Thursday, February 28, 2013

Opening the Heart to Receive

Each person has three hearts—the trinity of human spirituality. These are defined as I see them:
  1. The physical heart supports the physical body. It’s the organ that pumps and circulates blood throughout the body. The heart chakra is a reception site for the energy coming from the spiritual heart.
  2. The personal or spiritual heart connects us to a dimension of pure, spiritual awareness or unconditional love, which is free of mental and emotional influences. The spiritual heart is also the center of creativity.
  3. Connecting the physical heart to the spiritual heart is the Sacred Heart (God, All That Is) that supports the electromagnetic energy field of the brain/body. It is where true prayer (or communion with our creator) resides. This is our true essence!
The spiritual heart is how we connect to the divine within us and heal any aspect of ourselves that has fragmented. Reconnecting with the Sacred Heart allows you to become aware of your authentic self that easily experiences love, peace, and joy. Your human perspective in this 3-D world may have caused you to see yourself as separate from the Sacred Heart, but truly you have never been disconnected from it. You can count on the Sacred Heart to always be there. It dwells within you forever.

When the heart knows its connection, miracles can happen. The body becomes healthy and life situations improve. Dreams, pure thoughts, enlightening visions, and limitless possibilities streaming from the Sacred Heart create positive changes that truly serve our oneness and support the shift we are making as a species.

When you are operating from the Sacred Heart space, you radiate love from every pore of your body. This causes the cells of your physical body to be filled with light (spirit). When you are joined with the light, all sickness and death are erased from the cellular memory of your body and it becomes immortal. Death is overcome. Your flesh becomes spirit (a light body). This is the second birth. This is what it means to be born again.

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

New Book: Walk-ins Among Us ~ Open Your Personal Portal to Cosmic Awareness by Yvonne Perry

A new book is being birthed by Yvonne Perry! Walk-ins Among Us ~ Open Your Personal Portal to Cosmic Awareness will be launched with a gathering of walk-ins, starseeds, healers, and indigos May 17-18 in Nashville, TN.

As our planetary system travels around the Milky Way Galaxy, the Earth passes through galactic portals that affect all of her inhabitants. Within that evolutionary continuum, some humans experience a sudden transformation that awakens spiritual gifts and psychic abilities. In our current time of ascension, people are experiencing visitations, cohabitations, and even trading places with more evolved aspects of their soul in various dimensions. This embodiment of higher consciousness brings pathfinders, way-showers, lightworkers, and healers to our planet to help anchor the new paradigm of oneness and unity associated with the Divine Mother.

Those who have experienced a life-transforming event will find help and comfort in this eye-opening book, destined to become a classic in walk-in literature. Walk-ins Among Us is written by a walk-in to help others understand the soul exchange process and how to integrate higher vibrations that clear energy imprints not aligned with love, light, and joy. Through cosmic encoded activations, readers may receive downloads and learn how to stay centered and actively involved in their own ascension process as they discover their mission, purpose, and role on Earth.


Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Have You Been Visited By Your Future Self?

More and more people are being visited by their highly-evolved future selves or light beings. These non-physical beings may be an aspect of the multidimensional soul, which is living in some other star or planetary system. They could be angels or members of our galactic family. In this time of ascension, we are experiencing the coming together or reuniting of our various personalities of god self. Some are living on Earth, but some are in other dimensions having other realities. There is no real time or space except on earth—just dimensions which are best described as vibrational levels of consciousness. Souls have the ability to visit other planes of reality; we do this many times when we dream or travel astrally.

I spoke with a woman this morning who six years ago experienced a temporary merge with one of her future selves. This advanced being was able to read the thoughts of other people and knew exactly what they were thinking. She heard voices and could ask a question to this guidance and get a precise answer, which could then be verified. This aspect spoke through her and said things that amazed her human host who was experiencing a state of bliss. Suddenly after two weeks, the higher being was gone and things were back to normal, which meant she no longer had these abilities or the blissful feelings.  I had a similar experience in August of 2011. I was in an ecstatic state and smelled a heavenly fragrance around me 24/7 for twelve days. It was like I was floating on a cloud. Nothing bothered me, I had no fear or worry. Then, poof! It was gone and I felt alone and forsaken. When I realized this blissful state was not coming back, I actually felt angry! It’s been a year and a half and I’m now beginning to experience longer and more frequent states of bliss like I had during that time of visitation.  I’m wondering how many readers of my blogs have had or are experiencing some unusual abilities like these or discovered some supernatural gifts, skill, or language. Perhaps you gained a strong sense of knowing, noticed intense feelings or hyper-sensitivity, smell etheric aromas, etc.? If so, when did your experience occur? How long did your experience last?  Please leave a comment on this blog post and share with others.

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Tip for Ascension: Self-forgiveness

Self-forgiveness dispels guilt, shame and feelings of inferiority can block your path to knowing oneness. There may be some people you choose to love from a distance, but that choice is healing nonetheless. The more you love our Creator, yourself, and others, the happier, brighter, and more successful your life will become. The answer then is to love God-Goddess with all your heart, mind, and soul. This raises the vibration of your physical body into a higher octave or level of frequency.

Ascension comes after the resurrection from separation, but there can be no resurrection until something dies or ceases to exist. This is why many individuals are encountering a dark night of the soul and there is so much upheaval in society. The purification path to ascension has been difficult because we have resisted the process that brings an end to human suffering and dethrones the ego.

If you feel there is something in your life that needs to undergo the cleansing, refining process, be willing to allow it. Let yourself feel what you feel in order to deal with the core issue. When you deal, you will heal. As you heal yourself, you heal others and the planet. Then, the only thing left of a past belief or situation is the lesson learned—there’s no emotional attachment to it. The karma (the law of sin and death) is erased from the Book of Life (Akashic Records) and the event no longer has power over you.

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Are You Having Unusual Spiritual Experiences?

Many people are having some very unusual experiences that they would like to understand and share with others who are going through similar life-transformations. That’s why I’m organizing a conference in Nashville, Tennessee May 17-18, 2013. There will be six speakers, who are able to address topics such as the collaborative process between humans and cosmic beings, ascending with Divine Mother (Sophia) energy, how the body can be used as a guidance tool, and how to discover your life’s mission.

Starseeds, indigos, empaths, and walk-ins are arriving in greater numbers than ever as the Earth moves through a galactic alignment that is increasing the vibration of the planet. During this time of ascension, the level of human consciousness is being raised, and awareness of our multidimensional selves is increasing.

Learn more at

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

What is Overlighting of An Oversoul?

The soul or consciousness is a higher vibration of the personality that resides in the physical body. At least a dozen aspects or essences of the soul/oversoul/ higher self are in the area above our head at the crown chakra. This group is called a monad or soul group.

Overlighting is when an aspect of your soul or oversoul, ascended masters, spirit guides, teachers, or angels drape their energy over you for a period of time. During my twelve days of ecstatic bliss whiel I was receiving an overlighting from my oversoul, I sought the counsel of Dr. Caron Goode to gather what information she might provide regarding this situation. I gave her as few details as possible so she would not be guided by my interpretation. Caron didn’t sense that a walk-in was occurring. Instead, she saw an eighth- or ninth-dimensional being draping over my physical body. Only my feet and lower legs were showing. The artwork on the cover of my ascension book is a representation of what she saw. During an overlighting arrangement, a person is able to take advantage of the spiritual knowledge of the higher aspect of the oversoul; and the oversoul is able to anchor itself in the Earth plane through the physical body.

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Tip for Ascension: Soul Retrieval

As multidimensional beings and individuations of the Divine Cosmic Intelligence, our souls have multiple counterparts or aspects residing in dimensions besides this Earth plane. There is no limit to how many individual parts make up the whole of creation. Any of these soul parts can influence or assist us in our life on Earth. An embodied soul can fragment (divide and scatter) during severe trauma or if intense emotional overload occurs. An aspect of our personality may “flee the scene” or dissociate during the ordeal and go into hiding until it feels safe to return. This aspect may go into protector mode and pop up as self-sabotage anytime we experience a similar or disturbing event.

The soul fragments can be reunited with the embodied soul through a practice known as soul retrieval. For centuries, Native American shamans have practiced the art of calling home lost parts of the soul. You may hear Janice Mickel speak about shamanic soul retrieval on We Are One in Spirit Podcast:

My experience with soul retrieval in the late 1990s produced a profound sense of healing for my inner child. During the session, I relived a childhood event that I had repressed so deeply that I did not remember it for thirty-five years. This explained the confusing snippets of a traumatic “mental video” that had replayed and troubled me for many years. When the soul retrieval was complete, the replays ceased and I no longer had ill feelings toward the person who had abused me. Finally, my mom and I understood why I had mysteriously hated this woman all my life.

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Should Drugs Be Used to Help with Spiritual Integration?

When I was suffering with depression, I had a friend who chided me because I was taking a medication to help balance the chemical levels in my brain. This person believed that only “natural” (drug-free) healing was of God and therefore discredited and frowned upon any dependence upon a drug to rebalance the human body. No one should force you to adhere to their particular belief about anything! You and your divine guidance know what is right for your body and your spiritual path. God gives us all things freely to enjoy. So, whether it is allopathic medicine, surgery, physical therapy, diet, exercise, vitamins/supplements, flower essences, meditation, energy work, aromatherapy, some ancient modality, or the suggestions in my books or blogs, everything we do to help our bodies integrate purer frequencies is welcome to participate in our routine for staying healthy.

I will never tell someone not to take a medication that benefits their overall well-being. However, it would be much better to be treated with natural supplements and phytotherapy rather than synthetic drugs. These plant-based remedies weren’t readily available when I needed them more than a decade ago, but they are now. The strength or potency level needed to effectively treat many conditions is much higher than what you can get in herbal supplements purchased over the counter. Rather than self-treating, you are better off to consult a medical doctor known as a naturopathic physician, who uses phytotherapy and high-quality supplements to treat root causes.

Being on a drug or herbal supplement that eases symptoms doesn’t excuse anyone from practicing spiritual purification. An anti-depressant may help you manage symptoms of empathy fatigue while you work diligently to heal your body, transform your mind, and clear unresolved issues. But it’s not an end to the underlying problem, which is an unconscious belief such as not feeling good enough or worthy of good health or thinking that everyone is supposed to suffer and die.

Pain is your body’s way of communicating with you that something that is out of alignment. Dr. Henry Grayson's book, Use Your Body to Heal Your Mind, is an excellent resource for healing the issues underlying the problem that is manifesting as a health concern.

Be sure to seek the gift in whatever discomfort your body is manifesting.  Ask yourself, your body, and your guides what the underlying message or belief is that needs to shift. Then, take action upon what you discern. If you need to forgive someone (even yourself), do that. If you need to stop being around a particular person or situation, set and maintain stronger boundaries. If you need medical treatment, get it. If you feel a massage would help, call for an appointment. If you need energetic healing or prayer, ask someone you trust to pray for you or send love and light.

In holistic treatment there is no “us” and “them,” right or wrong, good or bad. All components can be integrated, and all things can work together for good. God gives us all things to freely enjoy and your body is yours to manage as you see fit. Do whatever you think is best for it, and know that you are always loved!

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Prayer Method: Sending Light to Others

There’s a lot of talk about light these days. Many people sign their emails with something like “Love and Light.” How does that effort benefit anyone?

The light represents oneness or unity with God-Goddess, which brings peace of mind as it purifies our thoughts and allows higher truth to guide us. Light is the resolution of all conflicts and thoughts propagated by the ego’s belief in separation. Light is a pure state of mind that is so unified with Source that darkness cannot be perceived in another person. Therefore, light makes it possible to see as God-Goddess sees.

You cannot find light by analyzing darkness. As Saint Germain revealed to Godfré Ray King in Unveiled Mysteries, “No one can keep his thoughts and feelings qualified with Perfection unless he goes to the ‘Source of Perfection,’ for that quality and activity only abide within the God Flame.” Light is within us. It is our Divine nature. There is chaos and darkness all around us. We are to mindfully choose our response to each thought or feeling that comes our way. As the old saying goes, “A bird may land on your head, but you don’t have to let it build a nest there.” Saying “no” to discordant energy and saying “yes” to the Light of God-Goddess within your heart is the correct way to use energy. The kingdom of God is right mindedness (right use of energy), peace, and joy. If anything manifests as something other than this loving nature it is not your true self. It is the ego’s device to keep you from recognizing your oneness with the divine. To rise above the veil that causes us to see ourselves as something other than a perfect child of God, we must allow the light to shine through us and upon us.

By acknowledging darkness through harboring fear, hatred, resentment, and judgment, we allow it to grow. That’s because what we focus on increases. Focus on the light and love within yourself and others; it will grow and transform your mind, reprogramming it to think on higher things. This is your true nature/self—your spiritual essence that has been hidden by the illusion of fear. Perceive light in yourself and others to experience a miraculous return to wholeness.

Imagine you are in a tent, camping out in your own backyard. When you turn on a flashlight you can see everything inside the tent. The darkness is still outside your tent. Now you turn on the floodlights in your yard, and the area around you contains less darkness. At sunrise, there is even more light around you. At mid-day there is no darkness at all. Compare this to your own spiritual light. There is enough light inside you (your own tent) to light your own path. When you expand your light into your aura, it’s like turning on the floodlights in your backyard. You begin to affect others with your light. Once you make it clear that you want the light and that you don’t want darkness around you, the universe will respond by bringing more and more light. The next thing you know, there is no darkness around you.

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Practicing Spiritual Purification

From the days of circuit-riding evangelists to modern-day energy work, an attempt to find healing and feel a connection with Spirit has had a profound influence upon spiritual seekers. From what I have experienced in typical church revivals is that the euphoria and emotional surge experienced at the event is short-lived because no real change occurs inwardly. Any vows we take to live a better life fail as soon as the ego (limited self) takes the wheel again.

Our efforts to turn over a new leaf rarely produce long-term results. The change we seek must come from allowing the heart and mind of God to overwrite the fear-based thoughts of our limited self. This requires a daily effort of spiritual purification that keeps the higher self in the driver’s seat of our mind and allows the I AM Presence to create permanent change.

Regularly reading and applying the concepts presented in A Course in Miracles has had a tremendous impact on my thought life. Whenever I feel out of sorts, this is what I turn to. I know I will be reminded of how senseless the ego’s offers are. I immediately allow the Holy Spirit to replace the ludicrous thoughts in my mind with higher thoughts that bring peace, love, and joy. It works every time to bring into captivity any thoughts that are out of alignment with the Christ consciousness!

Even though our soul development is a personal undertaking with which we must be intimately and consistently involved, I certainly won’t discount the value of community-based spiritual renewal events. Every summer at church camp I grew in my relationship to Spirit. As a young adult I always looked forward to revival meetings and seeing how many would get “saved” as a result of the Spirit’s work. In other words, I was hungry for my own soul to grow and be healed and I wanted the same for other people.

A movement known as the “Toronto Blessing” began at the Toronto Canada Airport Vineyard Church in January 1994. This affected me in a positive manner even though the “manifestations of the Spirit” were not accepted in my home church. It opened me to a new level of awareness regarding the spirit world, prophetic signs, healing, and miracles. It displayed some wonderful supernatural phenomena that caused many people to have a shift in consciousness, personality, life habits, and true spiritual transformation.

Prayer and fasting, rebirthing, conscious breathing, and rituals in which you ask to be assisted in reaching the next level have a great effect upon soul development. Each time I embark upon an effort to clear karma from my astral body, I feel a deeper connection to Spirit and undergo a process of “stripping away” things that no longer serve me. My ego and emotions always protest this process, but as I persevere, the results are always good. I feel more loving, less judgmental, and have a peaceful, more enthusiastic outlook on life.

Learn more about the ascension process in Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. Yvonne Perry is available as a spiritual coach. See for information about a free 10-minute evaluation to see if coaching is right for you.