.” She says that they are not enemies to be fought; instead, they are fear-based factors that we have created and buried in our subconscious at some point in our journey of separateness. Many times these self-sabotaging mechanisms crop up when we elect to move forward in the ascension process. Why? Because they want to come home to the Sacred Love within us and be part of the oneness we are experiencing. We can choose to no longer allow them to keep us in bondage; however, these fragmented parts of us cannot be removed, released, ignored, or done away with. They are emotional energy and must be converted into a different type of energy (at a purer frequency) or integrated into our human experience through practicing non-resistance. By bringing these wayward parts into the Sacred Heart, we give them a new role: to assist us in accessing even more Sacred Love within and making our personal energy field even stronger and brighter!

What ascension symptoms are you having?

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Friday, July 27, 2012

The 2012 Walk-In and Starseed Summit

And yes, this is all about you!

Hosted by Celestial Blue Star of the Pleiades and David of Arcturus

This is the very FIRST Summit of Walk-Ins, which brings together the different representatives of our Star Families. We will be exploring the relationships, and missions, of and between Walk-Ins, Starseeds and Earth-Seeds. Earth-Seeds are our human co-Creators.

We are now in the times of prophecy, the problem is there are so many different human theories on what those prophesies are. Here you are going to be hearing us speak about what is happening, why it is happening, and what all of our parts in it is. This summit will incorporate all types of Universal Truths relevant to Walk-Ins and Starseeds alike, as well as to all human Earth-Seeds.

This Summit will reinforce the words of Confucius. "Tell me, and I will forget. Show me, and I may remember. Involve me, and I will understand." Confucius 450 B.C.

Summit Speakers:

Celest, David, Ranoli, Ninneen C. Harsh, Teresa Sixberry, Norma Hollis, Mark Kimmel, Ron Radhoff and Zarazaiel Yoval (Zaraz)

For Summit details go to www.bluestarspeaks.com

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Ascension Training Telesummit Week 4

Today we present week three of Shifting into Purer Consciousness Ascension Training Telesummit. Join us for an informative presentation by Harriette Knight, who will be teaching us how to balance spiritual transformation with the daily experience of living as a human on Earth. Leonard Orr will also be presenting the concept of immortality.

2:00 PM Central Time – "How to Live a Spiritual Existence While Attending Earth School."

Going to Earth School can be a challenge with a curriculum that includes planetary shifts, changes in relationships, health challenges, and so much more. Find out what you can do to strengthen your relationship with Mother Earth so that you, too, can enjoy spiritual bliss.

Harriette Knight is a master healer, psychic-medium, author of CHAKRA POWER! and GEMSTONE POWER!, and Host of Harriette Knight's Psychic & Healing Hour on Blog Talk Radio. Her positive outlook on life and intuitive abilities have helped many people learn how to live a fuller and more purposeful life. Harriette's Reconnective Healing practice has helped to heal clients from around the world.  www.HarrietteKnight.com.

2:35 PM Central Time – Is Immortality Possible?

The body does not have to die—it can ascend into a light (glorified) body as Jesus Christ and other ascended masters have proven. Our thoughts and beliefs greatly affect our health and everything we experience in life. The way to bring about any outward change is to reprogram the mind and dissolve the death “urge,” rather than unconsciously committing slow suicide with our fear-based beliefs. We can choose conscious or unconscious death and reincarnation, or physical immortality which means to incorporate the body into the conscious life of the eternal spirit.

Leonard Orr is best known for developing Rebirthing-Breathwork, a technique of breathing that can help one to overcome the trauma of being born. He is also the author of more than 30 books on spiritual topics, including immortality. When he converted to Christianity and started to read the Bible, he took Jesus' words ("He who believes in me shall never taste death.") literally, that anyone who believed in Jesus would not die. His search for truth about everlasting life led him to India where he used several tests of authenticity to satisfy claims of age. He met at least eight people older than 300 years.

Sign up to get a reminder about next week's session 
"Clearing and Permanently Erasing Karma" (Lisa Barnett) and "Planetary and Astrological Alignment for December 2012" (Rick DiClemente)!

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Happy Ending in 2012!

Title: Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience Author: Yvonne Perry
ISBN-13: 978-0-9825722-9-0
Publisher: Write On!, May 2012
Reviewed by Denise Demaras

I've always been a sucker for books that are open declarations of personal belief and fearlessly test the status quo. Yvonne Perry's new book, 'Shifting into Purer Consciousness' is such a book and comes straight from the heart; it is genuine and meant to help others struggling now. Her connection is pure and offers hopeful solutions that are prompted by heart-felt stirrings and beliefs that come from intuition and a sense of knowing that science cannot defy nor qualify. Research and science have their place but when it comes to December 21, 2012 - the author explains mysterious terminology and cosmic theory to support her view that there is a happy ending to 2012 rather than the sensationalized dark ending to the Mayan Calendar. She moves through the fear to find (and explain) her search for truth and belief that things will be better not worse. Many people are awakening, but even more are frightened and tormented by the physical and emotional struggles witnessed each day in personal daily lives and in the news. She will undoubtedly answer some unasked questions and comfort readers that have fears and concerns around December 21, 2012 with reasons for this fear and confusion, as well as the karma of the shift occurrence. It is defined by the author simply for anyone to read and understand - it just takes an open mind to find the way out of a mental fear trap.

'Shifting into Purer Consciousness' is a book that emerges from a generous spirit of caring - the only kind a truly empathetic person can offer. In it, the author addresses her own curiosity and disarms her reader with her natural giving style to help others deal with dramatic changes within and surrounding each person now on this globe. She does this as she takes the reader by the hand down her path and from the beginning you know her words come from transformational experiences. She wants you to feel ease and so compassionately explains the ways you can prepare and find your way through these times of un-calculated, unforeseen and seemingly unkind change. This is a clear path through the fog of confusion lined with charming simplicity - she lays out the steps that have helped her stay with love and prepare for what may come.

Yvonne's journey and her assumptions are supported throughout her journey of research and self examination by epiphanies rising from synchronistic events that all conscious readers are familiar with and know the power in such events. Once such realization Yvonne experienced was that eating meat, killing animals is violent. When she shifted out of eating animals, she supported a more gentle and loving vibration in her life. Though she is not judgmental, she includes that eating meat or not, is a personal choice. It makes sense though - hateful behavior is reflected in hateful life experiences.

Throughout the book, the author supports her findings with quotes from other writers as well as the Bible. It is clear that she intends to help others prepare for a seamless merging into our natural state - the state of infinite love and being. Her statements are supported throughout the book with quotes from other writers as well as the Bible. It is clear that she intends to help others prepare for a seamless merging into our natural state - the state of infinite love and being.

Shifting into Purer Consciousness' is a journey - both personal and intellectual that will prompt personal exploration and help many quickly shift out of despair and into hope; this book comes from a pure heart. In her new book, Yvonne shares her journey and paves the way for those willing to imagine something other than doom and gloom for the world, the Universe and our fate.

When you are reading this book, you know she is dedicated to provide answers to ease fear and encourage peaceful, positive growth with revolutionary solutions to navigate and join the many inspired thinkers preparing their light bodies for the coming shift. As a health counselor, meditation teacher and fan of Buddha, I appreciate her addressing diet and meditation as well as the basic Buddhist belief in non-duality. And she doesn't stop there, Yvonne doesn't leave anyone out, she quotes the Bible and other author's who have researched and experienced shifts in consciousness too. Her explanations of complex ideas and terms such as, aura's and Kundalini energy, are easy to grasp as her natural ease in communicating her thoughts are to teach and so directed to help you understand these terms without attachment to deep or difficult language or philosophy.

The author wholeheartedly embraces her journey as an Empath to hear the unspoken cries for help from the confused and frightened public. She answers this call with an innocent, non-secular, non-judgmental or trendy book that shows how to live better, purer and prepare for possibly a peak soulful event - the Ascension. She stays true to herself and her mission to help others help themselves. This is a very unique presentation of a topic many have explored. I enjoyed reading her almost purely enthusiastic book - her perception and respect of the reader is fresh, generous and spiritual.

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Ascension Symptoms: Increased Emotional Responses

Emotional issues you thought were healed may be reappearing. It is common for old emotional patterns to resurface to be cleansed and healed at deeper levels. You may notice your limiting beliefs and self-destructive patterns emerging. You may have flashbacks of repressed memories stored at the cellular level. Acknowledge these emotions, but stay present and non-resistant. Simply allow them to flow through. On the other side of this coin, you may have fewer emotional responses to what is going on around you. Things that used to bother you don’t even register on your “who gives a crap” meter.

Many people in the online groups that I participate in (such as the Empathy Connection on Facebook) are noting an increase in their emotional responses to the pain and suffering of others. They pick up on the thoughts, feelings, emotions, or even physical illnesses around them and may feel sadness, anger, panic attacks, or anxiety that does not belong to them.

What ascension symptoms are you having?

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Are You Having Depression?

I’ve said it many times that we are changing and that old, unresolved issues are coming up to be healed. As a result, some people are in a dark place and not sure what is going on in their lives. Maybe they are going through depression and can’t seem to get out of it.
Whenever our emotions are in distress or our bodies manifest an illness, they are giving us a message that we need to pay attention to. The accelerated energy that is near the earth now due to our planetary alignment is causing us to begin shifting our beliefs—conscious and unconscious.

Anything that no longer serves our highest good is rising to the surface to be dealt with. So if you are going through an illness, mental disturbance, or emotional turmoil such as a loss of job, there’s something coming to the light. It’s wise to pay attention to this message. Go ahead and delve into the emotion and see what Spirit’s message is and ask “How can I change this? What do I need to know or let go of in order to receive the gift in this situation?” It’s not a matter of avoiding the symptoms or say, “I must get healed or else!” Instead, ask. “What is the lesson in this experience?” or “What is the truth in this illness or discomfort I’m having?” or “What needs to shift within my thinking or subconscious beliefs?”

I went through depression in 1999 as was going through a divorce after 22 years of marriage. As I look back, I realize that my empathic abilities we out of control and I needed to learn how to manage energy. There were some things that I had to change within myself in order to get past the depression, but as I look back, I see those were some of the sweetest times of fellowship with Spirit. Being at a place where I had to go inward to discover what I truly believed was very beneficial. I had to own my truth for myself rather than just accepting what had been handed down to me from my family, society, or church. It was a great spiritual reckoning that brought me to a place of being able to define my personal truth.

There’s a gift in depression and hardship; even though it looks bad on the outside, if you will walk through it you will find it leads you to the sacred heart space to find your personal treasure. What I mean by being non-resistant is to look at what’s occurring for you. Don’t ignore it, don’t pretend like it’s not there, don’t cover it up or medicate with recreational drugs, alcohol, food, or other substances to avoid the pain. Instead, look at what the pain is trying to teach you. Find the gift in the moment of suffering and know that you can shift your life experience by shifting your attitude, thoughts, beliefs, and emotions.

Yvonne Perry is an empath coach, metaphysical teacher, spiritual author, and the host of We Are One in Spirit Podcast. In 2011, she published her book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom of the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You, in which she candidly discussed how we pick up energy around us, and how it affects us. It teaches how to identify our own energy versus the energy of people around us. She is available for private spiritual coaching and as a speaker for your group.

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Ascension Symptoms: Electronic Disturbances

Have you noticed any electrical disturbances with computers and other electronic devices lately? You may experience things like walking through a room when suddenly the light bulbs flicker or turn on/off. After stopping about four watches dead in their tracks within a six-month period in the early 2000s, I stopped wearing a watch. If the universe wants me to know what time it is, there is always a clock within sight.

During meditation in my bedroom one day, I heard a loud vibrating noise in the adjoining bathroom. I jumped up to see what was going on and found my electric razor buzzing around in the wooden tray where I keep it! When we meditate, we raise the vibration of our own body and the surrounding area.

I’ve had musical toys in the den closet come on automatically. It was pretty freaky when Little Leap starting singing the ABC song when no one was in the room! These types of disturbances could also be caused by the increase in cosmic energy penetrating the Earth’s atmosphere. However, being an empath who is able to sense subtle energy shifts, I felt an earthbound soul was responsible for that particular incident. Someone, whom I know has entities attached to his field, had just left my house five minutes before. I do not allow earthbound souls to stay in my home, so I let it know it could either find its host, who was only a few miles down the road, or go into the light. I lit a bundle of sage and the energy of the room immediately shifted back into a peaceful state. Sage-o-matic!

One empath I chatted with said she seemed to disable cellphones, wireless devices like printers, keyboards, etc. Her boss used to think she was purposely breaking them. Her printer fried twice for no apparent reason. After that, her boss accused her of being into witchcraft and started telling her how important religion was in society. Be careful not to retaliate if something like this happens. Our thoughts are energetic forms that have tremendous power. I’m cautious to send only loving thoughts and energy toward my computer and other electronic devices I own or use.

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Light the Path

By Peggy Black and the "team"
We are here and honored to express our gratitude and acknowledgment, for you are reaching a turning point in your evolution. More and more individuals are remembering who they are as members of the celestial family. Realize when 51% of your global citizenry are awake and aware there is a shift that occurs within all.

Within humans there is always an ebb and flow between states of consciousness. Countless individuals, however, are bridging two or more different levels of consciousness at the same time. The realization is becoming obvious to many that you are straddling multi-realities. This has always been a truth as a multidimensional being; the shift happening now is that you are more aware that you are easily shifting from one dimension to another.

You are aware of the so-called solid reality, your physical surroundings, those frozen in your perception, and you are also becoming aware of receiving information from another level of awareness and source. You are beginning to have sensations that your normal beliefs cannot account for; you are having a visceral experience with no need for proof.

You are beginning to experience other realities and dimensions. This is sometimes just a flash or a quick shift in your perception of what is real. These brief unexplained occurrences are happening more and more. Celebrate, acknowledge and welcome these experiences, invite and encourage them to be more and more a part of your life.

These shifts of consciousness, these supernatural gifts have been the honored and curious space of the shaman, the psychic, the one with paranormal abilities. This is changing as increased numbers of humans awaken and realize that they are endowed with all these extrasensory perceptions. They are able to shift their reality, read the subtle changes in vibrations, and receive guidance and knowledge from a source beyond their conscious knowing.

You are beginning to acknowledge and welcome these expanded states of awareness that are becoming a part of your daily life. You may be standing next to a stranger, for example, waiting to make your purchase and you begin to have images of their life or hear their thoughts or feel emotions. It can be a bit disarming and even frightening. Be gentle with yourself when you notice this occurring. Remember you can set the guidelines for how you want your paranormal abilities to unfold. Gently begin to welcome this expanded knowing and the data and information wanting to come forth beyond your normal senses.

Let us assure you, coming forth with new perceptions of your reality and the world around you is only one aspect of your multidimensional self. You consider yourself solid in your physical form, contained within your body, comfortable with your thoughts and feelings. This has been your security, your reality; yet on many levels of which you are not aware you are reading the energies around you, you are picking up sensations and thoughts of others as you pass them on the street. Since this is neither your focus nor where your attention is placed most of this data is ignored.

We are inviting you to open the doors to your mind. Realize that you are connected to everything in your reality and beyond. You life, your bills, your relationships, your jobs are simply one aspect of who you truly are. We are aware that in this physical dimension these are all important, however we would like to invite you to continue to stretch your awareness and include the real possibility that you are moving rapidly between dimensions at all times.

You are receiving frequency codes from all living things as well as downloads of data from the stars and the galaxy. Every cell in your body responds to this input of vibrations; you have just been pre-occupied and have not noticed. You can sense this is changing; you are feeling these shifts in your body and your bones. Embrace this!

Remember that as you welcome these expanded states of mind and awareness, you open the doors for others to do the same. Your energy field triggers their awakening. Own the possibility that you offer expanded states of multidimensional awareness to everyone your encounter, everywhere at all times. Now you can see how this would shift the remaining 49%. Think of yourself as an activator.

Remember as a child you were aware of so much in your reality, all things were possible. You could easily travel to other existences and timeframes and often did. Those skills are still available. Open the doors once again that perhaps you closed when someone invalidated your experience or shamed your imagination.

Begin to invite and practice traveling to other timelines, sense when you have shifted to another vibration or dimension. Allow yourself to sense and feel the energy surrounding you, read the impressions and begin to trust in the input you are receiving. Allow your extrasensory gifts to emerge once more.

There are tools to shift your consciousness that have been offered by your wise ones and sages throughout time. Meditation and stillness invite the opportunity to visit other states of being and move between the dimensions. Keep in mind that the dimensions are simply another state of energy vibrations.

The important thing to understand is that constant interaction with others can be a distraction to the subtle ability to alter your awareness and shift your focus to the nested dimensions in which you can explore. This is why it is important to honor solitude, to walk, meditate, and allow stillness and a quieting of the busy mind. It is in these places that you gently slip into another dimension. The key is to make space for this to happen.

Another key to unlock the mystery is to know that energy follows thought. It is a matter of where you place your attention. Shift your thoughts and shift your feeling nature and you will throw off your conditioned beliefs and the limited net that would keep you anchored to only one experience of reality. When you invite and allow, when you relax and honor, the other experiences and realities will become available.

It is so important that you know that you interface with these other realities. You are the physical link to this dimension and it is the density and the mis-qualified energies that are to be uplifted and transformed. You are the portal for this to occur and materialize. You are the focus; you are the anchor for divine consciousness that is offering the frequency of ascension.

What is ascension? It is becoming aware that you are more than your physical body; it is the awareness that you are pure divine energy and consciousness. You physical body is morphing; it is recalibrating to allow every cell and every aspect to hold and radiate more and more light frequency. As this occurs you begin to shift in how you see and sense the many realities that are always available to your awakened state of presence.

Do everything possible to expand freely into your true Starself, that beautiful multidimensional being who is aware, loving, connected to source and others. Heal all real or imagined wounds; forgive all real or imagined wrongs. Do your personal work knowing that you are adding the light of consciousness to this dense dimension and lifting yourself and others up into an existence in which thoughts are shared from the heart. Call forth and welcome a dimension that is beyond the dense mis-qualified thought forms and actions of hatred, prejudice, pain and sorrow, past the limited, powerless unconscious beliefs being projected on your screen of reality.

You are courageous! You are powerful! You are magnificent! You are here to anchor change. Open up to your incredible paranormal abilities and begin to interface with this reality from your place of true authentic knowing. Open up to your awesome abilities to travel time and the dimensions. Open up to your heart's awareness and invite the power of love to flood your life and all experiences.

The gift offered here is a reminder that you are not alone and you can easily connect with the nonphysical support systems. All that is required of you and anyone who seeks this connection and awareness of the multiverse is to open up to your awesome abilities and make space for this to happen. Realize that as you connect in this way your vibrations and frequency will light the path for others to follow.

There is assistance being offered to earth from the starfamily, the planets, the great central sun, the holiest of holies and the divine mind of the creator. We invite you and other awakening star humans to hold and anchor the focus for these energetic gifts that are being showered upon you as we speak. We are honored always to have this exchange with you. We are grateful for who you are and your continued willingness to offer yourself in service and in love to the whole. Know that you are acknowledged and appreciated as you transform any and all challenges that are before you. the 'team'

©2012 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Tools for an Easier Integration of Your Soul, Christ Self, and Divine God

There is a lot of talk these days that the world will end on December 21 of this year because the Mayan calendar ends at that time. In my new book, Shifting into Purer Consciousness, I state, "The Mayan calendar ends in 2012 because the future is ours to create!" Who can predict what humanity may do at this (or any other) point in our history? The energy for positive change is here and we are all feeling it, although it may be manifesting as hardship, health problems, an opening of psychic abilities, and other uncomfortable symptoms that I discuss in my book, Shifting Into Purer Consciousness.

I seriously doubt the Earth is going to be destroyed or that life on this planet will end any time soon. What prophecies are referring to as the "end times" is the end of the Piscean Age, which is one of the twelve constellations that our solar system passes through in its orbit. This cycle is called the Precession of the Equinoxes through the zodiac. We are about to enter the Age of Aquarius in which our solar system is traveling nearer to the center or equator of the Milky Way Galaxy.

Today, I'd like to share with you an interview I did with Dr. Irene Conlan on The Self Improvement Show this week. In it, Irene and I talk about how we go about creating the future we desire, about ascension (purification process leading us into higher consciousness) and about integration and wholeness.

If you've been wondering why everything seems to be going at such a much faster pace and why we're experiencing such big shifts in the global economy, seeing political turbulence around the world, and social changes everywhere you won't want to miss this show!

Yvonne Perry shares her stories, symptoms, and tips of her journey on the path of Spiritual Awakening. Shifting into Purer Consciousness gives you tools for an easier integration of your Soul, Christ Self, and Divine God Self into your physical body. This book can make your shift of consciousness easier.

~ Michael David Lawrience, Energy Healer and author of The Secret for Freedom from Drama, Trauma, and Pain


Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Ascension Training Telesummit Week 3

Today we present week three of Shifting into Purer Consciousness Ascension Training Telesummit. The topics for today are walk-ins/soul exchanges and celestial beings who assist our planet in her evolution.

 JULY 19

2:00 PM Central Time – "Walk-ins and soul exchanges"

A walk-in is a spirit who takes up residence (with permission) in the body of a soul, the walk-out, who wants to leave the Earth plane. Rather than having a healthy body die, another soul steps in and picks up where the first soul left off. This event, also referred to as a soul exchange, is a pre-incarnation agreement or a spiritual partnership between souls who are helping one another evolve. A soul exchange is always done with cooperation of both souls, and may occur during a near-death experience, while unconscious or under anesthesia, or while asleep.

Dr. Caron Goode, NCC, DAPA is the founder of the Academy for Coaching Parents International, the first global online school for training and certifying Parenting Coaches in supporting families through parent coaching or to receive a first-class, leading-edge parenting education. She has positioned the Academy for Coaching Parents International at the forefront of the global parent coaching movement to support connection

2:35 PM Central Time – "Go In Peace ~ Return in Enlightenment"

SSuzanne Grandon speaks about ETs, ascended masters, and other beings of light here to help the planet and humanity ascend.

As an Ambassador to the Universe, SSuzanne has been working with Extra Terrestrials, Ascended Masters, Celestials, and other transdimensional Light Beings continuously for forty years, following a life-altering consciousness expanding experience in 1972. She will share experiences and guidelines for expanding higher consciousness communication as well as significant interactions that are taking place now to assist humanity in attaining peaceful transitions as we continue to ascend http://www.bluelotusjourneys.com.

Sign up to get a reminder about next week's session and the replay link to this one!

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Highly Sensitive People May Communicate with Ghosts

When I stopped using my own energy to offer healing to others, the empathic attacks lessened, but I was still able to see and hear in the spirit realm. Disembodied souls would awaken me during the night and hover overhead, staring at me until I woke up. I heard things no one else heard and I could feel the energy of ghosts around me. I even wrote a book about it, More Than Meets the Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife. I’ve always been sensitive to the energy of “deceased” people.

Jerry, a friend of mine, was fatally stabbed in the parking lot of a Kroger store in 2007 while trying to stop a man who had stolen a purse from a 60-year-old woman. When I heard Jerry had died, I was immediately catapulted into an empathetic episode like I had not experienced since I was serving as an intercessory prayer warrior in the city of Muncie in the mid-1990s. The grief-like energy I was carrying for Jerry's friends and family was so severe that after two days, I finally called on an energy-worker friend, Cherise Thorne, to clear me so I could stop sobbing.

After that, I put up some really strong protective barriers to keep from taking on other people's energy, but Jerry didn’t seem to get the message. His spirit hung around me for more than a week following his death. I didn't want to do what he was urging me to do—contact his mom and sister (Dianne) and give them a message from him: “Tell them I am with Mason.” The message didn't mean anything to me. I wasn't sure if Mason was a person, a pet, a bricklayer, or a lodge member. I hesitated sharing this insight because I didn't know how open his sister and mom were to having a stranger give them a psychic message and I didn't want to add to their grief. What if I was wrong and the message had no relevance to them?

However, Jerry was insistent, and at the time, I didn't know how to make ghosts go away. So, I found his mother’s address and wrote a letter giving her the message with my phone number and return address. I didn't hear anything from the family until nearly two and a half years later when I got a letter from his sister, stating that she finally knew what the message meant. He had visited with a friend who was a cashier at the store the day Jerry was killed. Her name was Mason.

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Ascension Process is an Opportunity of Great Spiritual Growth

It was with much delight and gratitude that I was reading Yvonne’s new book. It really explains what is going on in the universe, our planet, and with ourselves. The provided information and tools will be very helpful for all readers to heal the mindset of separation and transform unresolved personal issues and emotions. It is important to understand the ascension process which comes after resurrection, but there is no resurrection until something—the EGO—dies. The author understands, that the process might be scary at times, but is a guide through this challenging time. We are following Jesus and other spiritual masters if we embrace that this process is an opportunity of great spiritual growth.

Thanks for explaining the walk-in of LavendarRose, all readers will benefit from her teachings and I highly recommend to honor this information by working with all the valuable prayers, exercises, affirmations, links, quotes, and the wonderful vibration of this masterpiece.

~ Eva-Maria Mora, author of Quantum Angel Healing: Energy Therapy and Communication with Angels

To Purchase Shifting Into Purer Consciousness visit http://ow.ly/bhPlc

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Ascension Symptoms: Miraculous Healing

Miracles happen every day and they should increase as we ascend.

Perhaps you have had a miraculous healing such as mine: I did several exercises to raise my vibration right before bed one night. I knew I had processed and cleared during my sleep when I awoke with a headache the next morning. I had read about different types of headaches and what the location of the pain indicated as far as ascension symptoms. The pain was in the middle of my forehead and between my eyes. I opened the book, What is Lightbody? by Tashira Tachi-ren and read that pressure between the eyebrows is an indication that the pineal gland is growing. I pressed the area with my fingers and felt some relief. This let me know I was indeed dealing with ascension symptoms and not sinus problems or any other physical malady.

Still not ruling out a physical reason for my headache, I ate breakfast and drank a glass of water that had been blessed with an invocation. I did an oracle card reading and got instruction to be near a body of water. I had planned to take a walk by the river; I even put on my walking shoes, but then postponed it because I just didn’t have the energy to exercise in the heat that was already reaching into the ’90s at 10 a.m. So, I went to the living room and lit a candle and some incense. I sat in the recliner to rest and listen for instruction about what I needed to do next.

I had done about twenty-five full-wave breaths and was feeling a relaxing buzz when the phone next to me rang. It was my daughter dialing for my two-year-old grandson, who had found a photo of me and was calling my name when he came to her and grabbed her cell phone. He really didn’t want to talk; he was following his guidance to connect with me for spiritual purposes. When I hung up the phone two minutes later, my headache was completely gone and my strength was restored.

What ascension symptoms are you having? Please share with a comment below this post.

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Flying Buttresses of Probability

The Pleiadian Light through Hannah Beaconsfield
“Probable realities” are all the possible permutations of the unfolding of any moment of linear time. Living in linear time makes it impossible to experience the multi-levels that are a truer model of reality. However, your inability to perceive beyond your living plane does not negate the equally real alternate versions of your chosen living plane reality. These alternate versions proceed in their unfolding with vitality equal to yours.

As you face each moment of your lives, there are an array of probable paths before you. Each of the probable realities has a different level of energy supporting it. The probable path with the greatest energy support aligned with you will be the one drawn on to your living plane and experienced by you as the only path. From your level of restricted perceptions, this is the real one.

All the other probable variations of an event continue their own reality in a parallel position. For the most part, you do not recognize the existence of these other probable lines. Sometimes, in the case of highly charged emotional events or events engaging the entire world consciousness, you may experience a “bleed through” of feelings or dreams from a probable version. Though you do not “live” these alternate experiences, they are still a part of your multidimensional reality.

As such, these parallel lines of experience serve to support by enriching the nimbus of vibrational energy that surrounds your individuality and your life path. You have a “you” on each probable path and each of these “duplicates” enrich the one you recognize as real through the complex interweaving of your total spirit energy unit. Like the flying buttresses of your great gothic cathedrals, the probable aspects of a living plane event support, expand and enhance a central structure of the life.

Probable events can be accessed or allowed to influence the primary life if a choice is made to open to do so. You can contact a probable self in much the same way you access reincarnational lives. This can be done in altered states of consciousness. A reason for doing this might be to balance and help heal a life situation in which a very challenging, even painful, circumstance has been chosen. The inner knowing and the conscious awareness of a parallel reality in which the same segment of the life path flowed with ease and grace can offer a vibrational solace and support to move you through the difficulties.

Also on the sleep/dream plane the full array of probable paths is available to you. It is from this level that many of the scenarios for the living plane are chosen. You can suggest to your dreaming self that you contact, while on the dream plane, a probable self who is living an opposite reality to one you feel is difficult. You need not remember any dreams of the alternate reality, but the “experience” of it does have the ability to color your own reality with a brighter hue. (Maybe not like rose-colored glasses, but perhaps a lighter perspective on the ordeal.)

Your pinpoint of consciousness, in the center of a massive and infinite extension of energy/consciousness, is “buttressed” in many ways and from many levels of this massive unit. This in itself can be a comforting concept.

© Hannah Beaconsfield 2012

BOOKS BY HANNAH BEACONSFIELD New Edition with Updated Material: Welcome to Planet Earth, A Guide for Walk-ins, Starseeds, and Lightworkers RIDING THE PHOENIX: Surviving the Global Resurrection (Revised Edition) ISBN 1-4208-1806-6 Order: 888-280-7715 ALSO available as an eBook from www.authorhouse.com - $2.95 AND formatted for your eReader Welcome to Planet Earth will soon be available in Japanese fromHakurosya Publishing. And both books will be available in Russian from Sophia Publications. Humor/Children’s Book: THE SWAN WHO WANTED TO BE A BALLET DANCER ISBN 987-1-4259-8659-9 Order: 888-280-7715 ALSO available as an eBook from www.authorhouse.com - $2.95 ALL BOOKS ARE AVAILABLE FROM AMAZON.COM

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Answers You Have Been Searching for are Now Here

Yvonne Perry has a way of energetically infusing the reader with information that resonates so deeply, you are transformed immediately. SHIFTING INTO PURER CONSCIOUSNESS opens the way to embrace the vibrational shift of the planet with grace and ease while giving reason to the unreasonable. The answers you have been searching for are now here. ~ Harriette Knight, master healer, author, and radio host

To Purchase Shifting Into Purer Consciousness visit http://ow.ly/bhPlc
Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Ascension Training Telesummit Week 2

Today is July 12 and it's the second week of Shifting into Purer Consciousness Ascension Training Telesummit. Today's dynamic speakers include Kristen Ann and Susan Taylor Shier who will be presenting pertinent information regarding the spiritual transition of humanity.

2:00 PM Central Time – Kristen Ann Speaks about Preparing for the Transition

This point in time is like no other in the entire history of this planet. The course of human events have all been leading up to an immense transition happening in our very near future. This is a point of destiny that we have all planned to be here for. Kristen Ann will share an understanding of what is coming and why so that we can be prepared. Understanding eliminates fear and uncertainty and allows us to move forward with determination and confidence.

Kristen Ann has studied metaphysics and spirituality all her life. Since a near-death experience in childhood, she has known that there is much more to life than what we see. In the mid-1970s she studied the findings and spiritual science of the profound clairvoyant Rudolf Steiner. Since then, many other individuals with in-depth knowledge have crossed her path, creating an understanding both of the significance of this pivotal point in time as well as details of the coming transition. Kristen's book, Exploring Sacred Space: A Vast Quest is full of revealing information that people need to understand in order to be prepared for this immense point of destiny. See ExploringSacredSpace.com

2:35 PM Central Time – "Live From The Depth of Your Soul Gifts"

Susann Taylor Shier will open the Akashic Records of your Soul to access your magnificent strengths and purposes as a guiding light for your life. Be with her special guides, "The Beloveds," to experience the joy that comes with connecting to your soul's wealth.

Susann Taylor Shier is a highly established and exceptionally gifted author, speaker, and intuitive counselor who teaches you how to access and live from the magnificence of your soul gifts, strengths and purpose in this world. Susann is committed to inspire the revelation of each person's heart and soul. Speaking from her heart and channeling her incredible resources, Susann guides you to come alive to the power of your magnificent self in her book trilogy: Soul Mastery - Accessing the Gift of Your Soul; Soul Radiance - Bring Your Soul Riches to Life; and Soul Reunion - The Return Home from Separation.

Susann presents Soul Mastery, Soul Radiance and Soul Reunion workshops, book events, trainings and teleclasses, as well as her renowned “Learning to Read the Akashic Records” and “Soul Clearing” trainings. She has been a guest radio show host on the esteemed World Puja Network and on numerous international radio shows, across the United States and the BBC. If you're ready for your life to be YOUR creation and need an exceptional guide to awaken to the authentic power waiting for you, contact Susann today at her website. http://www.soulmastery.net.

Sign up to get a reminder for next week's session
with Dr. Caron Goode and SSuzanne Grandon!

Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience is a follow up of Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You written by Yvonne Perry.

Yvonne is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Our Thoughts Really Can Shape Our Lives

Yvonne’s book, Shifting into Pure Consciousness, was a real page turner for me! It was so reassuring that we each have choices to our thoughts, and that our thoughts really can shape our lives… for the better. Not only while here on planet earth, but as we ascend into even greater realms. Over the past few years I’ve come to a place of not fearing death, but instead embracing the beauty of what this means for the next steps on my journey. Yvonne’s book has helped me take that up another notch with understanding that if we are open to all the possibilities, it will positively enhance where we are right now in this moment. And the most comforting thing is knowing we truly are, as Yvonne says, “You and me—everyone on the planet—standing side by side in unity and oneness. We really are one.” And most powerful and deeply touching for me is realizing that this means whether we are here in physical body or not, that we are, and will always be, connected.

~ Barbara Techel, award-winning author, www.joyfulpaws.com

To Purchase Shifting Into Purer Consciousness visit http://ow.ly/bhPlc

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Monday, July 9, 2012

How May I Help You Grow Spiritually?

As things progress in my business and I am coming more and more into my life’s purpose, I am aware that there are some greater ways that I can help people in my network. Would you mind taking a few minutes and share with me what you would like to see in our newsletters and what services I might provide for our community? Simply click here and check a few boxes and add your comments: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/CMT2VYK

As you know, I have written books—many of you have commented that you enjoy and appreciate them. Thank you so much for that!

I have been emailing you notices of new products and events, but I am wondering if you might enjoy a newsletter with more spiritual articles; if so, what topics would you like to read about?

I have just recently started offering personal and group coaching and this has been well received. If you would like more information about that, see

You are likely aware that I host a podcast most Thursdays and typically interview a guest expert; however, I am wondering if a more interactive format (not as many guests and more time for listeners to chat with me) might be more of what you are looking for.

In order to better help you grow spiritually, I would love to know what your needs are. Therefore, I created a very short 10-question survey that I would love for you to take:
http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/CMT2VYK .

If you prefer to respond to me personally rather than (or in addition to) completing the survey, you may email me at
writer@yvonneperry.net .

To thank you for your participation, please download and enjoy “Fervent Passion” a song that I wrote and recorded:

Many blessings,

Yvonne Perry, Author of Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience (
Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You (
More Than Meets the Eye, True Stories about Death, Dying, and Afterlife (
The Sid Series ~ A Collection of Holistic Stories for Children (

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Bridging the Emptiness

Disengaging the Ego from Its 3D Connections
The Pleiadian Light through Hannah Beaconsfield

Transformation. The winds of change that are blowing through your world consciousness are creating new patterns of reality. Part of pattern creation is pattern destruction. This is the breaking down of old forms to make way for new ones. Many aspects of the old reality are used to create the new patterns of the transformed planetary unit. Old patterns are incorporated into the new.

Applying these general circumstances to the individual human struggling with the ascension of the species, this reads as a tearing down of all ego-centered aspects of the personality, the identity, and the integrated unit of body, mind, and spirit that is the total self. If this were accomplished all at once it would be too much to handle. It is, however, being brought about by incremental steps of tearing down and building up simultaneously. But there are points at which the individual may become so dismantled as to feel vacant, or even hitting a bottom where hope is obliterated.

Why should hitting bottom be necessary? And hitting repeated bottoms in the process of ascending? Is it really necessary to assassinate Pollyanna? The ever-hopeful Pollyanna is a 3D compensatory construct and a portion of the ego. The ego must be broken down and reformed into a mosaic that represents the new self. The ego, in 3D, exists in an environment of past experiences, future hopes, and a present colored by judgments. The ego does help to maintain the integrity of the total self, but in order to bring in aspects of 4D/5D realities, the ego must be disengaged to reset the programming.

Episodes of ego disconnect become painful for ascension pioneers because they are trying to navigate their changing reality while burdened with a sense of loss and emptiness. One of the most difficult sources of the sense of emptiness is the loss of people from your lives. Detaching from people and their influences will include those whom you have been close to: friends, family members, and those you have known through the many activities of your life.

These disengagements may be on friendly terms, some on negative terms, and some will just drift away. You may reach a point at which you look around and think that you are all alone. Your people interactions feed you a reflection of who you are and keep you entrenched in the 3D version of yourself. The disconnections free you to transform. Some of the people you lose you will reconnect with in the future, but there will be others you will never see again (in this life). This circumstance of ascension may be one of the most dismaying and one that is easily misinterpreted. Self-judgment and guilt are likely when you are losing friends. Understand this is not anything you’ve done wrong. And remember you are never alone. You are surrounded by spiritual support.

Your vacant feelings may also be intensified by judging the new realties, comparing them with past 3D situations, and finding them lacking in anything you formerly considered valuable. Before you fully accommodate and integrate the new patterns, you can feel bereft of any viable version of reality to which you can attach your hopes. You find yourselves at the center of a bridge with both ends engulfed in fog.

Each ascender can release pain and help clear the fog by simply recognizing the vacant period for the transition that it is and suspend judgment of the emptiness. Be at peace with dearth. Allow this vacuum-moment its reality so it may be refilled with new patterns, improved skills and expanded perceptions for the ascended you. The feeling of vacancy should be short-lived. It is only needed to activate and establish connections with 4D/5D reality that will replace the 3D patterns so you can proceed across your bridge.

We are deeply aware of all the ascenders who are experiencing the disorienting and painful aspects of Earth’s transformation. Always remember you chose to participate in this project because you knew that, even working blindly, you had all the skills necessary to handle and prevail at the task. And we will never forget the promise we made to you when you left on this mission to always be available to support and guide you. Be at peace, all is unfolding with precise perfection!

© Hannah Beaconsfield 2012

BOOKS BY HANNAH BEACONSFIELD New Edition with Updated Material: Welcome to Planet Earth, A Guide for Walk-ins, Starseeds, and Lightworkers RIDING THE PHOENIX: Surviving the Global Resurrection (Revised Edition) ISBN 1-4208-1806-6 Order: 888-280-7715 ALSO available as an eBook from www.authorhouse.com - $2.95 AND formatted for your eReader Welcome to Planet Earth will soon be available in Japanese fromHakurosya Publishing. And both books will be available in Russian from Sophia Publications. Humor/Children’s Book: THE SWAN WHO WANTED TO BE A BALLET DANCER ISBN 987-1-4259-8659-9 Order: 888-280-7715 ALSO available as an eBook from www.authorhouse.com - $2.95 ALL BOOKS ARE AVAILABLE FROM AMAZON.COM

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The time is now. That is what matters. – Michael channeled by Ron Head

by Ron Head

Much is happening this day. You know this. You feel it. Yet, because the media, which you do not trust, does not report it, you are in doubt. This would bring chuckles to us, dear hearts, except for the fact that it does not serve you well at all. If you cannot clear these doubts from your minds, at the least detach yourselves and watch with anticipation.

We are at the point now where the question of when has become irrelevant. The answer to that is now. Our concern is with thoroughness and safety. You will have your confirmations soon enough. The changes you have waited for so long are proceeding. They may not appear in exactly the manner that you planned, but they will occur.

Given the opportunity to understand and to change their ways, a great many will do so. It is likely that you also have contributed in some ways to the problems in the past. Is that not so? Allow others to see their errors now, as well. The light of truth will cause many to say, “What have I done?” That has already been happening across your world for quite some time.

Those who have consciously caused the harm are another matter, and they are being dealt with. Your task, as we have repeatedly urged you, is to stay centered and calm, and to keep bringing love into the equation.

The increasing intensity of incoming energy will prove quite enough for most of you to deal with. It will bring up quite a lot of things in your lives which have been dormant for long times. Some of it you will not even recognize, as it is in your DNA from generations past. It just needs to be looked at and released. Some of it, however, you might be surprised to find quite amazing and desirable. Feel free to keep and develop those things, if you wish.

The remainder of your year will become increasingly enjoyable now. Problems there will be, but we are sure you have grown enough to handle them, and they will be far outweighed by the progress you will find, both inside and outside of yourselves.

There continue to be opportunities to reach out and help others. If you are in a position to do so, please do. If not, please send your prayers and love. Take seriously now the effect your prayer and intention has upon the world. As more of you learn this, the effect is strengthened even further.  Please see your efforts as joining and supporting each other. Keep watch for every chance to send your love and light, just as we do. Feel its effect. Understand its power. And importantly, give thanks for it.

And leave the days and hours to fend for themselves, dear friends. They matter so little. The time is now. That is what matters. When you look back, this all will have passed in the blink of an eye. We offer, once again, our love and aid upon your call. We are ever present with you. Good day, dear friends. Excellent day!

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://oraclesandhealers.wordpress.com

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Overly Sensitive? What to Do About It!

So you’ve discovered that you are overly sensitive and you’re getting a great understanding of what’s your stuff and what belongs to someone else. You may have read my first book, Whose Stuff Is This? ~ Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You and you are having a great deal of success in managing energy overload. Now you realize there is a reason you have the gift of empathy and you want to know what to do with it. That’s where Shifting into Purer Consciousness comes in. It’s the next step to take as an empath. It teaches how to put your life back together and start accomplishing your spiritual mission as the Earth and humanity are rapidly shifting.

Those who are curious about what is being called the “end times” will appreciate the fresh approach to Bible and Mayan prophecies and the ideas regarding the ascension of Jesus Christ, who taught us that we could also ascend and not “taste” death. About the so called end times, you don’t have to look very far to see that something different is going on here on Earth. We’ve got more natural disasters then we have ever seen. People are losing jobs, relationships are shifting, careers are changing, government systems are failing, and the world economy is very unstable. More people are working from home and finding their true purpose and living from an authentic place.

In the midst of all this turmoil we are leaving one way of living behind and going to another way. There’s a gap between the two that is very scary. You may think you are about to be sucked into a pit or wondering if you are going to safely traverse the gap and find the magical bridge. Like Indiana Jones, you may be wondering when you take that first step will the bridge appear? It sure helps to have some kind of understanding about what’s going on energetically on the planet. These are some things I address in the first chapter of Shifting into Purer Consciousness I give scientific reasons as to how the Earth and our solar system is moving into its orbital path in alignment with the equator of the Milky Way Galaxy. In 2012, we are ending the Precession of the Equinoxes, which is bringing us through the last of the 12 zodiac signs. While this is the end of one way of living our lives, believing that we are separate from God, it is not the end of the Earth! Old things are passing away and all things are becoming new. Right now!

Yvonne Perry is a metaphysical author, spiritual coach, and teacher who helps others learn about oneness with Spirit through her books, teaching, and coaching. Go to We Are One in Spirit http://weare1inspirit.com to access Yvonne's coaching services, blogs, podcast, articles, videos, audios, bookstore, workshops, and other spiritual resources.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

SIPC Virtual Book Tour: Day 20 Callie Carling

Thursday, July 05, Callie Carling (@moonpoppy) will share an article: “How to shed personal and collective structures and belief systems that no longer support the highest good of humanity” on her CreaTEAvity blog, so please stop by and say hello to Callie or leave a comment.

Shifting into Purer Consciousness Ascension Training Telesummit also starts today. There will be two speakers each Thursday throughout July and the first week of August, who will be sharing important info to make the shift easier. See http://shiftingintopurerconsciousness.com for more information.        

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Ascension Training Telesummit Week 1

Today is the first of five weeks of Shifting into Purer Consciousness Ascension Training Summit.
There will be two speakers per telesummit (one at 2 p.m. Central Time and the other at 2:35 CT).


2:00 Central Time – "Are You Having Ascension Symptoms?"
Yvonne Perry outlines some of the symptoms people are having in response to rapid spiritual transformation. She will teach how to reconnect to the Divine I AM Presence within to reduce discomfort and renew your mind.

Yvonne Perry is the author of Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience and Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You. She holds a bachelor’s degree in metaphysics from the American Institute of Holistic Theology and provides personal coaching for spiritual seekers (http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm). The host of We Are One in Spirit Podcast, she enjoys speaking about a wide variety of topics to help people realize their own creative power. http://weare1inspirit.com

2:35 Central Time – Dr. Susan Allison
Santa Cruz therapist Dr. Susan Allison has a doctorate in Transpersonal Psychology and has maintained a private practice for 20 years. She currently works with individuals and groups to bring about healing, using traditional therapies, as well as hypnosis, process therapy, shamanic journey, and energy medicine. Susan is also an ordained and licensed interfaith minister who loves to offer prenuptial counseling and perform wedding ceremonies.

The published author of three books:Conscious Divorce, Ending a Marriage with Integrity (Three Rivers Press), Breathing Room: The Leaving of a Marriage (Park Place) and Empowered Healer: Gain the Confidence, Power, and Ability to Heal Yourself (Balboa) Susan inspires readers to become involved in their own recovery process.

See the full event details here: http://dld.bz/bxt98

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A Training Telesummit to Help Spiritual Seekers Understand Ascension Process

 If you have been experiencing strange body sensations, headaches, fatigue, depression, panic/anxiety attacks, hot flashes, increased emotional responses, or have noticed that your psychic abilities are opening up, you may be one of the millions of people who are spiritually growing faster than your physical body can tolerate. What you are experiencing is a normal response to spiritual changes. These are known as ascension symptoms, which also include changes in careers, sleep patterns, and dietary preferences.

In this time of social, economic, and political unrest many people are in crisis, strapped with fear, and stressed to the limit. Some have lost jobs and financial security; there’s an upheaval in government systems worldwide; the global economy could topple in a heartbeat; the religious institutions we once looked to for guidance are wrought with deceit; our youth are rioting; health issues are escalating; and relationships are failing. Why does our world seem to be going crazy? Undoubtedly, we are living in a crucial time in world and cosmic history and it is affecting everyone who is sensitive to Spirit.

“Everything is being shaken from within,” says Yvonne Perry, the author of a new book titled Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. “It may feel or look bad during the process, but patriarchal world systems and our old way of thinking are breaking down in order for us to create something new. A lot of what we are experiencing is our unresolved personal issues and cellular memory being pushed up and out as the ‘separation mindset’ comes to the surface to be healed.”

Yvonne’s a book will help those who are experiencing physical and emotional symptoms during this time of rapid spiritual growth. It will help readers understand the current planetary changes occurring at the end of the Piscean Age as we are entering the Age of Aquarius. It explains scientifically what is going on in the universe as the Earth is encountering a vibrational increase, which is creating tsunamis, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, global warming, drought, and volcanic activity throughout the Earth. Addressing many end-time prophecies, Perry concludes that the next phase of human development depends upon what is held in our individual and collective minds; for it is there that we co-create our reality.

Yvonne’s book is being launched with an ascension training telesummit July 5 through August 2, 2012. Topics to be addressed in this telesummit include global awakening, oneness, near-death and spiritually-transforming experiences, walk-ins/soul exchanges, working with angels and ascended masters, immortality, the light body, merkabah, integrating cosmic frequencies, managing ascension symptoms, and how money and sex support spiritual growth.

See http://integratingfrequencies.blogspot.com/p/ascension-training-telesummit.html to register or get the details about this free training telesummit.

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See http://weare1inspirit.com/coaching.htm for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.